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Everything posted by MiRaGe

  1. btw .... it made me some headache that i couldn't manage downloading like this -> disconnect slow downloads, but don't remove slow users, only disconnect them when downloading speed is so much. the client always disconnected and removed them from the sources list (here the internet speeds are also like 256K/128K 1024K/256K and sg like this) and one of my other questions .... it doesn't check the file's tth root again, after downloading like pwdc did. am i blind or it just doesn't show it or it really doesn't check it?
  2. [Support][0.2.0] partial connection

    the problem is not because i don't know my ip address. it works excellent since i turned it on yesterday ... i'm "waiting" for it to do that again, so i can check out with sdc if it also has the problem ... but it doesn't want to mess up i'll report here if it happens again, or if anyone else had this problem, please post it here or ... try with strong dc too to see if there's the same problem
  3. Op-client ApexDC++

    it's right with the peerguradian plugin. set it to not allow connections outside that ip-range by editing the file (for example in windows text editor), which is named like p2p or sg like that. sorry, i don't know what is the name or look of it exactly, as i'm not at home to check it, but it'll solve your problem surely. pg solved the same problem here before
  4. [Support][0.2.0] partial connection

    it's not about that, cuz if i tell the client to "get ip" it gets my ip, what's given by the router not the router's wan ip ... so i simply forgot that solution after the first try i'll try today afternoon if this problem is still there with strongdc, and if it'll be there .. i'll report it as a possible bug :D
  5. [Support][0.2.0] partial connection

    i already did those yesterday i tried everything i could (except changing my pc) in the last few afternoons after work but it still doesn't seem to be working. i hope only for me.
  6. ApexDC++ OP

    so, i finally found the topic i'm looking for (after reading almost all the others ) in my opinion the op client should be: - in ADL search checks for not only filenamesbut TTHs too - LUA scripts included in it - ability to set those bots names that i want to ignore in pm (showing them in main chat) and to set others to get in private (as i can't watch all the hubs i'm op all the time, but i wan't to get notified when a user want's to get help, but don't want to get another pm window every time someone's kicked by a bot on one of the hubs) - detection of fakeshares, clients (hacked clients) - someone wrote about a pointing system (to give points to files in share, like don't kick automatically someone for sharing one or two illegal files, just warn him 2-3 times, but kick immediatelly and timeban if he/she shares tons of illegal stuff) - it should be stabile (can run for weeks, not using 95% of my processor, and tons of memory, cuz i had this problem with some clients before - IP strings and those little flags in main & PM (eases communication with others, knowing what language should i use) - the ability to set the auto filelist checker not to check those who log onto the hub with for example [VIP] prefix, or to set that class 2 users don't get banned just get warned. - to be able to use this client as the only client running on my computer, so i woouldn't need another to log onto hubs that i'm not OP on, but as long as i can remember it was working in some older clients too i hope i could help and i hope you'll help us too :D
  7. Net Limiter

    i'll also try this du super controler when i'll get home .... and to _-0-_ -> if you have 20 gb / month limit at your provider, maybe you'll be able to get around it. if you are recognized by a MAC address at that provider (here they do it like that) and a router (you can change it's address) .... simply change tha MAC-address of it and then call the provider to tell them that your lan-card is dead and you installed a new one, you want to validate it's mac address .... they'll do it, and the amount of data sent/received by that MAC address will be 0 byte, so you'll have another 20 gb for the month usually it works (worked before not only here), try it if you reach the limit :D
  8. Op-client ApexDC++

    before i wanted to ask you to make that "different share for different hubs" but i see that the hideshare on hubs that i'm op is pretty enough. so we'll all be able to get that client and test it when it'll be ready for public use? great i want to know about that -> will there be an upgraded option of ignoring bots and hub messages? i'm thinking of ignoring one bot and not ignoring another, like: i wan't get those messages that users write to PmToOps, and Opchat, but don't want to get those that RegToStay bot sends me that xy was kicked because failed to register. is it available or should i wait for next versions? sorry if i posted it in the wrong topic :D
  9. OP Version Questions

    i'm waiting for it too, been out of business for some weeks, and now waiting for a new opclient to test and love. will it be available for everyone or only for some ppl who give sg for exchange or how will it be available to get? :D