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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Well I don't know what version you were using Crise, but the 9 beta 2 or whatever can put the tab bar at the bottom fine. The same way that you'd put any other toolbars at the bottom.

    yes i can get it in the very bottom of the screen but not directly below address bar. and i'm using weekly builds of opera 9 (currently same as beta 2, but not for long)

  2. Generated: Fri May 26 2006 23:12:58 GMT+0300 (FLE Standard Time)

    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060523 Firefox/

    Build ID: 2006052304

    Enabled Extensions: [17]

    - Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages

    - Adblock Filterset.G Updater - Synchronizes Adblock with Filterset.G

    - All-In-One Sidebar 0.7 Beta 1 - Quickly switch between sidebars, view dialog windows such as downloads, extensions, and more in the sidebar, or view source or websites in the sidebar. It includes a slide-out button and a toolbar, all of which can be extensively customized.

    - BBCodeXtra - Adds BBCode/HTML/XHTML commands to the context menu

    - ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.

    - CuteMenus - Crystal SVG 1.0 - Adds icons to all menu items.

    - DOM Inspector - Inspect the DOM of HTML, XUL, and XML pages, including the browser chrome.

    - Fasterfox 1.0.3 - Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.

    - FlashGot - Enables single and massive("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external downloadmanagers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD(dozens currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details).FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetizefull media galleries in one page from serial contents originally scattered onseveral pages, for easy and fast "download all".

    - Gmail Manager - Gmail accounts management and new mail notifications.

    - IE Tab 1.0.9 - Enables you to use the embedded IE engine within Mozilla/Firefox.

    - JavaScript Options 1.2.4 - Provides advanced JavaScript options for Firefox.

    - Linkification 1.2.3 - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.

    - MR Tech Local Install 5.0.3 - Local Install power tools for all users. (en-US)

    - Tab Mix Plus - Tab browsing with an added boost.

    - Talkback - Submit a crash report to

    - User Agent Switcher 0.6.8 - Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.

    Disabled Extensions: [2]

    - BookmarksHome 1.5.2 - localized description now

    - Html Validator 0.7.9 - Adds HTML validation to the View Page Source of the browser. The validation is done by Tidy from W3c.

    Total Extensions: 19

    Installed Themes: [1]

    - Firefox (default)


    And as you can see from my user agent i'm using Firefox 1.5.0.X Nightlies atm.

  3. You can also use fastefox, but Opera's engine still means it can render the pages faster, it's not just about the speed of downloading from the servers, that of course can be changed in Opera too. As to the fancy features... I'd say it's lacking them really but there are some which arn't needed. As to the memory it uses, I'd say firefox is worse. I've been using Opera as my main browser for years, but I did switch to firefox for quite a while, and it's far from a bad broswer and it's more custimizable then Opera, but the problem I find it that it's more you can add stuff then change. What's already there actually allows fairly little customization really, the same is true with Opera to a large extent.

    well, at least ff's toolbars are more flexible ;) (as i can't seem to find a way to move tab bar directly below adress bar in opera, which is one of the reasons i don't use opera) and i bet many users use FF only because the lack of customization and the extensions they are used to having with FF. And also even though correctly tweaked opera can render and load data from server faster than FF, i think FF displays some pages more nicely than opera (mainly because FF is not quite as strict with standards than opera is, even though they are close) and this results to the fact that some more poorly done pages are a tad bit more viewable with FF. (i'm not saying that being strict with standars is a bad thing, nor do i want this topic to turn into debate between upto standard and not upto standard, webrowsers/-pages, even though i too prefer doing the work i do with webpages acording to latests standards)

  4. Yesterday we hit 2,000 forums posts (screenshot below). Considering we're only requesting features, discussing these possible features and posting behind-the-scenes experimental builds to enjoy I think we're doing pretty well. Something we'll all be looking forward to is finally releasing a public beta and observing the forum activity skyrocket (obviously not posting bugs/crashes though ;) ) and the popularity of ApexDC++ rise!

    I believe thanks are in order to everyone who is supporting the project in it's initial stages and we hope to reward you with some goodness in coming weeks or, even, months. :)

    On a website related note, I re-wrote the donation page allowing people to see who's already supporting ApexDC++ and hopefully enticing more people to do so.

    nice :)

    also about the donation page, you need to fix the top menu for it, and i'd personally prefer rather than (can easily be done with some fairly simple php)

  5. hello i wanted to report this crash that keeps on happening


    Reporting crashes with pwdc++ atm. is pretty much useless, as currently we do not fix any pwdc bugs because we plan on re-doing everything once StrongDC++ RC11 is out which will hopefully snatch many of the current bugs (and create some new ones, most likely ;))

  6. In PWDC the client often marks peers as "slow user" and removes them from the source list. That option is turned off, so this should not happen, but it still does ;)

    as a matter of fact it should still happen :) but atm. i'm too lazy to write the whole explanation myself so i'll return to this post in a minute :)

    Here comes your answer(s): Clicky Me

    (read the whole topic it'll answer your next questions too i think)

  7. This gives me the idea of putting a "character counter" and, if possible, a message "Max chars reached" before Enter is pressed.

    But the size of writing box has nothing to do with "cut due length". In smaller box even the possibility not to see the "extra" characters increases.

    Maybe the arrows could appear automatically if the message is consisting of 2+ lines?

    I don't think "character counter" is possible, as hubs may not send that info to user (haven't checked though)

    I diddn't quite follow the rest of your post, they (or rather it) alredy get(s) enabled when message is multiline.

    (side note: your arrows are actually a scrollbar)

  8. yes Crise,

    this is an option that I need, therefore I will code it.

    this thread has turned into opinionated responses from the outset, so I will exit this thread after this post.


    I was only thinking it as a feature request for ApexDC++ (mostly, at least) as after all you posted it as a feature request. And what do you mean with: "turned opinionated responses" if we would not post what we think of the featutres, there'd be hardly no discussion at all...

  9. Time for me to comment in here :lol:

    This feature would never work well with DC as the possibility of finding the exactly same file on ftp server and DC is very unlikely unless someone put up a http/ftp mirror specially for this purpose (and this would be a special case) or if you download only from a strict original releases only (sharing of 100% original releasegroup releases) hub, which are then again usually private or semi-private (but still a reg-only) hubs...

    And then there would still exist the problem of finding the http/ftp server containing original releases, because many servers with decent ammount of files go down pretty quickly...

    (though as some of you may know there exist many reliable servers too, but this is not the right place for discussing about them)

    As a side note: free file hosting services wouldn't work with this either :P

    Conclusion: in my opinion this feature doesn't get used enough for it to be worth adding, but if someone is willing to spare the time in doing a patch for this (assuming the code is somewhat clean and commented) I am happy to check the code out and perhaps add it in, if there is enough demmand (though for now there seems not to be much of a demmand)

  10. Name/nick(s): Crise, Xaeon, Xaver, there is two more nicks but those are not to be mentioned in public forums :P

    Gender: male

    Age: 16 (january 5th, 1990)

    Country: Finland

    Hobby's: Programming, DC, reading, swimming, fishing, Elite w*rez (not a hobby really), messing with computers, and web programming also...

    Funniest thing what happened on DC: there are so many great things that have happened to me on DC, so i can't decide.

    This all in a nutshell: I was one of those that had way too much free time in their hands, but i don't have that problem any more :lol:


    or here -

    not sure which one is better... it is out for a while already - sort of pre-alpha thing -)

    the ftp link is only for latest trunk builds (read; builds that are continuosly developed not tied to any specific version, branch builds then again are builds towards certain version ie.

    also that so called alpha for 3.0 is just some random nightly trunk build (Minefield == trunk build)

  12. I didn't read the entire thread yet, but this is a feature that I would like to see also.

    Example Usage:

    Using a hub that requires a certain type of file only (e.g.: .ISO) & using other hubs at the same time or using a VIP Only hub & other hubs simultaneously.


    Quoting myself as a reply:

    currently there is no way that this can be done properly. (read: many users exspecially op's use old versions/mods of DC++ so the user identification fix in latest release of DC++ won't have much impact)

  13. Personally I would like to see the ability to be able to add more then one filter or criteria to which the search results/hits have to match. I've seen this in another client, in fact the Search "window"/"sidebar" on there was quite well done.

    you don't by any change mean revconnect or DCStealthy, if so we were planning to port it over but soon figured it was way too much work :)

  14. Firefox is the award winning next generation browser from Mozilla. Firefox empowers you to browse faster, more safely, and more efficiently than with any other browser. Make the switch today - Firefox imports your Favorites, settings and other information, so you have nothing to lose.

    expect, that some extensions refuse to work (not sure if the new addons manager is enabled in this build though, as i use burning edge builds aka nightlies)

  15. Add filter of type of connection like for the size of file (see LDC)

    Unite columns users and hits (see RevConnect)

    In column Hits,display separatley complete and incomplete sources;something like we can see we have 23 complet sources and 9 incompletes.

    partial sources should somehow be displayed in search in RC11 (Lee, can you confirm?)

    what comes to two other reqs, i'll consider and perhaps take a look into them...

  16. For the sake of continuity, being able to import the following from DC++ would be useful:
    • partial downloads
    • favorites hubs
    • public hublists
    • download queues

    You don't need an import function for that, as it is in most cases that few files only needs to be copied over to /settings/ directory.

    somtimes queue.xml needs to be edited though (if temp file location is changed) but this is rare, as it is always adviced to complete all in progress/queue downloads before switching clients...