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  1. This is the user icons explained according to AirDC's "official" help file (the downloadable pdf file). There are 4 versions of the person (user icon) - green, yellow, warning icon, red - and a mine icon. Æ Green: 5M upload and above Æ Yellow: 0.1M - 2M upload Æ Red: 0.01M - 0.1M upload Æ Warning icon: 0.005M (very slow) Æ Mine: User has uploaded at constant 100kB/s or above Now.. the only ones I have besides the regular, is a few with mines. Those that has mines uploads to me up to 2Mb/s (yes Mb). So, you could say that is 100kb/s and ABOVE. But so does practically ALL the users with "normal" icons as well. Since the hub I am in has a minimum of 1Mb/s. So to the question. How do I get the icons to show what they are intended to show? If possible. I did search the topic but the last I found was from 2008 so I figured it's time to adress this issue again. Hope that's ok.