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Posts posted by Crise

  1. There is? I cannot seem to find this. Do you know of a solution?

    i couldn't find it either, guess it was on one of the earlier forums, or then i mixed it with another topic...

    but my guess would be that verlihub has some prepared list of tags which it uses and apexdc is not in it :D

  2. Hi, wasn't really sure where to put this topic, so sorry if its in the wrong place.

    Firstly, I run a hub using verlihub, and Apex is causing me some issues. I want my clients to use Apex, hell I even recommend it, but heres my problem:

    The Hub does not seem to read how many slots an Apex user has open, and so even though my minimum requirement is 4 slots, they are able to connect with 2?

    This wouldnt be an issue, but without it, it allows users to have free reign on the limiter functions in Apex. Im all for them limiting to prevent ADSL line saturation, but not too the extent that they do. You see, if I set the min slots to 4, the upload limiter formula would kick in (4+1x5 = 25 which is fine.)

    I understand I could disallow Apex threw tags and theyd still be able to connect with emulation to solve the problem, but my users arent the most inteligent with computers (users from my university).

    Is there a known way around this with Verlihub? I appreciate any help on this matter, I really do not want to dissallow apex, its such a great client.

    Finally, a big annoyance of mine, and something which again confuses my users, is the apparent inaccuracy of the speed indicators, both on individual downloads /uploads and in the bottom left corner of the status bar (only works in multiples of 32KB/s, so inspecific for my 64KB/s upload!) The download / upload individual speed indicators seem to take an average of too long a period. This then resets after each segment (very frequently I might add), and the averages rises again to like 150KB/s and falls to beneath the actual speed.

    My problem is the constant reem of questions I get "Why is my download slowing so much, it was on 150 before!" When it obviously cannot be as my upload is only 60KB/s or so. I have to keep telling them its a false average. I never noticed there problem in DC++ nor peerweb.

    Sorry for the long thread, but these issues have really been bugging me, any help you can offer is very much appreciated :D

    I still have to say the verlihub slot issues is hubside as tag is still showing the slots correctly, and also if i remember correctly there is an earlier topic about this which had the reason for this behaviour mentioned as well...

  3. Toast, the betas expire and become useless, it's really pointless to make a client profile for them. :D

    And why to check for tag when yoyu can simply check for description for [Auth:<insert nick of the tester here>] which is always visible.

    but as said by spyke earlier the builds expire in 30 days from compile date and they also have user & pass authentification, and only roughly 30 people has access to them (that's testers + subscribers, not counting staff/devs as they can if they want to compile a build without these extra checks, and with standard version number as well)

  4. My old revconnect logs IPs and Apex don't do it..May be the code for it is diferent? I tryed %[userip] but it don't works. If there isn't that option in apex it would be goot to make it :)

    try %[user14] as that's the new macro for user ip (assuming that i remembered it correctly) dunno if it works in there though...

  5. i dont wanna anyone to see my default dir!!!

    ever heard of a handly little program called explorer.exe the one that wants to see your default dir can simply locate it with it, or if he can't he can locate your dcplusplus.xml and look it up there and then use explorer to locate it :)

    I dont want my cousin to limit my UL speed

    This one i'm taking a look into ;)

  6. I'am using ApexDC++ 0.2.1!

    It is strange PeerWeb 0.41 work fine.I chek!

    yes, but what radox said is true, so the other user must upgrade their client not you :)

    this topic has been discussed plenty, it was done in DC++, so if DC++ decides to add back the support for nmdc style filelists (which is unlikely), we'll add it back as well, but otherwise it ain't coming back.

    topic closed

  7. dudes i wasnt talking about the pass u enter for your nick.(i havent even noticed that password window for it exists since my passwords are in favorites )I was talking about the 'protection' pass.but it can be done for it too.

    just press enter :huh:, as that's in theory same as cancel.

  8. Code: c0000005

    Version: 0.2.0

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-08-28 14:35:04


    0x0012EF62: ?

    ApexDC!0x006363D4: adc_disconnectstr

    ApexDC!0x00496200: [thunk]:PopupManager::`vector deleting destructor'

    0xFFFF97E8: ?

    Upgrade to 0.2.1, fixed in there

    topic closed

  9. After version 0.2.0 I can't push the button "Download" even if there is an update?! :huh:

    well it aint a bug, still ;) just forgot to increase one thing when compiling that exe (hey, it was 5 am in the morning :lol:)

  10. yes the red X does nothing thats why i said fix it or add cancel (i know that if u press OK its the same but anyway)

    Escape button = Esc :huh:

    And i won't be readding cancel button for this box as when you connect to hub you're expected to be willing to get in not change your mind half way through, and if you say something about forgetting your passwords, use favourite hubs... (i'll however check that when empty pass is given it won't send it to hub, but disconnects or something similar to that)

  11. but I didn't find anything what could be wrong

    thanks, pretty much same as what TBI said:

    ;) I've looked at that crash report, and unless I'm confused, the line numbers still don't match up with the actual lines in the code, since the line that has the problem only does stuff that is done successfully a couple of lines up anyway.

  12. Hi everybody, I was wondering about the following...

    I keep getting disconected from hubs, because apparently my client is to old ;)

    Do I have to wait for a new version of apex to get this fixed?


    It's not (since it's based on pretty new DC++, 0.694) just use emulation to fix it :)

  13. 1. All DC++ clients have big problem when downloading *.IFO and *.BUP files from VIDEO_TS DVD folder. The problem is that many *.IFO and *.BUP files have the same TTH and when download VIDEO_TS folder the source have 20 files but I'm downloading only 14. Other files with equal TTH is skiped. Now when download finish i must manual download one by one others files.

    I want when client downloading from VIDEO_TS folder to do simple check are all files are download and if NO download missing files.

    You can simply duplicate the files (f.ex. take .bup and copy it and rename to .ifo) since the have the same TH they are the same file you see :) (one is backup of the other)

    This "bug" has howerever been fixed in the currently developed version of SDC, so don't worry...

    2. I want (Open own list) -> (Copy) -> (Full Patch) option like Copy Nick, File Name ......

    In main chat many people search something but find nothing. And they ask " Who have last version of Firefox". And my a answer is PROGRAMI\Internet\Browsers\Firefox The patch I copy from Windows Explorer. But I must minimize DC++ client, run Explorer, browse to folder, copy patch, re-open DC++ client.

    hmm, you must mean path :) let's see what i can do about this

    3. I want options "Don't Limit transfer speed for users with Auto grand slot". I'm in LAN network and if I don't limit transfer speed my Upload speed is 5-10 MB/s and CPU Usage is 20-50% Athlon 3000+. For that reason "Limit transfer speed" is always ON 1500KB/s CPU Usage max 3%. I want my friends with Auto grand slot not have transfer speed limit and download very fast :)

    I'll check if this can be done atm. without too much work, and maybe...

    4. I кnow that is very hard and isn't priority but client CPU Usage must optimise. Many people don't use Apex DC++ because hе load up their coputers compared with classic DC++ client. They say that Apex DC++ have great features but slow down computer. The Apex DC++ team must find assembler guru who optimise the code. ;)

    Well higher resource/cpu usage is expected as ApexDC++ packs much more functionality than regular DC++, but i still agree with you... unfortunetly tho assembler guru's aren't that easy to find.

  14. Speaking of system output i meant something like in the tooltip on this screenshot.

    Also, I think it might be some graphics corruption (region marked red). If I point it with mouse, this tooltip comes out. Is it works as it should?

    That's just an issue caused by installing over old install (f.ex. pwdc or older ver of sdc)

    Edit: regarding the output you should see similar one on hovering over statusbar, tho sometimes the tooltip for it vanishes, and won't come back again until client restarted