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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Why is ApexDC++ banned from hubs?

    That hub might not have allowed for the new versions of DC++ being out.
  2. crash 1.0.0B5 (2008-01-19)

    Have you got the emoticons installed?
  3. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    Yeah, it's exactly like you banning older versions of clients. The older beta builds are not intended to be kept running when there's a new version out. That is why we force you to upgrade, since we do not want the old betas on the network. Betas are for testing purposes, and once we have a new beta to test, people should help with that. Like I said, we'll rethink the forcing of betas after we release 1.0 final. There is no need to ban all versions of ApexDC++, allow 0.4.0 only for instance. :thumbsup: Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    Either use 0.4.0 or stay on the latest beta. :)
  5. Dynamic updates for IpGuard

    The amount of IP's in the peerguardian blocklist that would be helpful for the average DC user isn't high, so it was using too many resources for the amount of IP it blocked. Hub owners should run PG in that case Mikey.
  6. So technically, you're requesting this. :)
  7. Solved: ApexDC 1.0.0B5 bug - Search

    Not for me... what's your search string?
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    To fix a few crashes, wasn't a complete merge. That was done prior to 2.11 being commited to StrongDC++ SVN and released.
  9. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    No, 2.1. We released before.
  10. IP Guard improvements

    There are some nice ideas there Pedja. If they do not make their way into the final 1.0 version, expect improvements to be made in the 1.x branch. :)
  11. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    Pedja, we understand your issue and are sympathic towards the community. We just cannot allow people to use the previous beta's due to the issues found in them. We'll take note of this and consider something in the future (possible delay until the update is forced).
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    There's a few changes to ADSL search and the inclusion (and improvement) of the installer.
  13. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    The idea is that all beta users stay up to date with the current beta version. We do not want users running previous betas on the network. :thumbsup:
  14. Italian and french forum

    Want to maintain it Kryppy?
  15. [1.0B4] Can't use B4 any more?

    We do not want previous beta builds being used on the Direct Connect network. :thumbsup:
  16. please help, cant get into any hubs

    It's possible that when "upgrading", you started off with a fresh settings page. That means you'll have to reapply your connection settings.
  17. User Commands

    Yeah, because it's tidier. :thumbsup:
  18. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Fixed, forgot to update the test. :)
  19. Unpinned, this has been fixed in Beta 5.
  20. Public Development Starting

    Can we reframe from the whole Linux vs Windows, we've heard it many times. Stick to the topic :)
  21. Your browser of choice

    Got a few polls going on here, so why not add one for our browsers. Greg got me to try out Opera and I used it for a little over a year I believe before switching back to Firefox. Not sure why I did, it just happened. I'll probably give Opera a go again because Firefox doesn't run too good under Windows Vista. I'd have to say Opera was my choice of browser. Anyway, tell us what browser you prefer to use! :(
  22. Hub\Slot ratio=1

    I don't like how a beginner can enter 20 hubs and have 20 upload slots open without his knowledge. :)
  23. connection isseu after updates

    Hmm, sounds unique. I run Office 2007 with all updates and haven't had any issues.
  24. P2P Communication Across NAT

    He means NAT to NAT communication.