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Everything posted by Lee

  1. We are now hiring

    The market was pretty saturated when we originally launched PWDC++ - look where we are now. We're beating DC++ and StrongDC++ on downloads right now. Anything is possible. You guys invented ADC, why don't you invest and finish it off? You seem too busy telling us how badly we're managing our own project. While the plugin system is an excellent idea and you might get mod authors submitting plugins, they aren't going to ditch their project to come develop for a DC++ plugin. We aren't basing on "another mod" for this, it's coming straight from us.
  2. We are now hiring

    I've spoke to Nas, probably best we discuss this on IM or PM when you're next on.
  3. Bumping this because it was in our staff room. Just a heads up that the whole DC++ core does not need porting over, it should compile easily already. It's just our and StrongDC++'s modifications (since we're based on them) that need porting.
  4. May I ask what modifications you have made, or are they just cosmetic?
  5. How to prevent forced upgrade ?

    What Crise is trying to say is that if you're hoping by 1.3.3 your crashes will be fixed, they must be reported and reproduced.
  6. Problem

    Did you install the new version in the same folder as the old? The settings page should not open if you have upgraded correctly.
  7. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.2

    It's that time again! Our second maintenance release for 1.3.x series is now available for immediate download. We have successfully merged with StrongDC++ 2.41 and fixed a load of bugs to provide a more stable program. The behaviour of auto updating a user's IP has been improved, minimising to tray works properly and a lot of crashes have been resolved. Check out our changelog for more details. This is a highly recommended update to anybody suffering from stability issues in previous versions. We have integrated our installers with OpenCandy, a powerful engine to recommend useful software for our users. It will provide us with the funding needed for ApexDC++ 2.0 and beyond. Please view our announcement regarding this for more information. Download: ApexDC++ 1.3.2
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.2

    We're still looking for a feasible way of doing this. In the mean time, we will continue to tweak the traditional update check behaviour.
  9. Somebody is going to enjoy 2.0...
  10. Auto Banned for "Limited Connection"

    Yes, the limit is displayed in your tag. Unfortunately some hub owners disagree with being able to limit your own connection so you can still browse the website while your DC client is running.
  11. apexdc++ architecture idea

    A sense of how things should be done? They might have the features you need, but they certainly aren't doing it right. And you're supporting them with that.
  12. ApexDC++ 2.0 vision

    We have been in discussion for a few weeks now regarding the future of the ApexDC++ project, and we want to explain the outcome of these talks. The project has been a very important part of the staff's lives, learning new skills and understanding the needs of users. But we want to take it to the next stage, providing you with ApexDC++ 2.0, a brand new website and a host of improved services. Our splash screen hasn't been updated since the start of the project, with a lack of graphics staff. We have had plans for a new website, portal area for interactive discussion, and a comprehensive guides section for a long time now. However, we haven't had the time, people or funding in order to work on it. Ever since we first launched our preview versions (0.1.0), we wanted to port the program to Linux and Mac OS. This is still a goal for the project, which will allow us to broaden our userbase. How are we going to fund this vision? Meet OpenCandy.
  13. New update links for AML

    Closing...read Toast's post above. :thumbsup:
  14. ApexDC++ OP

    After announcing three seperate projects for the growing ApexDC++ brand, constructive discussion and questions can be posted about our Operator version below. We're currently considering what source code we should use to develop and build upon to create our own OP client. Experienced Dc operators' replies will be useful so if you are one, please post below. Many of you will have tried out a variety of clients to manage your dc hubs, and so we'd like you to post your experiences. try to include: Why the client you chose (stability, positive development, respectable dev team) What features do you like in the client What features would you like to see in our version StrongDC++, Zion++ blue and DCDM++ are some obvious choices, any other suggestions? Give us your thoughts! :)
  15. ApexDC++ OP

    The current version is pretty much a fully fledged OP client.
  16. ApexDC++ 2.0 vision

    A good percentage of our downloads get installed, so there's still a lot on a per month basis. I'll post some stats eventually, but hopefully this will provide us with the revenue needed. ManWhoCan: Thanks for your feedback. We have seen other projects get it completely wrong with something like this. :)
  17. ApexDC++ Translations

    We're no longer keeping this topic open as we've got a better process for recruiting translators. Please PM me if you have any other questions.
  18. Our translations have moved. If you would like to help us translate ApexDC++ to your language, please click here.
  19. Plugins for ApexDC++

    Fixed it now. Sorry about that :)
  20. Broken emoticons

    What emoticon pack are you using?
  21. Plugins for ApexDC++

    Whoops. I'll sort that out later today. :unsure:
  22. ApexDC++ 2.0 vision

    From the initial list, there's some useful software. There's Anti-Virus solutions, PC TuneUp Utilities, remote access and syncing software. I will continuously monitor the recommended programs and purge them if they aren't relevant. I wonder how many of our users don't have any Anti-Virus installed? I've excluded toolbars and plugins off the list. Each time the installer is run, if there's software to recommend it will do so. The user has to select yes or no to installing it. It doesn't look like a EULA page either - it's very clear. That's what we're trying to achieve. :)
  23. ApexDC++ 2.0 vision

    Just like CCleaner and WinSCP, this only affects the installer. There will still be an alternative build offered without OpenCandy through the binary archive (which includes exe and pdb). Thanks for the comment ProProductions. :unsure:
  24. ApexDC++ 2.0 vision

    What is OpenCandy? OpenCandy a recommendation engine for projects like ours. It allows us to offer our users the opportunity to discover useful programs through the installer. The user is presented with a clear option to accept or decline the installation in order for recommended program to be installed on the computer. Nothing is selected by default and there is a clear description of the program, which means no confusion is caused. Respectable projects such as MediaInfo and WinSCP use this, with VLC Media Player currently considering it. View the video showing OpenCandy in action: <object width="400" height="225"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=5219644&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=5219644&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object> How will it benefit ApexDC++ and its users? Each time a user installs a recommended program, our project gets paid. The money received through OpenCandy will go directly into the project's vision. That means a brand new website with a better support facility, interactive portal to promote Direct Connect activity, 2.0 with a brand new GUI and hopefully we can span across multiple platforms. This means users can run ApexDC++ on Windows, Linux or Mac OS. With this sort of funding, we will be able to hire additional developers, graphics and web designers to progress with ApexDC++ 2.0 and its website. Will it effect future versions? No. If anything, it should speed up development cycles because we have more resources available. When will it happen? OpenCandy will be integrated into 1.3.2's installer package. What programs will it recommend? OpenCandy offers programs based on your computer specifications. It will not install a program you already have, or cannot run. Alongside other programs, we will be recommending certain types of Open Source programs in order to promote our openness. What information is used? You can read OpenCandy's privacy policy to reflect this. I don't want to install it You have two options: 1) Just select Decline and ApexDC++ will install successfully. 2) Download the binary archive. We will still provide you with the binary version without OpenCandy. How can I remove it? Simple. Go to Add or Remove programs and select the program that was installed. ApexDC++ will remain operational and not be affected. I want to know more You can view the OpenCandy FAQ page for more information. We will reveal more details about the website and program developments in the near future. Our team is excited to work on our new ideas, but this isn't possible without something like OpenCandy to fund our resources. Let us know if you have any questions regarding this announcement and we will be happy to answer them.
  25. You need to copy your settings and stuff from the AppData folder (it's hidden btw) in user profiles. Move it all back over to your directory settings area.