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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Чорт, мне наоборот удобнее так ;)

    1. How can I add some spam user to ignore list who's currently offline?

    Manually editting the xml while the client is closed, that's the only way currently... i might have a look into allowing adding of offline users into the ignorelist one way or another, tho i don't see much point in it as spammers (bot's anyway) tend to change nick all the time and/or disconnect instantly after spamming the hub...

    2. How can I add my friend to fav list if he's offline now? Or been noticed if he's back after week of absence?

    Can't you make it work without CID?

    Don't know for 100% sure as haven't looked into it really but i don't think so, unless i revert it to the old way and i really don't even consider doing that so don't get your hopes up on this one...

  2. Thats what he is getting from his end as someone else seems to start downloading from him & i then go back to the auto grant slot that he has on permanently for me.

    Well i'm not sure if i remember this correctly, please correct if wrong. But in SDC, and thus naturally in ApexDC++ when segment is finished and emulation is on, you have the possibility to loose slots (read: connection is actually closed, i think), this however doesn't happen if emulation is not used...

  3. [22:48:10] <Subcreator> BTW, concerning Apex

    [22:48:35] <Subcreator> Does it have an option - Add in Favorites by nick, when the user is offline?

    [22:48:46] <Subcreator> Haven't seen this anywhere

    [22:52:23] <Subcreator> perfect would be - addition in selected (?favorite?) by IP address - if the person often changes nicks, or vice-versa: by nick - if the person has a dynamic IP (often changes) and classic addition through the context menu!

    Nope, since i don't think such option is possible anymore (since you need CID of the user to add him/her to favs) :)

  4. Hello all

    Ok,i don know really what happened ,and why the crash came up,because i was away from my computer.

    I was downloading something when the crash came up,if thats of some importance.The program created exceptioninfo.txt and here it is attached

    I hope you solve it,and improve ApexDC++ as much as you can

    ncie, but i see no file attached :)

  5. I like that ApexDC 0.2.1 puts limit speed in descriptions so ops can have it under control. But does it detect a NetLimiter in computer as the icelandic mod DCf++ did, I really liked that. Simular like what ApexDC does, it showed {L20} in description if user was limiting with NetLimiter at 20kb/s.

    If ops can see it, then limiting can be used without abuse. I know cheters always find away but this would make it hard to limit for most users.

    yeah netlimiter limit should be placed as connection type :)

  6. Code: c000001d

    Version: 0.2.0

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-08-19 07:56:33


    0x0012EED1: ?

    c:\documents and settings\zipi\dokumentumok\visual studio 2005\projects\apexdc\client\user.h(146): Identity::getFileListSize

    ntdll!0x7C915F0B: RtlValidateUnicodeString

    ApexDC!0x0043921F: MainFrame::FileListQueue::`scalar deleting destructor'

    0x8351F8E4: ?

    Running on Windows XP Pro SP2 for about 6 hours. Programs running in background: jetaudio, Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall, MSN Messenger

    That's a custom compiled version, and unfortunetly we can't offer support for those (since we don't know if/what user changed, or even that he compiled it the same way we do)

  7. have you taken in consideration that every icon needs to be 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 to be 100% WinXP compatible?

    that sizes it up to 40KB per icon, now do the math.

    True seeker, but tray icon only needs 16x16 :shifty:

  8. Hi all.I could really use some help.I need to know more about that programe specialized in breaking yahoo passwords and maybe you could help me by telling me how to get it.Thanks

    Unfortunetly you chose completely wrong forums for your question... these forums are for ApexDC++ and stuff related to it, and to some extent DC in general. So no we cannot help you i'm afraid.


  9. Thanks, but we'd rather it was on our server so we can control what the users see. ;)

    No, user would never see that page...

    And when we discusssed this i specifically stated that i wouldn't want users to connect to

  10. I haven't used the plugin yet because I'm running the full PG2 program, but I have a couple of questions about it.

    1) does it update the lists that PG2 does?

    2) can I import my permblocks/permallows?

    3) is there a window that will show the history of blocks?

    4) does it have equivalent functionality to the stand-alone PG2?

    5) since it's integrated, is there a way to display the nick(s) associated with the IPs?

    Thanks much! :D

    1) no, somekind of update coming later

    2) nope

    3) not yet (and the solution i have in mind is bit different)

    4) nope, but does what it's supposed to

    5) looking into this...