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Posts posted by Crise

  1. How to compile ApexDC++

    Download the attached text file and follow instructions.




    How reproduce a release version

    For this manually creating the appropriate version file (second approach in the attached file) is recommended. The necessary build id is the fourth version digit that can be seen in the about box or update check dialogs.


    Creating redistributable binaries (with modifications)

    To get a redistributable binary out of the source code distribution we recommend that you set up an svn repository with services such as and use that. Additionally you must change the version check url in the version-template.h (as your assigned build id will be 1 initially which is much lower than ours) and then proceed to digitally sign a new version file with a private key (generated by a toolset such as openssl).

    There is a small tool built into ApexDC itself that will do the signing for you, a windows batch file similar to the one below may be used to generate the necessary signature file (version.xml.sign).


    @echo off
    ..ApexDC-x64.exe /sign "%CD%version.xml" "%CD%private.key"
    ..ApexDC-x64.exe /sign "%CD%beta.xml" "%CD%private.key"

    There is also an additional switch you will need to specify the first time signing version file with a new key which is -pubout. When this switch is present ApexDC will generate a pubkey.h file corresponding to your private key which should then be used to replace our pubkey.h so that verification will work against your version file pair.

    After you have a signed xml, the trick is to make it discoverable by your compiled version of ApexDC by uploading both the .xml and .sign files side by side to the location you specified inside version-template.h (remember to recompile with the correct pubkey.h file).


    Recompiling ApexDC as a replacement for the release versions on (for personal use) is not recommended or otherwise supported.

    adamrzymski likes this

  2. Anyways, with almost all features you can do it without touching the other parts of the code, just adding one line. Make new files and just add them to the source where you want it, easier to upgrade to new StrongDC++ aswell, if you want later.

    true but f.ex. GeoIP won't fully work (loads only parts of it) with 2005, due changes MS made to some functions

    (atoi-functions if i'm not mistaken) this is the only problem that might exist with mods other than SDC++, oh and then there is the toolbar separator problem, that might also appear in other mods...

  3. No, Since I don't use StrongDC++ code, I don't need to wait till it gets released to code :D . Well, Only thing I can't understand is why stop coding only because you "have" to wait for an release.

    I made this decision because when we wait RC11 before doing anything we are sure that all the fixes of RC11 will be in ApexDC++ as well. I know that it could be done by merging, but i rather do it this way because between RC10 and RC11 is lot of changes and i'm not too keen on hunting all these changes down. :), yes i know there exists many good comparison programs, but as we used cvs with PWDC++, evry file will be different in eyes of such program.

    And yet another reason is that i want to "get rid off" some of my own fuckups and certain customizations that will certainly not be compatible with RC11...

    Oh and i have not stopped coding, i'm testing things out with old pwdc src's (nothing big though) and if they work good they will perhaps be in ApexDC++ as well

    Edit: Also CraKteR getting current PWDC++ source to compile with VS 2005 is not a problem (we released an experimental beta compiled on 2005) but as the changes MS made to VS 2005 cause some weird crashes (and whole lot of other bugs), we reverted back to VS 2003...

  4. Vectorization and Loop Optimization

    Vectorization detects patterns of sequential data

    accesses by the same instruction and transforms the

    code for SIMD execution, including use of the SSE,

    SSE2, and SSE3 instruction sets.

    Processor-Specific Optimization

    The following optimization switches enable the compiler

    to generate optimized and specialized code for a

    specific processor and allow the compiler's vectorizer

    to generate SIMD instructions using SSE, SSE2, and/or

    SSE3, depending on the targeted processor.

    Processor Dispatch

    Processor dispatch allows developers to optimize

    applications targeting one or more specific

    IA-32 processors.

    you buy me a license for intel compiler and i'll be more than glad to do some optimized builds :)

  5. Will Apex DC++ be like pwdc because i kinda like it's GUI and the fact that it's strong dc's enhaced clone. When will Apex DC++ be released, i mean the bug free version, not a beta or something like that.

    Thanks for your replies. :)

    Please be so kind and read the mini faq at the top of this forum. it'll answer all your questions, also read the mainsite news :)

  6. hey guys, i wonder, does peerweb dc++ have the opton to display the ip adress in main chat on the left side of the user's nick ?

    thanks in advance for your answers. :)

    unfortunetly pwdc don't have this option, but this option will be most likely available for ApexDC++ in some point (only would work, if hub is configured in apropriate way, and you'd be op on that hub)

  7. Well it gets the file out there, but DC lacks any announcement system. (Well, most hubs) And then the source only has so many slots.

    think the bright sides of the slot system:

    when user that had no free slots get's free slot it's first come first to serve basis, so you don't have to wait in a queue, like in so many other P2P networks

  8. The problem is; How can you make it foolproof?

    So you can't use it wrongly.

    well only way to make it really foolproof would probably need hubside support...

    but with no special support from serverside it could only be done by utilizing CID with newer clients (0.69 and newer) and comparing hub adress + nick with older clients.

    but i still don't see why this is so big deal with this praticular feature, as there are many other features that can be used wrongly. besides it could be made detectable so if op's would want they could easily kick it, just like it's with limitting having the L:x in tag....

  9. CID is good for that, yes. But this client does it without CID (Since not everyone supports it). So it doesen't give wrong list to the onces with old versions. I think anyways.

    I don't think multisharing is good myself.

    makes sence. But i wonder pretty much why so many people are against hub independent sharing, as if it's used correctly i see nothing bad in it (since theoretically any feature can be used wrongly) not that i say this would be good for public hubs in my opinion, but it would be very handy for certain private hubs (and by private i mean really private not the "have enough share and you are in" private.) i'm sure some guys browsing these forums are able think few hubs where this would be very good/useful feature.

  10. No public DC mod has this. Private there is tho.

    Compares with nick + hub. so should be pretty reliable, but not always.

    couldn't it utilize CID somehow? (as i think that CID is created from nick and hub address)

    anyway, as i don't know how this actually could be done properly (or as properly as it could be done, with nmdc protcol), i have to drop this request...

  11. Hi again. I 'd like to ask you if there is any possibility to add remote administration. Something like the web server in peerweb but more functionable. Thanks.

    well that's easier said than done B)

    as even unmodified StrongDC++ RC10 webserver has some problems which should be solved before even planning anything more complicated, (ofcourse i don't know if these problems will exist on RC11 but i think they will)

    besides making the webserver actually useful in terms of remote administration, it'd need an extreme makeover, which i'm not planning to do (not among the first things atleast)

  12. Yes, this is possible for some people. Not for those without a router though.

    This is why having an Auto Update IP every X minutes feature included in the client would save people a lot of headache.

    dyndns works without router, you just have to dl their "DUC" program

  13. Some hubs only allow you to share one type of file. In my experience this is usually anime hubs, but others specialize as well. So a nice feature, that is in some other clients, would be custom filelists for each hub.

    eg. Hub#1 you're sharing everything you've got as they're unrestricted

    Hub#2 you're only sharing complete albums

    Hub#3 you're only sharing anime

    and in what other client would this be in B) i don't think it exist in any as it has only recently been made possible to do it correctly,

    but if you show me (quite recent) client which has it i'm open into looking into it

  14. One really feature I always wanted but were unavailable with most dc protocols, is the ability to mouse drag numerous selected hubs in the public hublist directory.

    Whenever it downloads the recent hubs, I can only select each hub one by one to add it to favorites folder. It would be nice if you can mouse select as many as you want.

    if i remember correctly this feature was in strongdc, but was removed. (can anyone confirm this, as i'm not sure)

  15. I don't think it's going to be that easy :P (site is back online, maybe it was down because of high traffic, it's down from time to time).

    Every next RC rel. it takes longer and longer, and no more CVS access... well I hope it's worth all the waiting.

    What should one do to become ApexDC++ betatester?

    (except guess_ApexDC++_release_date_contest)

    Currently there is no other way of getting a tester status, as only previous testers from pwdc++/next++ will get it for now.

    (new tester positions might open up later though, and in that case you should ofcourse prove yourself worthy of the position)

    But if someone really wants access to betas, they should check the Mini FAQ :)

    Edit: currently though there aren't any betas as we are waiting rc11, only thing that people with access to beta forum will currently get is:

    • Extended todo-list
    • Access to WIP Guides section for ApexDC++

    but ofcourse the first beta will emerge at once after rc11 is out (read: within few days from the release of rc11)

  16. Edit: If the file disappears off the transfer view due to it being 'cleaned', then it should stay on Paused until the user Resumes it via the Download Queue.

    i like the sound of that, means less work for me :)

    Edit: nice avatar Grogs.

  17. That makes no sense to me. Well maybe it does, but not in relation to how this makes the feature harder? :S

    it makes adding resume option harder as paused downloads are automatically cleaned from transferview after some time, so you would have to go to download queue to resume them (ofcourse it can be done so that paused dl's will remain on transferview, but it would ofcourse cause aditional work for me) In reality i don't know yet how will i do with this request at all, maybe i'll figure out the resume thingy or maybe not we will see.

  18. How do you mean?

    All it would require is a "Resume with Priority" menu within the right click menu, from which they can select the priority as in the downloads queue window? Or the resume button would just download with the previously selected priority or auto/normal.

    Meh, I don 't think I understood what you meant.

    as tranferview is "cleaning" itself up periodically :)