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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Merry Christmas ApexDC Users

    Merry Christmas To All !! :thumbsup:
  2. fakelists

    I dont like to spam other links in just a random area without the forum admins permission but you can find more regarding AML on these forums and the links to download it @ http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=2027
  3. fakelists

    What do you mean your fake list? Last time I checked Apex had no "fake" anything.
  4. Connection Trouble

    As far as I can tell from your post yes that is all done correctly. Also in the settings in Apex it should be your external IP as you said. Who is your ISP and your modems make and model number?
  5. Connection Trouble

    If you have went through all the steps and you are 100% sure you have forwarded the ports on the router and such and you know the ports are open and everything is configured right then here is one other option. Some ISP (Not Sure What Yours Is) have modems that have a firewall interface built in that you must either disable or forward the same ports in it also to be able to become active. Another issue that may be a factor is if you have completed everything including checking the modem for a firewall and you have exhausted every option then I would say by default your ISP is blocking p2p traffic or at least the port you are using to try and get active. I also suggest using a high port (Example: 11878) as those are not common ports and may work better for you. Please look into these couple ideas and get back with me here and I will do my best to help you if there is still that availability. Also when you reply to my post provide me with your ISP company and make and model of your modem please. I have been running into this situation with users around DC alot lately. More and more modem's are coming with preconfigured firewalls that are shut to pretty much everything.
  6. My features request

    These 2 things can be found under "window" at the top I requested this and even had a poll and the turnout was pretty much no and worthless idea This part you answered yourself above. ApexDC never claimed to be and is in fact not an OP client. This is considered a user client with some extended features. It is my understanding that the ApexOP client will not begin until there is at least a Apex 1.0 Final. Note: I do think most of his request features are nice and would like to see them eventually but the point in my post was to pick the obvious that Apex as it stands now is not an OP Client. Some people have got this misperception from speaking with others or there was a discussion about it over AML and how its labeled and such. I hope you understand my post Yeppy as your headed in the right track just a step past where Apex is in development at this current time.
  7. 1 million downloads achieved

  8. ADC 1.0 Released

    This is your opinion Toast and is based upon the argument you had with many members on the Ynhub forum. I think this is for the users to decide if they wanna use Ynhub and not base their decision from your bias opinions from your personal experience. Also to I am sure that the Administrators of this forum do not wish to see someone elses work talked about in any type of harmful or disrespectful way. I think we should stay on track on what this thread and board is used for and not show our frustrations on other members of the DC community here on Apex forums. Moderators if you feel I am in the wrong feel free to delete this post. I do think that we shouldn't talk about another hubsoft in a disrespectful or negative way just because of someones personal conflicts with the developers and/or members of its forum. Its not needed from the Apex users let alone someone that is an Apex tester.
  9. Why is ApexDC++ banned from hubs?

    Well then your all set as long as that hub owner isn't on this forum...Cause if they are you just got yourself banned....LOL
  10. My Testing Position

    Actually I do believe Crise has been working on the client but isn't ready to release his next alpha. Give him time. As a fellow developer I can relate that we do not like to be rushed. Rushing only creates bugs and none of us want that. -_-
  11. have 2 slots not 3?

    Agreed. Please tell me the purpose of why its in the client anyhow?
  12. Notepads

    *Sigh*......owell you win some, you lose some. It was a thought thanks for acknowledging it. -_-
  13. Notepads

    Looks like its a neck and neck race on this. Some people need it and some don't. Guess we will see.
  14. have 2 slots not 3?

    In the settings under sharing at the bottom it says upload slots. Change that number to 3. It's actually in plain view but I guess it could be overlooked. :P
  15. Notepads

    3-2 vote...lol I was hoping to see a much higher vote by morning here. Guess some don't know the forums are restored and back online.
  16. My Testing Position

    Hate to see this happen but I wish you the best of luck on your move. Hope its some place warmer then where I am...lol
  17. Notepads

    Let the voting begin then..We will let the users tell us. :P
  18. Notepads

    Yes but having the notepads in Apex it is much more convienent then chasing down an icon on the desktop or so forth. If it's something that is hard or will become a resource issue then I think it would be better left out. But if its simple to add and wont reflect the resources of the client I am sure more people may like to see it. In fact I prepose a poll here to see what the general public would like to see. It will give you and I as well as other an idea of what they may want.
  19. Tab Groups

    I think I understand what you are saying and maybe that could also work with the idea we had. Like my network could all be tabbed as one tab link with a specific color and then I am a member of 2 other networks that I could do them different colors. Good idea would like to see it.
  20. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    This on just timebans the users nick without kicking them from the hub. $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] {:content:}lt;%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !bannick_15d %[userNI] %[userCS]| This one issues a kick to kick them out of the hub followed by timebanning the nick. Big difference in commands. $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] {:content:}lt;%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS] _ban_15d|
  21. Tab Groups

    Loco and I already suggested this here http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=1920 glad to see you want the same features as us though. I look forward to seeing this implemented . :)
  22. Tab Colors

    Any status on this. Is this something that is actually gonna happen and is it even possible? Just checking back for some feed back on this as I don't want this forgotten about. :)
  23. Steal a fuldc feature?

    If AirDC and FulDC are open source then I would not refer to it as "stealing" and if its closed source then I suggest coming up with a different idea similar if not better then the original.. Thats what makes Apex better than the rest.. :(
  24. Problems Downloading

    First thing is first if you are hosting the hub and the machine your are hosting it on is behind a router you need to connect via your internal i.p. if your computer that has apex is say and the computer host the hub is then you need to connect to the hub like so: If the hub and client is hosted on the same computer behind a router then you should connect or localhost:40000. This information may be a little off base of the question but the question does reflect that you may not understand exactly how to do that. The purpose is if you connect to you rhub via external i.p or hub dns you are creating a loopback to your router that can crash your routers firware. By connect via LAN i.p you are connecting directly to the hub instead of an external source. I have seen folks who think that connecting via DNS is ok and have connection issues and/or smoked a router. This may not solve your current issue at hand but I do think its some helpful info to let you know how you should connect to your own hub on your LAN. As for apex yourself to become active in your situation you put the external i.p in the box unless you are downloading on simply your LAN so put the external i.p you spoke of being in the box on apex with the port being 40001 allowing both tcp and udp parameters. Make sure that that port is forwarded in your router to the correct computer. Hope this info was somewhat helpful. Note: I just realized I read your issue wrong and this info is probably false to you if your downloading on a strictly LAN connection, but may be helpful to others. Mods if this post is better off somewhere else please move or delete it.
  25. [BUG][1.0.0B4] dchub links bug

    If you had it set to launch on say StrongDC and you set it that way a year ago and now Strong isnt on your comp but apex is the browser is confusing itself.....damn I wish I could think of the best way to explain this.. :P