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Everything posted by Satan

  1. how to get unbanned

    Connection refused by target means the hub is down, try another.
  2. Virtual LAN

    IN a way, TLS will enable this, TLS is NOT the same as VLAN or VPN but it has similar principle's. Can VLAN be used in DC? No! Not without a modular alteration, however, TLS is in the process of being integrated and will carry many of the same benefits. If you are interested in Uber Safe P2P try this:
  3. how to get unbanned

    Check if the hub has a website and do it from there.
  4. how to get unbanned

    Ehm...don't get banned in the first place? You need to contact someone else in the hub or the hubowner to get unbanned.
  5. 1.1 Beta Details

    It is, and 'some reason', does not qualify you as a tester lol
  6. 1.1 Beta Details

    Well you would need to be accepted as a tester before that happens.
  7. Edit.

    Tried setting it up through the redirects in the hub soft itself?
  8. 1.1 Beta Details

    It's working great, much faster than earlier builds.
  9. Public Hub problem

    that website tests an individual connection so it is of no help for me to see if yours are working. You may want to try using different ports for tcp and udp, also dont use ports that high on the range. They cause problems with DC and certain routers.
  10. Public Hub problem

    You not active, this thread will help:
  11. Recent downtime of

    It always works fine for me. Altho I must be honest, my internet has been slow to some sites. But BT are currently installing 21CN on my exchange so I put it down to that.
  12. LanParty Hub?

    Stopped. Closed
  13. problem with connection

    The hub is down marina. Just wait, it may come back :P
  14. help with zone alarm

    Dont use ZA, there are a lot of other good products available that do just a good a job.
  15. Bypass UAC

    BM, we're not here to understand flawed philosophy(ms have always been stupid). However, if there is a fix available, why not use it?
  16. Bypass UAC

    Interesting reading Toast! :)
  17. Bypass UAC

    This is a known problem, it's not Apex (or Strong in fact), it's an MS problem. Vista saves it's UAC rules in an exe format. It doesn't seem to take account of the fact that the Apex exe has changed, but is actually still the same program. I thought SP1 would of fixed it, but possibly not, unless your still running the old vista?
  18. Bypass UAC

    Yes, but you missed the point. If UAC can be that easily circumvented, don't you think the malicious programs are already doing that to? Hence, if virus etc want to install on your pc, they'll just bypass UAC anyway.
  19. Bypass UAC

    Well if that was possible, there would be no point in UAC (beyond the obvious) and MS would certainly remove the possibility.
  20. Using my own Smiley (emoticon) pack

    I dont think ap supports that.
  21. Ah right, I thought you meant it lost the data altogether. I'll check this tomorrow when I get home.
  22. Crash on viewing .iso folders

    It works for me....dont know what would cause this,.....
  23. I got 30Gb of downloaded parts!! I am not trying this one :)
  24. Problem with .dctmp files cleanup

    They should delete, but it may take some time. Simply just delete them yourself. I have been going on about DC's poor network drive functionality for ages and they refuse to fix it. So I think this may fall on deaf ears my friend :)
  25. Popup for favorite hubs

    I like this idea. +1