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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Then Will You Add It In The Normal Version? :)

    firstly, i didn't never say that there won't be an op version, i just said it's not the first thing lined up in things to do with apexdc++

    secodnly: hide share will be added to OP version only :lol: not to normal version, unless we decide to merge the op version and normal version at later time.

  2. In the future I want the ability to pause, resume, remove user from queue, and disconnect user in the right click menu of the transfer view. That would reduce the confusion for new users.

    remove user from queue, and disconnect user: good idea.

    pause, resume: pause is easy but resume is bit trickier as tranferview is "cleaning" itself up periodically :)

  3. We plan to have an enhanced installation guide that allows the user to install either one of the following:
    • Default DC++ icons
    • StrongDC++ icons
    • PeerWeb DC++ icons (or default apex)
    • ApexDC++ icons (if some are created - not sure at this point)

    This may increase the size of the installer considerably though, and the Binary version will only have ApexDC++ icons.

    installation guide or installer? :)

  4. Would it be possible to make it optional and add a warning then?

    maybe, but i think that OP version is not important at the moment, my priorities are getting this project to a level beyond just ideas and discussion, to something like executable perhaps :)

  5. I Am Talking About Verli Hub but i agree with the option that the options will be showned if you're an op ... that would be great, or i just want those options in the version of Apex if possible because an ordinary user would select the hide share for one hub but he won't get in because of the share limit so it will be avaible for the ops ... and the same with the ip near the timestamp ... if he is a user he can't see everyone's ip .... so i stick with the ideea :D it's ok about the op version, u guys do what you think the best ... and it will be ok for those options to be in the normal version ... Thanks !

    with the hide share there is just that:

    if user is an op in hub x (hide share enabled) and a regular user on hub y (hide share disabled obiviously) there can be messups with uploading filelist, to clients of version 0.674 and older

  6. i Dont think that would be to hard to do but its not me coding the client i all ready use that in hub scripts ...but by typing /help in main chat your clients have cmds there these would give use dc faq

    eg: strongdc cvs132 has these>>>


    /dc++ (zobrazi verzi DC++ v mainchatu)
    /strongdc++ (zobrazi verzi StrongDC++ v mainchatu)

    i cant see it being hard to add dc faq there as well but think /dc++ /strongdc++ covers that, as for the rules and reging etc thay can be added to the user command in the settings like this >> <%[mynick]> !kick %[nick] No Slots for Filelist Dispite DC++| there would be no point in adding them to a client as every hub as diffrent cmds and you would need to set your own up

    most hubs have the RHC menu's anyway these days


    You can't see it but there is a guides section under work on these forums :D

    and help menu of ApexDC++ will have a shortcut to that forum. also maybe a chm file will be made available later.

    so there will be plenty of material for new users :)

  7. Ok.Thank you very much :D .You made my life much easier. :)

    note: currently fav hubs window doesn't allow saving an entry without address, in most existing clients i believe, but you can get around this by putting something in the address field when you intially create the "group header", and after that you can edit the address off there if you like.

  8. Hello. I'm just wondering if you could make an option to organize your favorite hubs into groups. For example, you could see them like tree view or like folders. I hope you will do this cause will be very handy. Oh, and one other request. Please,Please, reduce the waiting time between the searches. 50sec it's too much. :) . Thanx for your time.

    grouping favourites, can alredy be done f.ex. this is how i do it: Click Me

    and you can reduce the interval yourself: Settings > StrongDC++ > Advanced > Minium search interval

    Note: it's only the minium wait time though, and you can't set it below 10 if i remember correctly

  9. Oh, oh.... And if U could make selective Hash 4 different HUBS & 2 block if something is offensive on one and not on the other ---i had a problem with football cheerleading songs :) .... Or 2 post Anime 4 one Hub, but MP3 4 other oe 4 instance....)

    i believe you mean to request: Different shares for different hubs.

    i have already stated that, this is not going to happen, even though it could now be done now. (thanks to changes in user identification)

    And I'm not willing to go through the same discussion again, that has alredy been discussed at neXTpeer, so pleace no future reguests about this, my opinion isn't likely change anytime soon :)

  10. And this OP version would be prohibited to ordinary users?

    if so, then you should talk among the op's about this. if not and its better then regular version, then we shall all use it anyway and render regular version useless. :)

    i actually agree with seeker, none will use the regular version if OP version is better, no matter are they op or not

  11. Or Maybe You could guys improve the hashing system to hash more qucikly boost the speed of hash, that would help a lot of people let's say like the people who doesn't have a fast hard drive or i don't know .... but if you will improve the hash speed that would be great ... i don't know .... hope you can do this ...

    why to "fix" something that isn't broken :) users with limited RAM / slow HD can just limit the max hash speed.

    It's not that i don't like the idea of improving hashing speed, but i consider myself not familiar enough with TTH to go mess around with it.

  12. They're useful features, so we'll look into it. We already have a huge list for 1.0 beta 1, meaning the more we add the later it gets released. Depending on whether these features can be added using Visual Studio 2005, sure.

    Lee everything that can be done with 2003 can also be done with 2005, the compiler itself is never a limitation.

    (unless you use some really basic free compiler)

  13. 10 minutes is a good interval Crise. "Disconnect users who leave hub" will be on by default, and if a user disconnects from the hub, and returns before 10 minutes they are granted a slot. Therefore, if a user is cut off due to an IP change, it would be wise to keep it at 10 minutes so they can get back in and receive the slot.

    it should be under 10mins in this case ;)

  14. i remember something like a tree....hub was in neXT forum....

    because i have thought a similar feature (maybe already requested in pwdc and next forum)

    the feature to collapse tabs of the ame type (hubs,PMs,folders,etc)

    is this feature in fuldc? i got the impression it was in dcpro

  15. I do think it could do with being more clear - many

    EDIT: Actually, now I think about it, the connection settings screen is an accident waiting to happen. Thing

    like 'Don't allow hub/UPnP to override' are confusing for new users

    i know Nas and i'm trying to do something to it, but the radiobuttons stay as they are though (can't be arsed to redo that part of the gui implentation)

  16. angry= :P joke..... maybe it was better if i said disappointed...

    fulDC tab (please try to keep the same size of the tab..don't let them become larger)

    suppress main chat only in some hubs

    Are you going to add fulDC "tree"?

    with fuldc "tree" you mean what?