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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.1

    Thanks for the quick report of the settings errors, we're fixing them ASAP and going to upload a new build for you guys. We have hidden the download links on SourceForge for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience. Update: 1.0.1 released - there's a few new changes from 1.0.0.
  2. [Bug][1.0.0] Connection settings - Fixed

    I can't reproduce the IP address. It will have automatically tried to grab your IP address on startup.
  3. Plugin API

    Moved to our new forum ready for the release of 1.0 final. :)
  4. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    To celebrate our second anniversary on 19th January, we are proudly announcing the immediate availability of 1.0.0 Beta 5. Our community members have been testing early versions of Beta 5 in our development area (now closed), and we appreciate all the feedback on those. Beta 5 sports an improved resource management system, running lighter and more efficiently. IPGuard replaces PeerGuardian, allowing a user to manage their own blocklist (all connections are blocked including downloads/uploads). More details on the changes can be located here.
  5. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Yeah it's pretty stable Rigor. We'll look forward to releasing it to you guys. :D
  6. Just curious what type of stuff people download using ApexDC++. Do not state any copyrighted filenames, as we do not condone using ApexDC++ for this purpose. We presume these are all freeware files, so please do not breach the rules of this topic. I personally download software with it.
  7. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    So you enabled DC++ emulation in favourites?
  8. Donation page fixed

    There was a little typo in the paypal address, it's been like that for a while (no wonder we weren't getting any donations!). So if you know anybody who donated but had to reclaim their money back because it didn't get sent to the right address, please tell me to have another go. :rolleyes:
  9. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    This should help: http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=16
  10. Switching from DC++ to ApexDC++ Due to ApexDC++'s gaining popularity, many users are going to want to switch from their original client to ApexDC++. You can follow the steps below to ensure you can save your downloads and settings. Go to the your original client's program files folder (Program Files/DC++ or /StrongDC++, etc) Find the following files depending on what you want to save:queue.xml (downloads) dcplusplus.xml (settings - not recommended, since conflicts can occur) favourites.xml (favourite users) hashdata.data and hashindex.xml (share hash data) adlsearch.xml (adl search preferences) profiles.xml (client detection rules) [*]Simply copy over the files to your Program Files/ApexDC++/Settings location [*]Start up ApexDC++ You should now have all your downloads, settings, etc. Please note that DC++'s settings is different to ApexDC++ (less options), so go through your settings and check your settings. :)
  11. automatic force attempt

    It already automatically does it... :(
  12. Thanks

    Thanks. :P
  13. Auto Updater

    Code was in place for this, but was removed until after 1.0 final because it needed more work.
  14. Game: Guess the movie

    Another game for us to play. You simply have to guess the movie/film the screenshot is from. Obviously don't make it too hard to begin with so we can have a few different people playing. Rules The first person who correctly guesses the film gets the point, and he must then post a new scree shot The original person who posted the screenshot must verify the guess is correct before the next screenshot The same person should not guess loads in a row - let others have a go!
  15. Fix: Why can't I search?

    Why can't I search? This guide is helpful for people who cannot search hubs due to their internet connection. A hub often requires a user to register before searching and downloading on their hub, and therefore you must take that into consideration. Assuming that you're registered or the hub doesnt require registration and you're still requring problems, then follow these guidelines: Use the "Get IP address" button in connection settings. Check your firewall configuration. You need to make sure it's allowing or forwarding incoming connections on the port specified in the settings. You have to enable both TCP, UDP and TLS traffic. If you can download files but not search in active mode, this means that the ports are still blocked (use this guide to resolve this). If the above things don't work for you, you'll have to use passive mode (if the hub allows it).
  16. Automattically start Apex on windows start up?

    Settings > Advanced. Start ApexDC++ at Windows startup. ;)
  17. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Let's be less rude, so people can understand the situation from both sides.
  18. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    Thanks Claust, and on that note we should close this. :thumbsup:
  19. [Bug][1.0.0B5] Upload slot speed

    Wrong displayment. :)
  20. New ApexDC++ Dock Icon

    That's pretty cool. :)
  21. Linux Project Development

    I'll contact almightycow for you.
  22. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    The idea is that you hash all the files, and once that is completed, it adds it to share after it refreshes automatically (by default: 60 minutes). You can reduce this in Advanced > Experts only.
  23. Multi-Part? Download Issue

    It's been improved in 2.1x too, though. I'm sure he's still looking into it.
  24. connection problem

    Are you positive you're not running another instance of ApexDC++ that is connected to the hub?