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  1. Cannot get filelists but search works

    Just an update... I've swapped network adapters and Apex is now working properly as it should. I can't begin to imagine how on earth a bad card could only affect one of the many network applications I use. But changing cards entailed a change of local IP address, maybe that reset Apex's settings in some way that I hadn't been able to do via soft methods. Anyway, all working now and hope someone else may benefit from the fix that worked for me. :)
  2. Cannot get filelists but search works

    Thanks for the reply Mek. Sorry for forgetting to specify my stuff. WinXP 32 bit. Netgear DG834G router. Avast AV, plus Malwarebytes Pro. I've always believed (rightly or wrongly) that my NAT router is a good firewall, so I only also have Windows firewall running. I have tried your suggestion, disabling all Avast real time shields and turning off Windows firewall with no effect. Should I try to remove all and any entry relating to Apex in Avast and WinFW and re-enter them? Actually looking at my Apex system directory, the .exe was last changed at the end of May and it only stopped working a week or two ago. The only PC issues I know I've had recently have been updating ATI graphics drivers... that was as unpleasant as always as my whole system is old and creaky, A7N8X motherboard, AthlonXP 2500+, 2.5 gb RAM, Radeon 9600XT video... etc. But that doesn't seem to explain why uTorrent and CzDC should be happily working away while I can't connect to anyone with Apex (hub users can still connect to me with Apex) So if anyone cares to have another shot in the dark, I'm wearing a luminous target on my head... thanks :)
  3. Apex 1.5.4 has been working fine for months but something has upset it's connection. I can connect to hubs OK, I can search OK but I cannot connect to users, I just get timeouts when trying to grab filelists. I have been through all my router forwarding, and have made new port connections and checked them with PFPortChecker which says they are open (but I don't know how reliable this is). I use the same port for TCP and UDP and another port for TLS and DHT, all in the range 10000 - 30000. I have also tried different ranges with no improvement. I have uTorrent which is connecting properly. I can also use CZDC++ and this client will connect to my hubs and download normally. I use a different set of ports for CZ and Apex, but they all check out as OK with PFPortChecker. The only thing I can think of to try next is clean reinstall ApexDC, but asking here first is a better plan. Many thanks