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Everything posted by Kulmegil

  1. PS Limiting connections from same IP already disciussed : http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=1011 I'm still voting for "yes".
  2. spellchecking

    I would say 90% is for P2P and 10% for chat when I was starting. But today it's 50/50 if not less. As for memory usage... virtual mem / peak mem usage 16 384 kB / 21 596 kB with spellcheck (2 dictionaries) 10 508 kB / 16 764 kB with spellcheck (no dictionaries) 10 292 kB / 16 672 KB no spellcheck loaded 0.7.0 build #30 Unicode, 24 total plugins, after start - messageing window opened. I would say it's worth considering at least (depending on difficulty of implementation). It could be implemented as plugin (like guardian plugin in Zion++) PS Spellchecking in hub is evil (except badword checking and spam checking) - should be done client side imho.
  3. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    World languages are done to help non-english users communicate with ApexDC++ devs (give feature requests and report bugs). As for the help it's nothing bad to answer some questions. but translating all the tutorials are beyond my power and free time I admire those who want to do it. As for me... it's not that bad. I have large in-depth Polish guide to DC++ (incomplete currently). I hope I will revive the project and publish it with all the ApexDC++ addition info someday (late autumn probably).
  4. World Languages - Polish

    A creation of Polish subforum ("World Languages >> Polish / Polski") would be nice. Despite around 2 milions Poles that emigrated London since we got into UE I'm sure there are still some good people around lacking english skill. I can help running this corner - I do have little free time (finishing highschool) until end of July probably, but I do have good knowlege about Apex and DC, and I'm used to all sorts of n00b questions :)
  5. ZionDC++

    So is it about GPL or what? Because I read this topic and nobody really said anything straight even if it wouldn't be unofficial... but if You know the reason just say it. It's not like it disappeared into thin air... :/ (page is old copy, since there was 2.06 witch I luckily DLed)
  6. Passive Selected by default

    I think it should be determined by some algorithm in the future... but I'm against stetting passive by default - since it should be used as a last resolve. Since in utorrent "enable UPnP port mapping" is optional checkbox - but even if it's not needed ut will work properly, so maybe same can be done in (Apex)DC++? That is: Leaving only 2 choices (radio box) - passive and active (less choices for simple organism such as user) checkbox for "enable UPnP port mapping" like in ut - optional for active checkbox for "randomize port" - optional for active default = active + upnp + randomize port(?)
  7. Promote ApexDC++

    Kind of strange rules for judging clients Multisource with "only" 10 max segments is counted as minus while from unlimited users is counted as plus. EDIT: yeah... I was thinking about segments of course
  8. Segmented downloading ruining DC

    Well speaking of: I would like just super-fast connection and unlimited storage matrix super resistant to aging, damages, fragmentation and stuff But for now I managed to get pretty good storage space with a low, low student income :)
  9. I know that ApexDC++ already have possibility to set custom away msg per-hub, so one more field won't hurt I find it much more convenient to set custom away to everyone and one custom to favorites (where I don't write about slot begging stuff but I can place some IM contact info for example) so additional option (and /trigger) would be nice.
  10. Share Hiding

    I don't use it myself. It's not really my idea but my friend admin who want to share some files among only trusted people and fellow ops. I won't comment why the first idea, but option to share for favorite users isn't bad imho.
  11. Segmented downloading ruining DC

    Issue is not directly connected to segmented downloading, but when segmented DL hits in the possibility to occur is a lot higher. This issue can be fixed by few lines of code - limiting number of uploads from single IP address - well it's not perfect (NAT people), but will do. I would recommended excluding favorite users, small files, filelists, ect. from limit. You can check sdc++ hidden forum for my (crappy) code I think ADC will solve it for most cases but not for lusers running "cheating" or multiple clients at once. I'm not any authority in "how DC should look like" but I have some opinions about it. First - why is it good? - DC was one of very few P2P networks witch didn't allow downloading single file from multiple sources. Even using download manager You can download from multiple FTP / HTTP sources at once! Well coz it just doesn't work for P2P networks. Maybe it would be good for a LAN networking, and some elite (closed probably) hubs with ALL people with shinning, fast connections but for general it's not good. A lot of users has sucking DSL's witch doesn't allow to rich higher speeds for single connection. Not just that - ability to capture more then one slot for rare file is giving greater chance of finishing downloading - even if one of the users disconnects. Also limited number of segments is necessary to make PFS / SuperSeeding mechanism more efficient. Number of segments really should always be chosen based on file size and connection possibilities. Unfortunately a lot of idiots doesn't understand this and not only set max segments but also looks for clients allowing them to use "unlimited" number of segments. There aren't that much people who has good enough connections to really need more then 10 segments. They could just put some more files to queue or use other software for gathering files (or search for hubs with higher restrictions about user connection speeds for example). I also cannot say absolutely that just by stupid limiting max segments we can solve all the bad since problem is rather: "how much slots singe user "eats" comparing to his/her connection (and upload connection in the first place!) possibilities". It's not just users but developers fault. Yeah. Starting from those who don't care about DC network or lacking imagination making their own or mod. other DC clients. But the problem is a bit deeper... let's just say this - DC network wasn't designed very resistant to cheaters (this sux) and - wasn't designed with any ratio, nor any awards for "good" uploaders (except getting into better hubs). Also standard slot system, although simple and fair it looks, it's just not efficient when coming against multisegment downloading. I think real upload queue* and something like "slot rotation"** and all stuff that comes under PFS idea***. I didn't mention credits (like emule)... I just don't like this idea. If credits would be something that is shared globally and be very cheating resistant maybe I would be convinced. Summary? Segmented downloading is both a curse and necessity these days. But the question is not whenever multisegment should be or should be not! It's far to late to ask such question and there is no really turning back is there? DC needs improvements to handle it, and when properly handled it will become better then when it was non-segmented P2P network - at least that's what I belive. * that just means no one should be able to "cut" into the line, right? ** in short : slot expires after some (based on waiting queue size) and user is putted at the bottom of the queue, idea need some thinking probably ** not only sharing completed parts but also smartest possible distribution of those parts - sounds like torrent doesn't it?
  12. Share Hiding

    Right now - no PS It's not really my req. but it would be nice to extend current "Hide Share mod" in Apex to do 2 things: - hide share but respond to searches (sound silly but has point) - send FLs to favorite and OPs
  13. Export/Import Settings

    I would like to add : if "autoimport.xml" (or something like this) is found in ApexDC++ dir it will ask to import settings at startup (and delete file afterwards). Could be useful to build preconfigured installers (for n00b users), so there won't be need to change default settings and compile custom exe. And it would allow user to decide if he already have his own settings to import them or not. Also by default if "language.xml" is found, ApexDC++ would use it (it will help a lot coz first thing most users do is asking how to change their client into their own language).
  14. Hash progress bar?

    Well I can use either my external hotkey manager program either change it myself in the source. But the point is to make it default in the client for everyone. It makes even more sense if You put some extra options on hash dialog and You want to access it quickly (like in FulDC++). Popoup balloons isn't exactly my favorite. I often find myself either having them disabled in Windows or they just don't popup correctly because to long lines or something (yeah, I thought it was fixed but in reality it still happens). And speaking of popups and hashing - I would apreciate 10x more having damn system log window back into SDC++ / ApexDC++ :/ So what it eats up memory? - it's my choice after all.
  15. Hash progress bar?

    It would be good to at least have some hotkey for quick show/hide progress bar dialog.
  16. Apex DC++ speed mod

    It has some good ideas, and some bad. Those bad are not only removed limitations, also slot for OPs downloading FLs, tag editing (only client and version), posibility to ban users if they don't meet requied slots, share size or speed cap. And that's a hub job not user to decide on that. But mod has some cool ideas like Super User (now in Apex), highlighting shared files in FLs / Search / Search Spy and giving slots for user that You download from. Some more would be good to have in Apex later.
  17. Make DC Tag customizable

    Just use "emulate DC++ in this hub" on favorite hub properities.
  18. Apexdc use less memory and cpu!

    1) Others can download file You are currently downloading and they will after You finish (until You restart Your client). This is a feature inherited from StrongDC++ (since RC10). You can turn this off only by turning off segmented downloading. What Does it have anything to do with resource usage? 2) ? 3) You can't search alternatives entire folders just single files. It's because TTH checksums are connected with single files not entire folder content. Apex will search for alternative sources every X minutes (config. in Settings >> Queue >> Automatically search...) unless there are already Y sources (Settings >> Experts only >> Max sources for autosearch).
  19. Apexdc use less memory and cpu!

    51MB isn't that much, install Windows Vista and You'll understand Socket read/write buffers also affects mem usage of course, but reducing this values may have negative effects on connections. Number of users on the hubs You're in will affect mem usage, and You'll notice it on really big hubs. As for CPU usage ... except mention above you can turn off compressed transfers (file >> settings >> enable safe and compressed transfers). This can affect download times of some files - the one that are good to compress (some ISO's for example). Next Apex versions (based on newer StrongDC++) will probably have reduced resource usage. PS don't use Opera progress bars - turning them on creates little lags for gui (depending on CPU and number of visible progress bars)
  20. PS A little offtopic : An option to "download only from this source" would be good for me (as OP) and much appreciated. Apex always adds a lot of sources for me and I have no control here when I want to check only connection / file from certain user.
  21. Released: ApexDC++ 0.4.0 (Preview 4)

    UsersFrame.cpp , line 284: columns[COLUMN_SUPERUSER] = u.isSet(FavoriteUser::FLAG_SUPERUSER)? _T("yes") : _T("no"); change to: columns[COLUMN_SUPERUSER] = u.isSet(FavoriteUser::FLAG_SUPERUSER)? CTSTRING(YES) : CTSTRING(NO); EDIT: Also line 329! Let's keep ApexDC++ as close to 100% translatable as possible. Overall : Great work with ApexDC++ 0.4.0 !!! Super present for all users :P
  22. Message Filtering feature

    I don't know... most spam bots can start conversation with some stupid "how are you?" and after any reply they type their http://this.stupidurl.org After some period they will post their stupid link anyway if You don't reply. :whistling:
  23. Do not show filelist transfers

    There should be a transferview filter (like emule, or a bit like in fulDC++ - although I'm not convinced to fulDC++'s way of making transferview behave like standard window), hope someone in the future will do it. And the side effect of cleaning "finished transfers" by "close connection" is realesing a slot, so cleaning them too soon is not always a good idea.
  24. $Supports BanMsg

    PS It's very, very bad if it's the user who decide on RULES not the hub. I can't image sharing would look like if every user will set something like : if You set "I love [mynick]" in description You'll get a slot, or "share 100GB to get slot" (even if he is sharing 7). If You don't like rules, or think hub is setting to low "standard" go for more quality one. And anyway - why don't You think DIFFERENT way. Instead of banning users why don't You create a bonus slots, witch will work above standard ones (forced by the hub), and will benefit users who meet Your additional requirements? In fact I may try to show up my private mod witch goes to the subject from this point of view, just need some time :)
  25. This should really be a feature in OP version... still it's not co complex to put into standard one IF devs feel like not having better things to work on, imho. Implementing it would make Apex complete but basic OP client.