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Everything posted by Lee

  1. 10,000 members

    Hey, we have reached 10,000 registered members on our forums over the past few days. Probably a few inactive ones, but its not bad for a direct connect project like ours. Attached the image. What do you reckon, can we make 20,000?
  2. 10,000 members

    I just said that... :P
  3. Linux ApexDC++

    He might still be working on his exams.
  4. Apex Search Responder Bug

    Confirmed in DC++, wait for next public release.
  5. StrongDC++ 2.21 Released

    We're working on merging right now. Should be a private beta shortly, and then we'll work from there.
  6. DC++ 0.709.1 Released !

    This topic is for DC++ releases Sherifa.
  7. StrongDC++ v2.2 Released

    Releasing 2.2 to the public showed Big Muscle was satisfied. Issues have been reported after the release and that's why he is recommending you wait till next release.
  8. DC++ 0.709.1 Released !

    And that's how it should be. :)
  9. someone screwed this client

    I apologise for some members' inability to help people experiencing problems, I'm embarrassed. Moving this to support. Anyway, what port numbers have you tried? You should try two completely different ones instead of say, 6970... are you positive your router is forwarded correctly? :)
  10. Please don't create two topics about the same thing. Read my reply to your previous topic. :)
  11. someone screwed this client

    You can only use version 1.1.0 due to the security issue previously mentioned. We strongly recommend it, and do not allow you to use outdated versions. :)
  12. StrongDC++ v2.2 Released

    Me too. :)
  13. Released: ApexDC++ 1.1.0

    Our subscribers and beta testers have been privately using beta versions of 1.1 for the past few months, and we're pleased to announce that 1.1 is ready for mainstream users. Introducing a new update system that automatically upgrades users to the latest version (this will be active for our next public version), and many more significant improvements. Critical bugs and a security exploit has been fixed in this version. Therefore, we highly recommend all users upgrade to 1.1.0 immediately. Please remember to donate if you believe we're doing a great job (it goes towards our server expenses). Download: ApexDC++ 1.1.0 | How to upgrade
  14. Some site and forum suggestions.

    Will update ASAP, thanks for the notification.
  15. AML 4.x Series

    Is there a discussion topic on your website? Might want to include that.
  16. Back :)

    Welcome back keine, I have missed your wisdom. Indeed Greg, 2 million downloads would be excellent....10 million? :(
  17. For Olorin - Testers

    Please use PM next time. :)
  18. Released: ApexDC++ 1.1.0

    Looks like we're rapidly approaching the 2 million downloads mark after this release. We reached 65,000 downloads in the past two days.
  19. all new clients freeze at download queue

    Try pruning some of the queue... how large is it?
  20. Released: ApexDC++ 1.1.0

    What happens when you right click on the emoticon, to re-enable them?
  21. wtf ?

    Did you run the setup file to upgrade successfully?
  22. ApexDC 1.0.1 Crash

    Yes, upgrade to 1.1.0 and re-report this crash if it continues.
  23. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Make a list of all the commands that are left out, and we'll work on including them in the help command.
  24. 1.0.1 bugs forum is locked

    Fixed. Please report them again and link to the old topic, so we have previous information. :)