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Everything posted by Lee

  1. ahura or 5net users

    That is because the hub is unavailable, nothing to do with our program. :thumbsup:
  2. Message to main chat

    What message are you wanting to send? :thumbsup:
  3. Announcing Bulletsphere.com

    When I'm not lazy I will fix it and work on it. :D
  4. Announcing Bulletsphere.com

    We have been working on a custom built Content Management System based on phpBB3 over the past few years, in our spare time. The system (known as ClickCMS) uses the phpBB3 database to display front page content and has been used for ADCPortal for the past few months, with Bulletsphere being the latest addition. Bulletsphere.com hosts the latest demos or updates for gamers around the world, at lightning fast speeds. The site design has been in development for a few weeks, and is ready for public use. Bulletsphere provides the latest gaming news aswell as files on its front page, and is currently looking for enthusiastic gamers to help contribute. If you're interested in future ADC development or gaming, visit the respected sites above and help support our projects. As always we're working hard to produce the next version of ApexDC++, so please be patient.
  5. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.1

    After a few technical issues, 1.2.1 is now available to the public. We have been privately testing this maintenance release for a few months now in order to work out the high CPU issues that people encountered. You can read the full changelog or go straight to the download page to install your copy. If you're experiencing issues with the latest version, it could be due to a number of issues in Windows Vista. Firstly, check out the UAC configuration guide out in order to fix permission issues, or secondly you must check this topic if you're experiencing 100% cpu usage. As always, please donate if you appreciate our work. Download: ApexDC++ 1.2.1 | How to upgrade | Connection issues
  6. hangs on download queue

    Have you upgraded keeping the current queue? How large is it?
  7. Area 51

    It's still there, your subscription must have ran out. :D
  8. please help me out

    Wrong forum. :D
  9. Rate us on SourceForge!

    It's been a while Zlob. Rat2000: Jealous people, maybe. :D
  10. Rate us on SourceForge!

    SourceForge have launched a new feature that allows anonymous and registered users to vote a thumbs up (or down :stuart:) for projects. We already have a few votes, but if you haven't already drop by our SourceForge page and give us a thumbs up! You can see the new feature on the top right. Here's a screenshot of what you're looking for.
  11. Suggested Search Tab buttons new order

    I know, but if there's that many complaints it's probably best reverting to old design. :)
  12. Suggested Search Tab buttons new order

    It should be one or the other personally. There doesn't need to be a checkbox for everything. :stuart:
  13. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    Yep, this is a known issue that they tried to patch. But when we applied it, nothing changed. Although it has fixed itself for me (I can now successfully edit my posts) using RTE.
  14. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    The forums have been upgraded to the new IPB 3 architecture powered by IPS, introducing powerful moderation tools for our management team and improvements to the end user experience. We hope you enjoy the upgrade and if you discover any issues regarding this, please report it. Thanks for your patience, and we hope to see you over there!
  15. Suggested Search Tab buttons new order

    Yeah, I think this has been suggested before too. Unless it was Big Muscle who was trying to achieve this?
  16. Suggested Search Tab buttons new order

    Moved to feature requests. :stuart: I do like the idea because you can see more of the search results. :)
  17. Search: set file type

    Maybe it should automatically save your last setting.
  18. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    I'll report it to IPS directly, since their software still seems to be a little buggy even after two maintenance releases. Thanks for the heads up. :stuart:
  19. Connecting to DCDev Public

  20. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    That rewrite issue is strange. But regarding the forum icon, you should use the "Mark Board as Read" right at the bottom of the forum to reset the view, and then see if cookies are set right.
  21. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    Messed up since upgrading to IPB3, or 3.0.2? You may need to empty your cache (Ctrl + F5).
  22. Problems in connecting with nicks

    This bug is most likely hubside, since it's not accepting your username. Change it to something else, more basic or use a different hub (there are thousands).
  23. Upload options

    We'll be changing the slot ratio from 0 to 1 in our next version, so that should have a positive effect on the network. Because right now, I think by default it's only 1 slot.
  24. Disable, Emulation by Default

    Psh, stick to official ones for arguments sake. :)
  25. Integrated help

    We need people to help us write this sort of stuff, otherwise we'd get bogged down in documentation and nothing else will progress.