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Everything posted by NTTScooch

  1. I'm using ApexDC++ v1.0.1 and I've noticed that for some users, their description is prefaced by a number in brackets as seen in the screenshot. What's the purpose of this number? I think I've noticed this in other clients as well but I've never known what it means.
  2. Bracketed number in user list description

    Really? Thanks. Quite simple.
  3. [Bug] Message of the Day

    I'll see what I can do with this information. Thanks stranger.
  4. [Bug] Message of the Day

    I've having trouble setting up my ApexDC++ client to show the message of the day for hubs. The MotD is sent as "Private message from Hub" upon logon and works for LDC++. The text has the same color of that I set my private messages to.