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Everything posted by Greg

  1. How evil are you?

    I'm the least evil one so far... heh.
  2. Nah I don't like the indea of global wi-fi either. There's jsut not enough of a need for changing to a different network anyway, and surely wi-fi would still use IP addresses? For sending emails or whatever using a proxy can be fine, but if you choose to illegally download stuff then you choose to take the risk that goes with it, sure I'd be nice to remove that risk, but that#'s not exactly going to happen anytime soon, if even. By the time that happens they'll find other ways rather then checking an IP address. Who knows where citilization is headed, one day computers could be gone, one day all peoples files could be monitored, one daymaybe computers won't deal with "files". When you look into the future it's never simple.
  3. HTTP & FTP Multi-sourcing

    Normally (for me) HTTP sources max my connection, otherwise I wouldn't use them. If they're going to max my connection then there's no need to use DC for it. Maybe someone wants it? I just can't see it beng of much use, bloat maybe?
  4. Useful things in search window

    Ah right, that's a shame.
  5. Having said that though, I hate people who download movies and sell them or whatever. Illegally stealing copyrighted material is one thing, but then profiting from this is something else altogether. The in ternet was not designed to me anonymous and was a thing designed for the US government or something anyway? If you want anonymity then you need a different network, you can't just change the existing one really. The internet is based around IP addresses and most likely always will b e, and I don't have a problem with that, the internet would be useless otherwise (we need addresses for stuff, domains use IP addresses etc.). As to the authorities going after "scene" people... they already do. The people that produce this illegal material and the idiots at the other end are the people targetted most.
  6. How evil are you?

    Dammit, you're all evil. EDIT: (And off-topic ) 200th post. :D
  7. Or you could just to private places and only share with trusted people. Except for the the places I OP on and affiliates of those places, there are no public hubs I'm on. This is so much better then anonymous in my eyes. If someone is anonymous how do you ban them? If someone is anonymous how do you know they are a good source, a worthwhile person? This is a quote which I have seen applied elsewhere for a totally different purpose, but to me it still have meaning to me on the subject of anonymity: "I'm not on DC for the files, I'm on it for the people". That's jsut it, for me DC is not my main source of files, I don't often have to source for stuff here, I could just as easily use IRC for that, the files are a great added feature which make DC the medium by which I communicate with others over other places. When anonymity kicks in you loe touch with peoiple, you're more detached. An IP address, it could be argued, is not important to how you know someone. Yet, it's something that is there to begin with, it's something which you automatically know about them jsut by them being there from the outset. You take this away and there is nothing, DC becomes more file based. Now yes DC is a whole filesharing idea, but at its core it also seems to be strongly focused around "chat". Anonymity in DC will only aid leechers and encourage the use of private hubs. Most private hubs that I use are very hard to get into unless you know one of the people inside and as such it's not required for your IP address to be hidden as there's no one bad there to see. That's it, if you push people away from the public hubs (anonymity = help for leechers etc) then they'll be in private hubs anyway. Maybe some idea of the proxy jsut being used for transfers could work or whatever, but that doesn't seem a very easy concept... there also seems to be a lot of wasted bandwidth if something like this was done, not to mention who will supply all these proxies. It's easy enough for a few people to use a proxy for there transfers, but when you have the whole of the DC community doing who is going to want to give up there bandwidth by choice? I should rather be on highshare private hubs with less people and more variety then a public hub with leechers and whatnot where I didn't know who anyone is. There's different ways of going about things, anonymity is not a path I would choose, because public networks are not my main path of choice.
  8. Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Alpha 2 (Bon Echo)

    I use Opera, "The Fastest Browser on the Earth". :)
  9. Useful things in search window

    Personally I would like to see the ability to be able to add more then one filter or criteria to which the search results/hits have to match. I've seen this in another client, in fact the Search "window"/"sidebar" on there was quite well done.
  10. A bigger chat message box

    Hmm, interesting idea, a dynamic chat-type rows, with a fixed maximum set by the user. I'm not sure if this is what he meant... but I can see it being something of use to some poeple. You would never normally need more then one row so you'd never see more then one. However, on the rare occasion that you do enter more then one line it automatically adjusts to the amount of lines needed. I like this idea... I wonder how possible it is though?
  11. HELP!

    I don't think a program needs to be downloaded especially to add startup programs, well not in this case at least. Be careful when editing your Registry too, if you change the wrong values etc. your computer will be rendered almost useless. Pretty much anything you do is reversable that you do in the registry, if you know what you did, and what to use to fix it.
  12. How evil are you?

    Hmm... Need to watch out for you Spyke, never realised you were evil.
  13. Show us your desktop

    Hmm... I hope Project Looking Glass turns out better.
  14. HELP!

    You can always add to it the registry, which I can tell you to do. However, this isn't adviced i guess, you may damage your computer or whatever if you change the registry. :thumbsup: Personally I don't like to use the starup folder though.
  15. Sharelist Problem

    Heh, good to hear you got it sorted. :P
  16. Development, program versions

    A Linux version would be awesome. The OP version would also be good. *cough* Linux OP version *cough*
  17. Internet slang

    That too, when people actually type "r u k" etc all the time and nevere type properly I just give up on them. When IMing I do it myself if I'm typing with one hand or whatever, but I don't make a habit of it. With internet slang, well acronyms anyway, I think they're fine.
  18. Internet slang

    I try not to use internet slang so much on forums as they are a place for discussion. In IM and chat etc I do use it though.
  19. how nerdy are you?

    Overall, you scored as follows: 19% scored higher (more computer geeky), 1% scored the same, and 80% scored lower (less geeky). Compared to those in the same age group as you: 7% scored higher (more computer geeky), 0% scored the same, and 93% scored lower (less geeky). What does this mean? Your computer geekiness is: High-Level Computer Geek. All of those below you are envious of you! (...Well perhaps not the cool people) Not bad, more geeky for my age, it seems. :D
  20. How evil are you?

    You Are 16% Evil You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm. Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want! How Evil Are You?
  21. What if it was a public hud that you didn't want to see show joins on but for all the other hubs you did, and therefore simply settings show joins as a default would be better. They have to do it for all there hubs? They also have to add it to there favorites beofre they can view joins with this. If this is going to be enough for what people want though, fine. Was jsut putting forward an idea, although as long as you know I didn't just come up with that idea for no reason.
  22. Yeah I back all of those requests, sound good. Maybe the option to Ctrl+LClick to select multiple hubs and then you can tile vertically/horizontally, and stuff like close or whatever too? For the shows joins thing, maybe there copuld be "Show joins", "Do not show joins" and "Default"?
  23. how nerdy are you?

    Dammit, I just re-took it and got the same score.... why do I not get the age group thing? I guess not many people my age have taken it. :D
  24. Show us your desktop

    Heh, my desktop can't improve, not that I ever look at it. Functionability is everything for me, if it looks nice that's a bonus, but not required.