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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Total download time in About menu

    This is why DC++ isn't as user friendly as some would like. How does anew user who got it off a website know about /help? He'd look for help in the Help menu. :D
  2. Regarding emulation

    Crise... update this Guide with Zlobomir's suggestions if you feel they are worthwhile.
  3. No joke

    Was this supposed to be in 'When will ApexDC++ be released?' Edit: Looks like you realised and posted there too.. I'll close this.
  4. Restart ApexDC++ automatically after crash

    Not usually, people will do it... but most will just leave it on overnight. What happens if you automatically start it, and it crashes again? It will stay in this loop all night until you stop it in the morning... therefore I don't think this should be added. :D
  5. Total download time in About menu

    And how does the user find out about /help? ^_^
  6. 1.0 Public Beta

    Hi e-mo, this feature means you can password protect the application in the system tray. So without that password, somebody cannot close or open it. If you want to see the feature you suggested above, feel free to post it in this forum as a seperate topic. :D
  7. Total download time in About menu

    But the user may not know of the /stats command.
  8. Total download time in About menu

    A new window for stats should be created...basically like the about box but full of stats.
  9. Total download time in About menu

    I know, I meant just removing it from the about box and only having it in chat commands. But I'd like to keep stats in the aboutbox too.
  10. Total download time in About menu

    Were you planning on moving it to a chat command?
  11. The ability to clear screens.

    The seconds clearing is going to require more memory, since the program will have to store pretty consistenty how many seconds has gone by.. It's not in MSN or any chat program, so why a DC++ mod?
  12. Kademlia support ?

    I don't understand Kadmelia code wise, but your post is the reason why it's not implemented.
  13. IPB 2.1.5 and Update

    Updated announcement regarding the recent showings of logo concepts for ApexDC++ in the Beta/Donator forum. Users should see the popular logo(s) soon! ;)
  14. Kademlia support ?

    If revconnect revised their code to disable downloading/uploading of private hub users then we'd consider this. ;)
  15. The ability to clear screens.

    /clear and /c commands will be present you can enable 'clear chat' button in the peerweb dc++ settings (it should be for main chat too) a list of clear chat commands in the windows menu would be decent, not sure how easy this would be
  16. Tree Menus within the settings.

    Sort of. They are tree like settings already - "Advanced", etc... but you mean within the actual list of settings? Show me a GFX mockup of how you'd like it.. I aint sure how many settings you could group up. Or, wait until you see RC11's new settings layout.
  17. Donations

    Hi and welcome to the forums. If you are still interested in supporting Apex via a donation, you can PM me and I'll give you an address you can send it to. Regards, Lee
  18. What do you guys think about this?

    There are still private hubs. More public hubs will appear even if they go down... As long as the software is there and people are there to run it, DC wont die.
  19. colors in user list

    What are you asking? The client must think you are share checked and therefore displaying your colour different to other ops. Or the other way around.
  20. Dc++ Emulation (Like in pwdc)

    I stand corrected then.
  21. Dc++ Emulation (Like in pwdc)

    It'll be in, with the tweaks seen in PeerWeb DC++.
  22. [PWDC++ BUG] crash

    This crash obviously isn't the same problem as the above post. There's little we can do now, since we're basing ApexDC++ on a completely new version of StrongDC++, pretty much eliminating any crashes/bugs found in PeerWeb DC++. :)
  23. IPB 2.1.5 and Update

    Uploaded the patch to avoid the security hole issued today. Click here to view more. :)
  24. Tabs

    I think if we're already looking into improving the tabs in ApexDC++, I don't see why we cannot consider this too. :)