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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. How to prevent sharing unpacked contents?

    Make a rule for it, maybe create a text command that is sent to them on-join, explaining them why this is not good, and what should they do how should they share it... And yeah kick their rear if they have unwanted stuff in share. It's also a good thing to set your hub in a way where only registered users can download, and obviously their share needs to be checked before they get registered... Well they could still share UPS, but if they want to download they need to tidy their share. :)
  2. If you're an OP and you don't share (don't see the point in that though, it only raises hub's share size...), but you download... then sorry, but you're a leecher. Being OP doesn't (shouldn't) exclude you from sharing, DC is not a download program, it's a filesharing program.
  3. Raw Commands

    Here is a guide, hope it could be of some help.
  4. Showing Foreign Letters in Apex DC++

    Have you set the appropriate charsystem in your client? (Textstyle)
  5. ApexDC++ Usercommands

    I can't say anything about fuDC, but a version of zK++ has tons of premade user commands built in (and half of them are useless, and they are not sorted). Better make yours by yourself. This way you will learn and you can customise them to suit your needs. :P
  6. Treat "Connection Closed" as cheating

    Hey Aztek! You get "Connection Closed" message when the user disconnects you. It could be either crap speed/poor lines, but if it's a leecher, it does it on purpose manually... Anyways: File\Settings\Advanced\Fake Detector > at the top, set the accepted number of disconnects (if you set it to 4, at 5th offense the set action will be executed); and under that (Raw Commands), assign a raw command to the "Disconnect Raw" cheat (first).
  7. Can't Search, Just started...

    Good job! :(
  8. Skip big files from being shared

    I understand, but why are you so agressive?
  9. Skip big files from being shared

    Are we talking about ORs here? Because I share some, not many of them are games though, but if I like you like a game you can burn its image to a DVD, and still can keep the rar files, or I guess no one is playing a game forever, delete the image after you finished with the game (keeping the rar files meanwhile ). All depends how much space you have to spare.
  10. Skip big files from being shared

    You unrar them when you mount them. But anyways I agree, why don't those hubs allow to share big files? If you don't want to download a big file, then you don't, it's that simple. And Alucard, if it's a shared directory why don't you want to move them? You could even create a sub folder for them, and don't share that.
  11. ApexDC internet Site

    Can someone translate the text?
  12. user checking

    Yes I see your point FIL, but that depends on the OP version of the client... If there gonna be one, we'll need that feature in that one.
  13. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    I've included the list in the guide.;hl=raw+command
  14. user checking

    Those two commands are currently not available in ApexDC++. One method is to select the users in the userlist, right click then select Check File List or Get User Response (client checking).
  15. IP not being updated

    The issue might not be your dynamic IP... Check if you are allowing ApexDC++ in your firewall, or if you have router, visit for help how to set it up.
  16. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Z, your raws are good as far as I make them... lol J/K
  17. IP not being updated

    The connection checker is not working properly, don't trust it, use instead, or just test if you can connect to an user.
  18. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]| This one is good as a raw, but I missed something from it... Sorry lol. After the From To part comes the message you send to the user (most likely %[userCS]), then the pipe and your kick actually... So: $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]| P.S.: baba.runner, the part after To From is and the To From part forms a part of the command as a whole... This one contains two: first is the $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]| And the second: <%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|
  19. Favorites Manually

    So it's just recognises the pingers by their nick? It'd be good if they could be merged into the favorite users by default somehow. And the 0.7 Beta is based on ApexDC++ (there's CID in it anyways)
  20. Favorites Manually

    Maybe we could get some pingers' CID and provide them as favorite user in the client by default (seen this in zK++).
  21. Crashes for no reason!

    If the crash occurs frequently, please just change back to 0.4.0 untill B3 is released, with a lot of bugs fixed... :)
  22. Downloading corrupted files

    Not sure of its point... But why would you want to download corrupted files... If it's a RAR archive it can be fixed... (open with winRAR > Tools\Repair Archive) The reason of the THH not matching is exactly because it's corrupted (sometimes "corrupted"). Some people don't know how to share things, f.e. ORs... If you download one and change a char in the info in winamp, its THH will change, and svf check won't match.
  23. need help in media spam thing

    type /w in mainchat (you need to have winamp running). You can customize your spam @ File\Settings...\Advanced. Have fun!
  24. No, the file is not corrupted, the client is outdated. User is question should upgrade to a decent client (especially from oDC).
  25. Problem with prefixes

    Tell him to grab the latest StrongDC++ from my share...