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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Download probs after upgrade

    Then it shouldn't affect it, but UAC may affect it anyway, it's all to do with the creation of the apex exe and the date, try turning UAC off, even temporarily, just to see.
  2. Download probs after upgrade

    Could be, but only if they doing something silly like downloading to program files.....
  3. Download probs after upgrade

    Radox, that is downloading TTH data, from what these guys say they are experiencing a separate issue.
  4. error saving hash data

    Turn UAC off.
  5. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Report this through the crashs section and give the exception info. We may be able to help.
  6. [1.0.0B5] Virtualisation mode on Vista

    Vista is an awful thing for doing that. MS seem far too controlling on our systems these days. But I guess the argument is, don't use it if your unhappy.
  7. Sharing GUI

    Is there any real need to revive age old topics? If they have not been implemented by now, chances are, they wont be.
  8. Huh?

    The reason will be, the virtual server settings are for internal requests, not external. For example, if you wanted to set a LAN hub up for users connecting to your PC within the home lan only virtual server would be useful. But as the connection you are making is external, virtual server will not work.
  9. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    Mine is the same, it takes a while to update, seems more common on large file lists/big shares.
  10. Huh?

    That looks more like it, forward the ports from there, not from Virtal server as per previous.
  11. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    DONT USE BETA SOFTWARE if you cannot accept beta policies.
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Well, B3 saves to the directory for me, as do all the previous beta's. I use vista. Also, just turn UAC off as it is a stupid feature anyway, then it will stop the problem.
  13. User Commands

    Well then de-compile Apex and do it yourself? Post it up here for the rest of us.
  14. Download probs after upgrade

    I think it's more likely the user the disconnecting you. Try letting DC run for a hour or two and connect to 5-6 different hubs and see if it works then.
  15. shared file filtering

    Yes, it's called a skiplist and it's already there. Go into Settings.
  16. User Commands

    I love these sorts of comments, How do you know? If you dont code your own application, how can you possibly know what is and is not hard.
  17. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    They have always been stored in the directory. To me, it seems more like vista has stopped doing it, not apex.
  18. Huh?

    What have you got under access control on your router?
  19. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    The operative sentence is 'to me'. You buy on what beta is, it your opinion, to which your entitled.
  20. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    Well if you close it and open it again it will disable itself I'm sure.
  21. Huh?

    Should you not be entering those settings under firewalls instead of under virtual server?
  22. Multi-Source - bigger in the future ?

    Asked, and discussed (quite heatedly) before. No need to discuss it again. Topic Closed Zlo: IMO it can be deleted after some time as well, no need to leave traces about this anyway. Forgive me for typing into your post, but it is neater in this way.
  23. It's not possible, but it could be implemented, maybe crise will do it.
  24. [1.0.0B5] Virtualisation mode on Vista

    BTW, just to put your mind at ease, if you use vista UAC nasty programs will get around it and you wont get a pop-up. So it will not help unfortunately.
  25. connection problem

    Depends on hub speed, but it shouldn't take a day. Chances are, if you are connected as ryan there will be another user with the same name, it's common, use an alias.