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Everything posted by Satan

  1. [Support]Crash on Download Queue

    Same here, i'm using StrongDC at mo, with no such problem.
  2. Combining folders for sharing with Apex

    Not at present, once hubs start implementing ADC on a widespread basis such features can be utilised.
  3. The installer..

    Good idea!
  4. Fastest Download Speed?

    Hi! Don't get me wrong, my connection isn't slow, but considering the average speed in most countries surpasses 10Mb that is the basis of my statement :lol:
  5. [Bug]Remove active download in 1.0.0B5

    In order to safely terminate connections from peers this must be this way.
  6. Failed to connect on TCP 8080

    Without a router permission you cant use active mode. Just use Passive instead.
  7. Multi-Part? Download Issue

    It will be fixed when the client is recompiled with SDC2.11
  8. Connection problem

    No bother, check this guide:
  9. "Update IP every X minutes"

    Has already been requested and is being considered afaik.
  10. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Well considering his post was surprisingly 'rude' as you put it, I simply replied in the same manner my friend.
  11. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    Coincidence I think, because I know for a fact that my file list shows as refreshed with files missing but if I check back a few minutes later they are there.
  12. Using temporary sparse files (on NTFS)

    Well, think of the scenario where someone has a queue of say 60Gb, they go to My Computer and checking the disk properties fine they have 56 Gb free, now, if the space is pre-allocated, you know the HDD has the space for the files, however, if it isn't, you have to go out and buy a new HDD to resume your downloads. Secondly, if it's an optional feature, I have np with it, but I for one prefer the pre-allocation.
  13. ApexDC++ With UPnP

    Add a rule for apex to win firewall manually.
  14. Connection problem

    Either the hub is offline, or your not setup to connect correctly. Check out the guide's section.
  15. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    I doesn't update instantly, it takes a few minutes to update, so setting the interval to 1 minute is pointless.
  16. Automattically start Apex on windows start up?

    Add the apex shortcut to the startup folder on start>program files.
  17. Using temporary sparse files (on NTFS)

    Definately not, this becomes a real problem when users HDD are almost full. It used to be this way and was removed for good reason.
  18. Speed limit for filelists download

    But they are so small, is there really a need for this? Even if they do download quickly, they'll be finished in under 30 seconds.
  19. ApexDC++ With UPnP

    Why would you want to? Windows Firewall is terrible.
  20. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    BETA SOFTWARE: DONT USE IT STABLE VERSION: USE IT Then you will not be forced to update, simple eh? ;)
  21. I Have a Prolem With the emoticons

    Because you have them disabled/not installed, right click the emoticon picture in main chat and check you've select a pack, if nothing shows up, download them from apexdc mainpage.
  22. [Crash][1.0.0.b5] reststarted!

    Well, thats a known problem, I get on 0.4.0 but not on B5, however, B5 at present is not working because it disagree's with my download queue for some reason. StrongDC works, so it must be something thats in Apex that isn't in SDC, I know that doesn't help, but i'm just putting my gripe in too ;)
  23. dl folder error

    In this case, I believe it just keeps the completed files in the Incompleted Downloads folder anyway.
  24. Download probs after upgrade

    It doesn't out of the box, so to speak, you can do it through the registry tho.
  25. Download probs after upgrade

    The reason that it stopped working is a bug in UAC code, which is fixed in SP1 afaik. The reason is, UAC makes exception lists and ApexDc.exe will be in there, however, because ApexDC.exe has changed because of the reasons crise describes it will not be picking the exe up correctly to allow exceptions.