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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Grouping Hubs

    This is linked to the catergories/labels in Favorites feature request, which has not been implemented and isn't on any todo list at the moment as far as I know... I would definitely use this feature if added. Likely something that would be cloned into most other clients.
  2. [1.0.0B/B2][Crash] FREQUENT

    Thanks, hopefully they'll be of use. :(
  3. [1.0.0B2][Crash] Crash on Download Queue

    Thanks for the bug report. There are a number of issues with Beta 2 and we're working hard to bring Beta 3 out as soon as we can... Beta 3 should solve a lot of issues. LOoks like you'll just have to wait, or possibly revert back to 0.4 for a while. Could be at least partially OS/Vista related, too.
  4. Problem with prefixes

    Indeed, that sounds old. Update to newer version of the client. Seems something you'd do anyway, but if it solves this problem too it definitely should be done. :(
  5. IP auto update

    Personally I have a proper domain for my PC/connection, but my IP very rarely changes, so not much of an issue anyway.
  6. Hot keys manager

    It is very possible to use AHK, but it really isn't the best sollution. Changes in the future may require changes to the script etc., if it can be built into the client then I think it should, or I did last year at least. :(
  7. The option to not download filelist if they are the exact same size then maybe? This is generally good enough, surely? BY no means would I expect it to be enabled by default, but if I think it's good enough to be an option. The chances of a user changing their filelist and the size not changing are low enough for me to risk it.
  8. Search Window - Selecting Hubs

    Possibly, just depends on how much demand for it there is I guess. I highly doubt I'd make any use of the feature, but if others would then I see no harm it being added. As for old topic, better than creating a new one in this case I think. :(
  9. Direct Connect and the Future

    I think TheBlazingIcicle was looking into the modification of DC to do something similar, with a vast amount of slots etc. EDIT: This thread is what I was refering to. Post #25. Anyway, I don;t know if TBI still has any intention to do so, but it's an interesting idea to try out. This would need to be something where all members of a hub used this, otherwise the idea would just not work. Solutions such as settings the minimum amount of slots to 100 is probably sufficient though.
  10. sorry but

    The following are features that I knwo of that have been added to the "Apex DC++ speed mod": Added new options to "Favorite Users" page: limit upload speed for user, ignore private messages from user, ban user, etc The amount of sources you can use per file is drastically increased to something like 100 per file. To me these features just seem like short term features which we could have fairly easily added ourselves. The reason these features are not in ApexDC++ is because we honestly believe they're wrong and would ahve a detrimental effect on the network. In the short term, they get you a file or two off of public hubs faster sometimes. In the long term you get banned from hubs, and get nothing, the sort of hubs on which you are allowed to continue are the sort where everyone else is using similar clients and you'll be unable to ever get a slot. Think ahead, share files don't just leech them, get invited to decent hubs where you'll get access to a vast amount of files and people will be willing to provide you with a slot upon request. Please, do not use the word drastically in future, as there are no draastic improvements, at the very most it's drastic changes. The client is fine, it's open source, the developer is open aobut it etc. but when you come here to inform us that there's drastic improvements in it and that all we're doing is making our own client worse I feel rather insulted. As for the TGO hub, if you have problems with the people who are OPs there (such as me) then feel free not to join. Although closely affliliated with ApexDC++, it is a seperate entity. The people on it are willing to spend their free time trying to help others, no one is making you connect. Again I feel insulted when the people of this hub are called incompetent and said to give "retard reason"s, seeing as I am one of the people on this hub who tries to offer support to people. Your comments seem to be unjustifiable to me TYRRAM. In the topic you use the word sorry, why? It implies sorrow or regret, neither of which you seem to show. You seem to want a thread to exist which just insults the project, that in itself doesn't show sorrow, you've shown this by making similar posts/threads multiple times, which shows there's no regret. If you think the speed mod is so drastically improved and we are just making the client less stable then why are you here? Why did you even become a tester for us? I just don't understand, if you've found a more suitable alternative then it would make sense to just use that and not "waste" your time with this project ever again.
  11. Direct Connect and the Future

    A lot of ISPs (in the UK at least) offer a free USENET service, but generally you pay an amount monthly for a subscription from a company such as giganews. USENET as been around since before the internet, was originally used as a method of communication to distribute news etc. but a lot of its use now is to distribute illegal/copyrighted files.
  12. launched

    With 18GB of webhosting space, I can just upload stuff there... More bandwidth than required so could distribute a 50MB file to thousands. Uploading sites are good if you can't justify spending money, but having some hosting to use is far superior. Uploading to USENET is also an alternative if it's suitable for public distribution.
  13. Direct Connect and the Future

    For the general/easy to obtain stuff use bittorrent/USENET, for hard to get/older stuff you have to use one of the 3 sources; DC, BT or USENET. Some of the small specific communities on BT have stuff which is virtually unavailable elsewhere, but it's the same with some DC hubs (mainly private ones). Bittorrent is good for stuff with plenty of sources, so it would make sense to use BT for that, or can even use USENET. To me DC serves a different purpose, generally to get files unattainable elsewhere, lets not just pointlessly clone BT.
  14. ApexDC++_1.0.0_Beta_setup.exe

    Previous versions availble here. As previously stated, the fact it says beta, means it's a beta release, so some bugs etc. are to be expected. No point leaving this topic open, similar issues have been discussed and not much new constructive points being put across. This thread is locked. If the original poster would prefer that it was left open, they may feel free to PM in regards to doing so.
  15. new beta 2

    Seems like this will just turn into a lot unconstructive/defensive posts - that not a very good discussion, just going to frustrate people. This thread is locked. Sad to see this. Was only a short time ago you were testing this client, TYRRAM, now you're just giving up on it due to a problem or two with a release. We're doing the best we can release Beta 3 which should solve all the problems arising, thanks for our testers. If the client is getting worse and worse with each release then we'd appreciated feedback regarding that, so we can improve it... I wish you the best of luck in what you go on to do, TYRRAM.
  16. 400,000 downloads

    Should get half a million fairly soon after B3 too, nice.
  17. Few nasty things

    1) Seems like a realist idea, if there's room in the status bar and it;s fairly easy to implement then I'd like to see it... 2) Nice idea, but I'd rather see it in another/external application. With something like that you want more options, such as repeatitive timers etc. 3) Personally I like Verdana. True, we'd be able to take ASCII art from other places. However, we use the same font as all other clients use my default. Unfortunatly if we change it will mean existing ASCII art will no longer work with ApexDC++, and if changed (which takes a lot of time) will not work with other clients. Also, fixed width fonts generally take up more screen space, which is arguably a wastage. Heh, indeed.
  18. Slow download after 98%

    I'm pretty certain it's just bad lucky on the authors part, no errors anywhere.
  19. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Good guide, thanks for writing it, sure it'll be of use to some of the more advanced/power users. :(
  20. Wiki

    No need for a wiki, just a guides section is fine. If you think something in a guide should be changed, make a post in the relivent thread. We should however have the guides availble on the main page or as a well made CHM/PDF file for users to download, if possible.
  21. Linux Project Development

    Just use VMware or some similar application. I'd run Linux under VMware and let someone VNC in for 10-20% cash (, if they succesfully the write code.) :(
  22. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta

    Woo, version1 (beta) at last. We've come quite far in a year really to already be at this stage.
  23. Segmented downloading techniques

    Closed. If as you say, it is resolved, then locking should not be a problem. This is unacceptable. Private/one-on-one conversations are to take place in PM, as suggested.
  24. Linux Project Development

    Oops, updated, didn't realise that was the topic of this thread. :thumbsup: Will leave the annoucement for the moment, may want to make a new one.
  25. forum down time

    Yep, fair enough, just make sure you choose a decent provider as a lot of VPS providers are substandard.