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Everything posted by Satan

  1. manually update index

    You can manually do it by typing /refresh into a chat window. or you can press Ctrl+E or DC will do it for you automatically every 60 minutes or you can use 'add finished files to share instantly' from Settings>Advanced (if you want your share to be updated real-time - caution with this, if your gaming while DC is running for example your fps will drop to **** every time a file finishes).
  2. Fastest Download Speed?

    Anyways, dont complain. I can only DREAM of 10Mb speed (and i'm sure it's 20 sometimes). I only get 6 :crying:
  3. Fastest Download Speed?

    Your sure you not on 10Meg lee? 1.5Mb is 10meg speed.....I appreciate it contention and network activity can kill it tho....
  4. Crash info b4

    I'm one of them :lol:
  5. Always on top

    By all means, by spending the last 2 days in this corner it's nice and warm!! :P
  6. Apex 0.2.2

    Well because you swamp the network if you use a client that allows you to connect to loads of hubs. Why should you need to connect to so many hubs? You just turn into one of those users who leeches **** all the time and never shares..... PS can a staff member with relative privalages lock this ****???
  7. Crash info b4

    Sorry BM, I didn't realise....any chance of a link to the topic and i'll close this topic?
  8. Crash info b4

    Any idea what he/she's doing when it happens?
  9. Always on top

    Give me a break!! I didn't know /me goes and sits in corner!
  10. Game: Guess the movie

    Ahhhhh, -10 points for bad behaviour PS I dont know!! ;)
  11. [BUG][0.4.0-1.0.0] There is not enough space on disk

    Be careful making alterations to the system drive in that way. Windows esp, not so much Linux, can be very fussy!
  12. Always on top

    Before you re-install you could always try restarting windows!
  13. User icon's explained

    AFAIK that indicates a user on a LAN connection. As defined in the settings.
  14. Fastest Download Speed?

    Well then your getting what you'd pay for......would be more of an issue if you weren't hitting it.
  15. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 4

    It never experienced this!! Does it freeze?
  16. Fastest Download Speed?

    Thats not bad if your only paying for a 512 connection.....that is what I would expect. However, for most, you can upgrade and actually pay less for a better connection....
  17. stats

    There is commands for these. But they are not incoorporated into stats. I am not at home at mo, so I cant find the commands, but i'm sure someone else will mention them.
  18. [crash] 1.0.0 b4

    Diskeeper???? As in the defrag program??? Surely you are not defragging your drives at the same time as running Apex? If so, don't!
  19. Yeh, it is down atm, not sure whether it's a hosting thing or if Lee needs to fix it....
  20. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Seems reasonable. Or perhaps we could even put the plug in files in a more accessable place?
  21. Favorites Manually

    I dont understand why anyone would wanna add a fave user without the CID, I mean, it could be anyone....and also, prob wont work.
  22. AML 3.06

    If your using Apex, go to Settings>Fakes and select update.
  23. List of requests

    Well you could be right! What about hubsofts? Are the ones that are timing out, in a certain hub software?
  24. Some /wmp command bug

    Go to Start>My Computer and browse to the file. Right click on the file and click rename. Rename it to the correct name. :P
  25. Some /wmp command bug

    You need to rename to MP3 to include the artist.