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Everything posted by ifmn

  1. Damn, my bad, sry... (it looks a lot like TTH ) Can you do it with exact size ? or by some other way ? :)
  2. Problem with prefixes

    Whats the moral ? Don't mess with stupid prefixes, 'OP', 'VIP' and so on do their job correctly :P
  3. When the client starts downloading it, it gets it, right ? (its appended at the end of the filename). So start downloading, and if it matches - remove it from source and open the dl-ed one.
  4. launched

    ifmn: I know :P
  5. Not only, but i agree that this way it'll me most effective. No need to change the default settings imo.
  6. IMO this is a great idea, Apex can get the TTH for the FL, check it, and if they match - open the downloaded one. (with the right user, so match Q works)
  7. Settings backup Application

    Congrats, looking really cool, waiting for the src //by posting it, maybe someone can find bugs in it and even help u improve it.
  8. launched

    I'm talking about their web hosting. Ssing your email for this is an alternative, but not so good. I use it for backups. //its 2.6 GB, not 1. Lee, I'm not comparing them, just giving some small alternative which imo has some advantages .
  9. launched

    Just to state, You can use google for small file hosting, they offer 100MB free hosting, and afaik its there (the file) 'till you want to remove it .Also they offer pic sharing but not so good...
  10. Backup script

    wtf ? Wanna say something ? Aztek and me are working on it, probably 2 different projects, he codes in C#, I in C++, but this is getting offtopic now, so please use PMs. Also, expect new features ^_^
  11. Direct Connect and the Future

    I assumed, but you know that there's always some hope Ever downloaded a rared game/movie ? To use it, you have to unrar it. But you must share the .rar files, not the unrar-ed ones. So to keep uploading and still being able to play (the movie or install the game/app again) you have to keep both sources - the .rars and the extracted file. So you waste 2x HDD space.
  12. Direct Connect and the Future

    I meant that in BT you only have to download the torrent and the tracker is in it, you can add more if you want, but in dc you have to enter hubs manually. Dunno how many users use thepiratebay and so on. So do you mind sharing this cool hub with me/us ? :lol:
  13. Search Window - Selecting Hubs

    Didn't understand, what filters ? I know how to do it, I just don't want do uncheck 20 hubs every time i search...
  14. Search Window - Selecting Hubs

    IMO right click -> search hub would be really great too. //sorry for writing in 1 month old topic
  15. Direct Connect and the Future

    Why didn't you post the good sides of BT ? I personally achieve much greater speeds with it, less leeching, the load is divided between users, not only the main seeder/s with 100%, i would say trackers are more reliable than hubs, i don't have to connect to 100000 hubs to download from all sources and maybe even more i cant think of right now...
  16. Backup script

    I have an idea - a cpp exe that makes your bat with user's preferences (path, what to back up, number of backups, maybe a bat that first backs up apex and then runs it, and so on).what do you think ? I'll work on it tomorrow (right after those notification and reminder features CB requested).
  17. How to turn off country flags in user list?

    If he deletes the geoip file, there will be ??. I tried doing this thru the source but I coulnt do it .
  18. ApexDC IS running under Wine (Linux)!

    Right click at the emo icon (right of the msg box) and click disabled. Other way is to delete emos from apex's folder.
  19. Moving my incomplete folder

    1.Configure the new dir in settings(downloads/unfinished downloads directory and save them by clicking OK) and close apex; 2.Move your folder to that new location; if you downloads still start in the old location, open ApexDC++/Settings/Queue.xml with notepad. search for TempTarget="...." (first search for TempTarget= to see exactly the dir) and change it too for every download. (here replace function comes in handy). 3. Start apex. Everything should work. BTW you can use "%[targetdrive]\Some Dir\" for tmp dir, this way %[targetdrive] if auto. changed to the download location's drive letter.(F.e you download a file to X:\ and your tmp dir will be X:\Some Dir\).However dont use it for downloads, it doesn't work
  20. Moving my incomplete folder

    Move it to the new location and set the new location in settings/downloads/unfinished dir.
  21. [1.0.0B/B2][Crash] FREQUENT

    It has been fixed already in beta 3 (internal testing). If you want roll back till the new version is out, its your choice after all. It is called beta version. It includes many new features, which imo is a jump. Also there's no difference between new and upgraded ones...
  22. Yea, he deserves it ;)
  23. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    I agree, but not too much 'asking'. This weekend ill mod a lil bit, maybe ill look thru the online alert feature, since im a noob, I don't promise anything...
  24. ==HELP==

    In simple words - hashing is a process where a file is indexed and a TTH is generated (something like C3LD7LWASXDTYYCPNI46APOCK4GYZQDE7QFLLFB) . Every file has a unique TTH (in theory). This is done so that after download your client can rehash the file and check whether the file is 'the same' (no corruption, etc) by comparing the 2 hashes. Google for more info
  25. He has a lot to read I recommend starting from the end to save time if you want to ;)