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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Crise, your response says nothing about the issue. Lee and other keep claiming (in the StrongDC forum) about things that "can't be done", "not technically possible" and other such lame responses.

    I never bothered to fully read those topics, because they went to complete flaming in the end... (but if they said it's not technically possible, that's not true)

    The point is, and remains, that I as the user, *no one else* has the right to determine WHAT I share and WHEN I share it. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. ANY other excuse is just that, an excuse. Only some pathetic ego-trip, power-monger, control-freak would care otherwise.

    Maybe so, but there won't be an option to disable it since if there was everyone/most would disble it and then there would be no point in having such feature in the first place...

  2. Sorry, Lee, but that is plain bullshit. You bitch about "leechers" wanting to turn off unfinished files that they may not want to share (for WHATEVER reason!) but you will allow a frigging SPEED LIMITER!!!??? There are FAR more "leechers" out there who ABUSE a limiter function!

    Bottom line, as I said in Strong's Forum, WHAT I share and WHEN is UP TO ME - period. Don;t give me that lame bullshit excuse of crappy shares (I happen to share over 150GB). Users with crappy LIMITED speeds are far worse than not being able to get a few segments of someone else's unfinished file. What it with your freaking ego trip on wanting to CONTROL what others share???

    Speed limiter marks tag and has strict limitations, so it cannot be abused. Oh and I couldn't care less what you said in StrongDC++ forums, and i sure hope not to see any more of posts like the above one.

    Learn to control your anger, and if you need to bitch to any staff member please do it in PM from now on...

  3. What's this setting for and what are the setting limitations?

    Also, is there no option to disable auto-refresh, or at least set the refresh for as long an interval as possible?

    it's for "Close hubs below threshold users"...

    Just set it to 0 ;)

  4. SDC 2.01 - nope not working

    vanilla DC++ 0.694 - nope not working.

    DCDM 0.049 - yes

    older version SDC - yes

    PeerWebDC - yes

    Zion - yes

    So the problem is not in ApexDC++ it's in DC++ 0.694 (or to tell the truth most likely it is in the hub commands)

    Our official Support Hub (TGO) used to have the same problem and we fixed it with a simple modification to the commands (moved around $UserCommand 255 7|, as newer versions of DC++ take very good note of that command, unlike some older versions)

  5. hehehe....nope :)

    There is nothing wrong with the hubcommands - it just don´t work with ApexDC++

    What info do you want ?

    For now i need you to do two things, first test if they work with SDC 2.01, and then test if they work with vanilla DC++ 0.694...

    :) (mainly to trace the origin of the problem...)

  6. Hello, sorry for my bad english.. the client works greatly, but can you implement the ö ü ä characters for writing. I can see only this characters, when i recieve a message from another client, but i can't write it. Thx very well for this client.

    disable: "Remove diacritic marks from Czech chars" (remind me to disable this by default for pr2, Lee)

  7. I have made some own hubcommand that comes automatic everytime I (and the other OP´s) log in.

    I works perfect with all other client (PeerWeb for example) But not in this client.

    Not even when I manually (with +owner) tryes.

    Feed tells me.... [19:21:47] <-SF02™-> Installerar [OP]Skalman™ hubb kommandon. (Conf by[OP]Skalman™)

    But nothing happens :)

    All hubcommands i've come upto have worked fine for me, even some of the more unique solutions...

    Bit more info would help, maybe.

  8. Im not sure I just havent set it up right, but search spy used to tell you the username of the person searching in PWDC now it doesnt seem to in Apex?

    Could this be reinserted, it was rather useful.

    Unfortunetly no, search spy is supposed to be anonymous, it would be different case if Search Spy could be used by Op's only as yes i can see the usefulness of nick for an op...

  9. Showing netlimiter in the tag is going to cause many problems for me and for many others as well, I may have to go back to PW ;(

    Anyone doesn't seem to get the hint in my post :), but the choice is yours...

  10. Code: c0000005

    Version: 0.1.0

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-08-04 11:37:33


    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\cid.h(40): CID::operator==

    c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\apexdc stuff\stlport\stlport\stl\_hashtable.h(539): stlp_std::hashtable<stlp_std::pair<CID const =0x0EA4FADC,OnlineUser *>=0x0AC1B044,CID=0x00599FD5,CID::Hash=0x00CAC7C8,stlp_std::priv::_HashMultimap

    raitsT<stlp_std::pair<CID const =0x022A777C,OnlineUser *> >=0x00000002,stlp_std::priv::_Select1st<stlp_std::pair<CID const =0x0EA4FBF4,OnlineUser *> >=0x00CACFD8,stlp_std::equal_to<CID>=0x0000001C,stlp_std::allocator<stlp_std::pair<CID const =0x0106B718,OnlineUser *> > >::_M_find<CID>

    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\clientmanager.h(81): ClientManager::getOnlineUser

    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\queuemanager.cpp(1102): QueueManager::getDownload

    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\downloadmanager.cpp(272): DownloadManager::checkDownloads

    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\connectionmanager.cpp(586): ConnectionManager::addDownloadConnection

    l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\client\connectionmanager.cpp(644): ConnectionManager::on

    0x0F046E10: ?

    ApexDC!0x0049BB60: [thunk]:UserConnection::`vector deleting destructor'

    0xFFFFFC98: ?

    I'm running winxp sp2

    some more info, thank you :) what were you doing etc.

  11. When typing /help, the first line says:

    /refresh (refersh share)

    Also, the /ratio and /stats commands are not described anymore in /help.

    Yep, i'll fix that typo, also didn't bother updating /help tbh.