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Everything posted by MiRaGe

  1. Fastest Download Speed?

    i had the same connection for a very long period the only good thing in that was that connection wasn't an "up to xy kbps" connection, but a "you always get this" now if i'm lucky ... i can get the download speed of 400-440 kb/s ... but during daytime .... back to the oldschool 150 kb/s :crying:
  2. My Top 20 used Programs

    <<removed>> ... but those would take more than my salary in 2 month ... so decided not to buy, but to try :P
  3. My Top 20 used Programs

    seems like we all use the same stuff kaspersky internet security cfos speed microsoft excel lotus notes msn notepad pidgin winamp total commander avant browser apexdc gmail notifier photoshop pinnacle studio (10 so far) nero winrar mplaye vlc vnc acdsee some canon applications hope it's not over 20 :P
  4. as i can remember ppl are forced to use the beta4 instead of the beta3, to avoid reporting bugs related to beta3 .... but everyone and all problems should be catched in the new version .... and ... for example i don't have this problem that you have ... can you specify your system? ... what OS, and HW you have ... maybe it's related to those. p.s.: i couldn't get home yesterday, and now a bit tired to look for logs ... i've been searching logs for hours now and my eyes look as if i were high or sg :P
  5. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    ... will check if i received a pm about it, not just the main chat's text ( i don't log hubchats ) ... when i get home ... somehow i cannot start my computer from here right now :)
  6. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    can i ask how comes that i was kicked for saying "everything" in the main chat? ... quite funny that this word is banned on the hub :)
  7. Crash: 1.0.0B4

    And here's my exception info ... it froze after about 24-26 hours of successfull running. and i'd also like to mention that while with beta3 i had similar values like this: -=[ Memory usage (peak): 43,07 MB (43,07 MB) ]=- -=[ Virtual memory usage (peak): 37,57 MB (37,57 MB) ]=- and with this beta4 things have changed a bit .... uses about 2-2.5* with same amount of hubs openned, user numbers, and uploads and 1-2 downloads ... so the same system, almost (we cannot be 100% sure, but should be around) the same environment, but uses much more resourses ... or at least on my computer Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.0.0B4 (2007-08-07) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2007-08-09 11:07:32 TTH: 7CNQCQXDGEV7S2IDTUSYEW73M722LLS7BVOOXDI ntdll!0x7C918FEA: RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ntdll!0x7C90104B: RtlEnterCriticalSection d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.h(81): HubFrame::ProcessWindowMessage d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3078): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x03569008,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::WindowProc USER32!0x7E368734: GetDC USER32!0x7E368816: GetDC USER32!0x7E3689CD: GetWindowLongW USER32!0x7E368A10: DispatchMessageW d:\cvs\apexdc++\includes\wtl\atlapp.h(992): WTL::CMessageLoop::Run d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\main.cpp(431): Run 0x000705B8: ? ApexDC!0x0044E0DA: MainFrame::FileListQueue::`scalar deleting destructor' ApexDC!0x0046A7F1: [thunk]:MainFrame::`vector deleting destructor' 0x8351F8E4: ? if i remember right, it was currently running minimized, while getting this freeze ... it was running still, as lecnt wrote, but couldn't access it, so closed it i hope it helps
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 4

    just checked it ... running smoothly on my home computer still okay .... will check it tonight
  9. yes, that's the point ... for example at our university campus there were over 1000 computers using the same real IP address ... and i bet it isn't the only place on earth and yepp, as if it would be optional, it would be good, but as i know ppl rarely read what the client sais (and will probably say that they got "connection closed" not "someone is currently downloading from this IP, so please ask for extra if you want to get sg, blabla") and will only ask for support or help and answers why cannot they download from some ppl. believe me, ppl rarely read the error messages or any automated messages, so it's "dangerous" to implement such an option as would flood the support ppl with questions btw: i'm not sharing also instantly what i downloaded ... first sort them out after checking, and only than share back, but my share is fairly enough ( i think ) ... without putting all newly downloaded stuff instantly
  10. PM Request....

    exactly i'm against this option as well ... with this option even noobs will be able to spam, and the current spammers are more than enough ;)
  11. download later

    no, it's not just you ... low prio should be enough
  12. A list of small features

    about 2. .... i don't know if we have, as long as i can remember we only have the "don't download if already in share" .... but maybe i just didn't realize that we have this option in one of these new releases (1.0.0 ?? )
  13. TCP connection failed but UDB passed

    i was just thinking about strongdc, as apex is based on that .... and just to find out if this happens only in apex or in the client it's based on (but i think it's present in strongdc as well) which verion of apex is it? 0.4.0 ? And .... you cannot even find files or download filelists from active users when in passive mode? (check if you have aktiv mode selected for your favorite hubs, qith different ip address for example) .... ahh, btw ... is your ip in apex set well? i mean is it your 'outside' IP ? ... which is received from your ISP by your router? but if you cannot even search in passive that should mean that there's an error outside APEX .... maybe you do not have the needed rights to your temp & download folder (so it cannot even write the files currently donwloading to the dir ... but it should return some results for searching in that case) .... so if checking of these won't help, then i guess it'll need some experts' help :wub:
  14. Your browser of choice

    ie6 shows the skin okay, looks just like at home about avant .... don't know why ... maybe back in the good old years when all the family used the same computer this one was a stabile and easy to follow browser ... you know, same tabs in one window ( ) ... and because of the blocking features of it ... like blocking ad windows, and so on .... and i can easily copy out those pages' addresses with one click and a ctr+c which are not shown while using simply explorer. ..... okay, i know many many browsers have these features now, but .... the others got used to this, and .... me too ... so it stayed on my computer (since i have a pc only for myself) ... and as long as it won't mess up all my system, i don't see any reason for changing it to sg else so no real reason, but "been using it for several years" .... like how you get a cat? ... you give him once some food, than he comes back, and one day you find that he's your cat, lives at your house :wub:
  15. TCP connection failed but UDB passed

    i solved it by selecting different upd & tcp ports ... for example 1412 & 1413 .... don't know if it'll be the solution, as fortunatelly i haven't seen this error longlong time ago. have you checked your firewall? to ensure that apex is fully enabled? and the ports u use are enabled as well? okay, the port forwarding should work if you set it correctly, and also if you have constant private ip received from the router ( and of course having those ports forwarded to yours ) what op system do you have? have you tried the same in strongdc++ as well? and that checking site not tells you the truth always, so still worth a try .... getting some filelists from active users, and search for strings that are surely there (for example mp3 or sg) have you tried searching in passive mode? have you seen the other topics related to this issue? as there must be some around, but i don't know their links too right now ....
  16. Your browser of choice

    another one for avant browser end IE 6 at workplace (it's the only allowed here yet)
  17. A list of small features

    that filelist type rememberer ( ) ... lots of beginners use Apex, and if it would be enabled in it, than there were too many complaints i guess from beginners (or even oldtimers ) saying "the search engine doesn't find all files that should be found" ... so i guess it saves some time for the support and the users as well not having this (maybe an option to enable or disable it in settings for users who need it, if the devs don't have too much to include yet) this dupe checker would be a really good idea, but don't know how much resources would it use if you have a huge filelist, and the other side has a real huge as well ... and the function to wait 30 second before every search ... isn't it what could be set in settings -> advanced -> experts only -> minimum search interval (which is set here to 45 secs)
  18. searchable offline filelists

    i think there is not much point in it, as if you're looking for files in previously downloaded filelists there's absolutely no garantee that those will still be there, when the user would connect again, but the option "Match downloaded lists" is still there to find alternatives in offline filelists for sg you have in your queue.
  19. Kick if in PG list

    the built in limiter is never used here as well, because ... if i'm the only one using the internet from behind my router, than no need to limit anything, but there are 4 more computers connected to the router ... for example that's why i 'limit' or rather say 'shape' the connection speeds with cFos Speed ... quite a useful software, worth a check ... this little soft now ensures that the computers behind your router share the connection and it won't happen if you take away all bandwidth up+down with dc++ that the others won't be able to even log into msn ( happened here manymany times before ) ... and when the others don't use sofwares, which have priorities over dc++ ( for example msn, or hubsoft(s) or softwares you need for your work ... ) dc++ gets back the full speed available. this kind of 'limitation' ( i wouldn't use limitation, as only limits for that time while the prior soft has to download/upload, than gives back all ) is not banned in hungary (and no place i visited recently on dc++) http://www.cfos.de/index2_e.htm ( i don't want to advertise, so if any of you mods feel like deleting this link, please go ahead )
  20. Filelist Removal

    some posts ago i linked another topic on this forum ... in which there was a feature request to get a checker who would see if the filelist has not changed since last time, than don't download it, but open from local ..... this few days old could not be always a good one as if someone is putting 0-day stuff in every day .. you won't see it ..... but as in that topic, i wrote an idea if a checker would check if it has the same size from the same username and if some other usually constant values also match, than open the local .... and if the size has changed, then download it again ... i guess you're thinking of this feature, right?
  21. Kick if in PG list

    I think Pundan was trying to say that even if the default PG list contains the enemy's IP addresses, but it can easily be edited by the user (especially when it's not a simple user but someone who knows exactly what he wants) .... and for example can deny connections from some countries, some regions, blablabla .... and that's why he's a bit afraid of the reaction of hub owners to the whole PG function. I'll vote yes in a minute as of course i find it a good way to protect my users from these ppl, and the whole PG plugin is also one of the greatest feature in this but Pundan: i don't think we'll have to be afraid of the client being banned because of this function ... PG is not in the same cathegory as NL ... but if you definetally need to limit your upload&download speed, for the other computers to have at least some in your lan, i can help you to find another solution :lol:
  22. Looking for new Support members

    then it's cleared that i would like to apply as well ... tommorrow will be my last long day ... hopefully reducing my working hours under 10 hours, and back to normal from weekend, so guess my sparetime will be okay, it now depends only on you (and i'm hoping )
  23. New update links for AML

    nice soft design, not too many curles, not too few either ... good choice of colors ... an easy to follow little site .... and also already checking what have changed in this version ... thank you Toast for keeping it up to date
  24. Refresh file list in 1.0.b3

    yes, just like /refresh the same way as for example youcan use /stats in every chat window as well ;)
  25. A AML Question

    i voted yes, cuz .... another possibility is never a bad thing -> at least we'll have the option to decide wether we need this option or not (i would definetally use it)