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Everything posted by x86freak

  1. Smart Hashing

    I want to know is it possible to make Apex to be a litlle smarter when handaling hashed files. What I mean is now hashes are 'tied' to place where the file is located. So if I move some already-hashed file to other dir it gets rehashed again. WHY? It's the same file, same size, etc.. I thought check sum is to identify the file, NOT it's place. One example i can think of is seeding torrents. I can seed my torrents from anywhere on my drive without rechecking.
  2. Smart Hashing

    heh... Don't get hit by a truck and you won't need to go to hospital Just want to get some answers before moving on: - Is it possible to make the improvement this thread is about? - If yes - are the benefits of such improvement so minor that aren't even worth the effort?
  3. Smart Hashing

    Emm.. Since this is the "Feature Requests" part of the forum i think ppl here aren't happy enough with what they have :stuart: And about your comment A_Alias: I'm sure there are many files with same names in shares. It was just a simple example. My point was - someone should make some algorithm to prevent unneeded rehashing.
  4. Smart Hashing

    Why should it? There's no calculating involved just writing additional data to some file. Think about how filesystem handles files: it doesnt actually move your files(unless they need to be) - just changes table indexes which assing them to some dir - It doesnt take time at all :)
  5. Smart Hashing

    The simplest this i could think of make a hash list that would look something like this: filename - size - creation/modification dates - TTH Every time rechecking occurs just check if the file wasn't moddified and if it wasn't - use hash from list. P.S. it would be nice to have a Force rehash button for files/dirs.
  6. Smart Hashing

    I'm just curious is it possible to make some simple-check for already hashed. Doing a full file hash all the time is way too much & I dont think is a good idea. I bet you dont ask your mom for ID and blood sample each day just to tell it's her xD And about file getting corrupt - it can get damaged AFTER ApexDC++ hashes it and wham! - your sharing a bogus file not even knowing about it.