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Posts posted by Lotus

  1. He has an option enabled that triggers this behaviour... just can't remember where it was put in settings exactly.

    So, finally, we are getting somewhere...

    You are correct. That option exists. And it has a bug... :)

    The option is under Appearance tab and is called: "Hide Hub Topics".

    But note that it is *disabled* in my client. So, being disabled, the topic should not be hidden... isn't it ? And everything should be and look normal... only it isn't.

    If I enable that option, it works as expected. The hub name is correctly shown and the topic is hidden.

    If I disable that option, apparently the topic is shown... until I change the hub name and description in favorite list.... :crying:

    Mek: please disable that option and do that experiment again...

    Crise: there is another option that I don't know about and is interfering with this ? If not, it is pretty clear to me that this is a bug... please check again carefully. Why if I disable that option the hub name is taken from the favorite list, instead of being taken from the string sent by the hub in $HubName ?

    If you still can't figure out the problem, I will give you another hint:

    1. Option "Hide hub topics" disabled - so topic should be seen.

    2. Connect to a new hub.

    3. Type /fav => the hub data is stored in favorite list.

    4. Exit the hub and ask an operator from that hub to change the topic.

    5. Reconnect the hub again.

    The topic shown is NOT the new topic, but the one that was when you first connected to the hub... the old one... :)

    Still thinking it is ok ? No kidding... :)

    Suggestion: I might be wrong, but I think that the first $HubName sent by the hub (just after validating nick) is the hub name alone, with no topic appended. The second $HubName, however, contains the hub topic appended to it. If i am right than you could use that very easy to implement this feature correctly...

  2. There is a setting "Enable $HubTopic support" in the settings, try turning that on :crying:

    Sometimes it seems so difficult to explain something as simple as that. But I assume this is partially because of my bad english.

    Please note that I was not talking about $HubTopic. I was talking about $HubName.

    When admin types !topic <new topic>, most of the hubsofts send $HubName to the users, not $HubTopic...

    By the way, $HubTopic support is enabled and works fine.

    Please make the following experience:

    1. Press Ctrl+F to open favorite hub list.

    2. Select the first hub.

    3. Click Propreties.

    4. Set the hub name to: "Lotus Is The Best"

    5. Delete the eventually hub description also (!!!)

    6. Click Ok.

    7. Reconnect on that hub... :)

  3. If I add a hub to favorites and change his name to ABC on my favorites list, ApexDc displays ABC instead of what he receive in $HubName.

    The name ABC is shown instead of the hub name. I *do not* see the hub name when I connect to the hub... When someone changes the topic, I *do not* see the topic... the title of the mainchat window is ABC... :unsure:

  4. If I add a hub to favorites and change his name to ABC on my favorites list, ApexDc displays ABC instead of what he receive in $HubName.

    If I add a hub to favorites and his name is X and after a day the owner changes the hub name to Y, Apex still shows X instead of Y when I connect to the hub.

  5. My ApexDc Settings: open new PM message in the background.

    I switch (Alt+Tab) to another Windows program, but i let ApexDc maximized (only it is now not focused, it is sent to back).

    For example, I have say notepad or something in front of apexdc.

    When receiving a new pm message on some hub, apexdc instantly get focus and move itself in front of the active Windows program (notepad in my example).

    Hope I explained clearly, sorry for my poor english.