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Everything posted by Mek

  1. Cannot download any hublists

    I don't think so. After all, it is just a plain HTTP transfer like any other, isn't it?
  2. Please Help me!

    You are fine with the slots you have. ApexDC++ is a DC client, there are more but apex is the best one. Try the original DC++ or StrongDC++ if the problem continues to appear.
  3. Please Help me!

    This problem has most certainly nothing to do with Apex. I mean, something in your PC is wrong - it may be hardware or software, driver conflicts, malware or any other kind of thing... the problem just arises when Apex is performing some intensive operation. I would suggest running chkdsk on all your drives , scan PC for malware, run memtest, try a different DC client... there are more possibilities.
  4. This might be a routing problem. But first of all in the connection settings in Apex, make sure your interface for all connections is set to - that means "listen on all interfaces".
  5. Not connecting properly

    Can you connect with regular DC++? If not, then the problem lies on the side of the hub.
  6. Nice requests, especially 3). Suitable for LAN-hubs.
  7. User Icons - not really right are they...?

    If you are sure the users have fast upload and they don't have the mine icons, it might be that they haven't uploaded anything since their last client start :thumbsup:
  8. Intro

    Welcome back.
  9. PtokaX refuses connection

    PtokaX is a program for Windows, are you running it under Wine or something when you talk about root...? or am I missing something? :P
  10. PtokaX refuses connection

    Somewhere in PtokaX. I don't know, I don't use it... However, if you didn't set a specific value, it should be the default one, 411. The last thing to try is to look into PtokaX if it is set to listen on all network interfaces (including the loopback one - locahlost). Again, I don't know where to look there... And that was my last idea, maybe anyone else might suggest you something...?
  11. PtokaX refuses connection

    Yes. Is your hub running on port 411? If not, you need to specify the port number, for example localhost:56000
  12. Cannot download any hublists

    Correct. Well, now I have run out of ideas... anybody? :P
  13. PtokaX refuses connection

    If your hub is running on the same machine as ApexDC++, connect to localhost and not to the "outside" hub address.
  14. Cannot download any hublists

    Yes but have you checked the Hublist proxy setting I suggested? :P
  15. Cannot download any hublists

    Options - Downloads - in the bottom part of the pane look if your Hublist proxy is set - if it is then set it to empty. If it is empty, then set it as you need to access the outside HTTP servers (for example like you have set the proxy in your internet browser).
  16. Cannot download any hublists

    Disable Coral network for hublist download - it is a checkbox somewhere in Settings - Advanced if I remember correctly.
  17. White Bands On Mouse Selection

    The mouse highlighting is adopted from Aero, as noted in another thread, so it cannot be turned off without turning off Aero itself.
  18. Looking to Throttle Upload + Download

    Well, it shouldn't have... When I set "9000" in upload limiter, the download limiter gets set to "63000" automatically. I don't understand why 3,5 MB/s... maybe a bug or something...? Or the line is so saturated by uploading that TCP slows the coming packets down. The upload limiter is most probably for both of the "user data" and "metadata" used to confirm reception of TCP packets.
  19. You can do it yourself - put a shortcut to ApexDC.exe into sour Startup folder and set "Start minimized" in its properties. Anyway, back to the topic: how about adding a "boss-key"? B)
  20. White Bands On Mouse Selection

    I wouldn't be so sure about this Anyway, I use light blue as well and everything is fine. There are some themes available for download in some topic in this forum (including mine). An idea has just come to my mind: how about offering ApexDC themes to download on the official page? Or maybe ship some with the installation package directly?
  21. ApexDC++ smashes 6 million downloads

    Congratulations. The best client in the world deserves it B)
  22. Hi, would it be possible to allow TTH search of files for currently running uploads (by right-clicking a particular upload in the Transfers pane), similarly like Search for alternates for running downloads? It could serve a good purpose when you see someone is downloading a file you are an author of and would quickly like to know who else is sharing it. B)
  23. Help On Downloads & Uploads

    Lots Of Laugh Here. Turn Off ApexDC And Throw Your PC Out Of The Window.
  24. Plugins for ApexDC++

    Phrozin, this has been already discussed in another thread. In short, the MPC support is broken and there seems to be nobody to fix it.