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Everything posted by Mek

  1. Apex won't save downloaded filelists

    Uh, you shouldn't install anything into Windows directory. Try installing it in Program Files or anywhere on D: drive or such (if you have any). Also, is UAC enabled in your windows?
  2. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to share files from the seedbox?
  3. It could be possible if you wrote a bot capable of uploading a filelist and nothing more. Shouldn't be that hard imho... But if such bot already exists, it would be better to use that.
  4. password help

    The problem is exactly what it writes you. Your password you have set in your favorite hub settings is invalid. Either you have forgotten it, it has changed or you are using a nick of a registered user (then of course you don't know the password for it - just change your nick then).
  5. Can not connect to internet hubs.

    Your routing table looks ok. Maybe your ISP started to block DC connections in this weird way? I would suggest you try if this works on another computer in the same network Also you can try other client than Apex. Or try your computer in another network (with other ISP than yours). This can help narrow down the problem.
  6. Can not connect to internet hubs.

    Weird. Could you please run command "route print" after connection fails and paste it here? Or just compare it before that and after, maybe your routing table gets messed up...
  7. Can not connect to internet hubs.

    Let me guess.... check your interface for all connections in Apex settings - Connection settings (should be the first combo box). should be there.
  8. Client

    The server where it was located is not working anymore and the person gave up the project.
  9. This is a known problem with all DC clients AFAIK... I don't know if there is a possibility to solve it permanently but you can work around it by downloading those files with same TTH separately one-by-one... that's what I did in same situations.
  10. To disable receiving results from your other computer, it should be sufficient to put a rule into your firewall to block UDP connections from IP address of the particular computer. At least this is how it works with NMDC, not sure about ADC...
  11. Where is the old menu from ApexDC++ ?

    I don't really know, maybe some temporary issue... never seen this behavior though. Glad to help.
  12. Where is the old menu from ApexDC++ ?

    I just wrote you how to return it to old system. Which point don't you understand?
  13. Where is the old menu from ApexDC++ ?

    Menu is there but looks like it got collapsed in some weird way. Try right-clicking on the arrows and choose Unlock toolbars (or something like that should be there). Then, handles will appear and you can drag the menus around. When you are satisfied with how it looks like, you can Lock toolbars again :)
  14. Where is the old menu from ApexDC++ ?

    What menu exactly are you writing about?
  15. When you search for files, your own files are not returned in search results which is correct. Or do you mean anything other I missed...?
  16. Yes, you can. Just copy your Apex folder to a different place and launch both of them (click Yes in the dialog box asking if you want to run another instance). However, you may have to set up your port forwarding again - for the second client - if you have manual port forwarding.
  17. Share with Folderstructure

    Yes. Just share Stuff (which will share all folders inside it, too), then unshare any nested folders like Folder3... inside. However, in this case, files directly under Stuff folder will be shared.
  18. Character limit for description...

    I am not sure but it might depend on the hub too. Some users may be registered - VIPs, OPs. They might have leveraged limits on description size as well. Maybe someone other knows?
  19. Disconnect message

    Does it disconnect you from other hubs too? This may indicate connection problems either on your side, or on hub's side...
  20. Apex DC++ v.1.5.0 32-bit

  21. Looks like a problem with your system. Don't you download too fast - so fast that any other transfer is slow? Also, it might be that your hardware does not manage it.
  22. Moving settings from 32bit to 64bit

    You don't have to do anything special. Just move the two 64-bit files (ApexDC-x64.exe and .pdb) to your ApexDC++ folder and start the x64 file. It picks up all your settings and you will be fine.
  23. password help

    *** Pripájam sa k [Removed]... *** A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. That hub isn't working for me...
  24. So, my brother asked me to post this in the forum... When he leaves his computer, he just presses Ctrl+L to avoid his PC left free for everybody in proximity. This locks Windows with a password. He would be glad if ApexDC++ would put itself in Away mode (currently it does this when minimizing), and back from Away mode when screen is unlocked. Thanks :)
  25. AFAIK, you can put a minus character in front of search phrase you do not want to search for. Example: backstreet -boys