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About WIZ278

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    Brackley Northampton
  • Interests
    Knife Throwing, Singing.
  1. My favorite Hub & user list has been deleted

    balder sorry for being aggressive i was dischuffed at loosing my files. yes i did try the test without pressing the clear button all my files in favs remained intact. I also tried the same test with my old RevConnect DC++ after copying and pasting all my fav hubs addresses and descriptions to a word document as a safety precaution, i tried all the same tests and the files remained intact after this i tested Apex DC++ again and upon clicking the clear button with Apex DC++ shut down the files were gone upon restart. I then rebooted and since then iI have been unable to reproduce the fault.
  2. My favorite Hub & user list has been deleted

    Thanks bigcanuck & MiRaGe I have now made a backup of "Favorites.xml" file I no longer need to copy and paste the addesses discriptions and passwords. I would recomend to all users make a backup copy of this file. C:\Program Files\ApexDC++\Settings\Favorites.xml
  3. My favorite Hub & user list has been deleted

    Prior to a reeboot i added a hub to my now empty favorites list and then exited Apex DC++ I then clicked the clear buton as previosly mentiond I then ran Apex DC++ and looked in my favorites list and again found it empty I then added a hub to my empty favorites list again and leaving Apex DC++ running but minimised i clicked the clear buton again, this time the files remained intact. I then shut down Apex DC++ and again clicked the clear buton, after restarting Apex DC++ I looked in my favorites list and again found it empty i repeted this test Three times. Once is a coinsidence Twice is a dubious coinsidence Three times is not coinsidence and should be investigated. After rebooting the computer I repeted the tests and all the files have remaind intact. I posted this to hope fully prevent it happening to any one else. I would recomend that anyone planing to see if the clear button has the same effect on their PC, MAKE A BACKUP LIST of the addresses discriptions and paswords it will save allot of misery. Q: how where and in what format are the address stored in Apex DC++?.
  4. My favorite Hub & user list has been deleted

    I have just switched to the normal start menue in XP & tried to Duplicate the fault to no avail. I then switched back to classic view and i can't Duplicate the fault now, yet earlier i duplicated it 3 times. This is very strang & annoying. I have not recently added any new software but i have rebooted the system since the problem occoured. Possibly the reboot has cured the problem as it does for somany other problems.
  5. My favorite Hub & user list has been deleted

    ApexDC++ is installed at the default location: "C:\Program Files\ApexDC++\ApexDC.exe"
  6. Being relativly new to ApexDc++ (I have used DC++ for over 5 yeas)i had no idea that clicking the Clear button to remove records of recently accessed documents,programs and web sites, would delete all my favorite Hub & user lists. The recently accessed records use memory so from time to time i clear the lists.(eg the list under documents & pictures in the start meue, the drop down list in Internet Explorer & the drop down menue for the Run facility) Imagine my horror when i opend ApexDc++ to find my favorite Hub & user lists empy. looked at my old DC++ prog (as i'm im the transitional period) and every things as it shold be with all Fav hub & user lists intact. Thankfuly i can copy all my fav hub adresses from there. I have tested & proved that all of the above is true when ApexDc++ is not running, if it is running the files remain unafected I hope this will prevent this from hapening to anyone else & I hope some one can provide a fix. The Button to avoid is In win XP Right click task bar/Properties Taskbar and start Menu Properties/Coustomise Classic Start/Clear I am also concerned that other clean up programs may have similar efects.