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Posts posted by Ð.Sp!dér

  1. Let's say someone just won't give up on downloading even though that particular person knows it will take about a month or so to finish. So he's downloading at about 0-600 bits/s (no more than that) and he frikin' knows it !! :) He's not even using multi-source or something that would cut me some slack !

    I'm talking about a feature that disconnects (mabey even removes uploading users from queue) users downloading at speeds under 1 kB. That would mean more pipe for those who deserve it. I hate stubborn people... This guy's just taking up a perfectly good slot. In the meanwhile, someone else with a much better connection would wanna connect.

    Btw: He's downloading pr0n from me, that stupid excuse for a wanker... 800 MB mpeg @ 500 B/s (go figure!)

    Or you could do something similar to BitComet. Ban user for 5m/10m or 1h/24h. But not banning the user's IP. That would mean not being able to PM him. Nor would he, for that matter...

    Actually, it's a great ideea. Ban IP > the perfect ignore. And I know that this kind of software exists (PeerGuardian?) but that kind of software bans the IP for every single connection. What if I don't want a friend downloading from me that's currently added into my messenger list ? Then I wouldn't be able to talk to him at all. So keep this IP banning within the program.

  2. Bots have the status of an OP. So i'll be very happy if I can ignore these. Currently, I can't. Every time I connect to my favorite hubs they send out stupid greeting messages or some crappy advertisment. It just pisses me off !!

    Please add this feature in the "to-do" list. Please. Also, I like having an "Ignore list" just like in IM programs. Also, some people hit&run with a comercial or advertising a radio station or hub or stuff like that and instantly leave the hub. Probabily because they get kicked/banned. But still... I would like to add their nicknames to that ignore list. Because I can't right-click their names once they're out of the hub. :)

    And when they'll try to contact me again, a message sould be sent to them. Saying something like: "Oh, I'm sorry. You've allready advertised some bs. Now you're ignored. Have a nice day." Customizable ofcourse (to fit any country and language, english by default).

    This would be a great and useful feature. Thank you.

  3. When the content of a window changes (eg. someone wrote something in the mainchat) the tab to that window just above the task bar bolds. I just want tabs the same sizes.

    Not having more then 3 rows would be nice. Clicking unbolds them and makes them smaller. And when the contents change they become wider.

  4. Dude why dont you use oDC to download from those users and apex for everything else.And there's no good reason to make a patch.If you dont like the fact that new dc clients dont support old stuff - go to dc++ forum and talk with the dudes there.

    I would download from them using oDC. But that would mean i would have to close that hub in Apex and connect to the same hub on oDC ! Some hubs won't let you connect for at least 1 minute. Czone (RO) has a total of about 200 seconds or more.

    There are also lazy people not willing to hash tremendeous lage data (200 GB+) just for the kick of it. Would you wait for 6 hours untill all your data has been hashed ?

    This patch will have a specific meaning. Would force them to upgrade. :) So what do you say ? Could it be done ? Please ?

  5. Can't you guys make a patch or something ? So that we (us using TTH) download from them, including filelists and for them NOT to download from us including filelists ? Just displaying an error message saying that "oDC-based clients are no longer supported by this user" ? (it already does that but with a diffrent not-so-compelling-for-the-average-user-that-lives-in-a-third-world-country-and-does'nt-know-too-much-english when they try to get our filelists)

    When we try to get THEIR filelists, it shouldn't just dissapear as it currently does. It should notify us that the user is using oDC or an oDC-based client. And for us (using Apex) sending them an auto-PM informing them about the benefits and advanteges of using TTH, and mabey even advertise Apex.

    Considering this is a request for a feature, it should be included as a setting with a text box for a manual translation, or customized advertisement of Apex. Don't you agree ?

  6. I guess it depends on the user. Don't download file lists from oDC users. Check the tag. If the hub does'nt show anyone's tag the find a new hub. Prefferably a smaller one. Check outy the tags form every user, or filter their tags to "oDC" and try gettingh their file lists.

    YOU CAN'T. Why ? oDC is no longer supported by the DC community. :)

  7. Code: c0000005

    Version: 0.2.2

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-10-29 14:08:54


    d:\cvs\apexdc++\022\client\downloadmanager.cpp(126): DownloadManager::on

    d:\cvs\apexdc++\022\client\speaker.h(51): Speaker<SettingsManagerListener>::fire<SettingsManagerListener::X<0>=0x0053AF00,SimpleXML *>

    d:\cvs\apexdc++\022\client\timermanager.cpp(38): TimerManager::run

    d:\cvs\apexdc++\022\client\thread.h(134): Thread::starter

    f:\rtm\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\threadex.c(348): _callthreadstartex

    f:\rtm\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\threadex.c(326): _threadstartex

    Was just downloading a file at ~2 MB/s when it suddenly died on me. I've also patched the main executable with "SDC++ remove netlimiter detection.exe" can be found on the official StrongDC++ site. Should I reinstall ? Also I think I have a few problems with the tablet allocation on drive D: ... I've converted this drive using the tool NTFS provided by WinXP Pro.

    Was using NetLimiter 2.09 at the time...

    Edit: The guy from above is using Peerweb ! Just take a look at his exception > Version: 0.41 !