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Everything posted by oldspice

  1. Webserver Search By TTH

    This would be a great feature if it worked! Right now the Webserver search only works by filename, not by TTH Please add in searching by TTH, as that would be great! (Yes I've tried the drop-down filter and had no luck)
  2. Mirror another user's filelist

    My mistake, I said Mirroring because I also want the files to be downloaded automatically, not just the filelist :thumbsup:
  3. I would like a feature that allows ApexDC++ to automatically mirror another user's filelist or parts of their filelist (certain folders). This would be quite convenient and save alot of time and effort. It gets annoying to keep rechecking the same file-lists over and over and over to see if something new is posted because I download it all anyways, so if this could be automated that would be amazing. For example a new episode is added to a House folder every week, and the same user does that reliably every week. Therefore I check his filelist on the night that House airs dozens of times to see if he has added it yet. Automatic checking and download would be SO HELPFUL! What are the chances this can be done? What are the chances it WILL be done? Does anyone else think this would be useful? Regards, Oldspice