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Everything posted by Crise

  1. ut2dc

    No, not a known issue, could you describe this more... since I am connecting to ADC hubs both encrypted and unencrypted without any issues.. adchpp and uhub. So if you have any more details that would be big help, though I am unaware of any differences between ADC in DC++ and ADC in ApexDC++ that could create such issues (well aside from our default TLS setting, but that only matters for ADCS hubs and can be remedied by visit to settings). So your comment about difference between Apex and DC++ greatly interests me.
  2. ApexDC++ 1.3.5 and 1.3.6 hangups

    Backups, backups...
  3. Because AML has been discontinued for a long long time now...
  4. No, only the dht nodes, and it is not like the text search would work as it is... it would probably need a modification in all DHT using clients to work. I just stated that it isn't impossible (but whether what we would have after that would still be DHT is questionable), nothing more.
  5. True it is technically impossible in that sense, but it isn't impossible to allow searching by text through DHT nodes.
  6. The reason it probably (pure guess) isn't done because if some one searches for ie. .mp3 on a hub, well you can guess the rest... the gist of it is that hub has better control over searches than we have over DHT.
  7. How do I not share empty directories?

    You are correct... though I still don't quite understand what the connection was between the two or if there even was a connection.
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.6

    It will probably be an option in some form eventually yes... as for the uploading taking longer, yes it can happen at times but not always. What's in 1.3.6 is just first step, so the behavior will be tweaked to be more efficient across the board.
  9. Plugin API

    The recent revival of the discussion about API's got me to look at an old piece of (broken) code I made a while ago and as end result it now seems to work in a satisfactory way. So now it is time to start asking questions... is plugin api needed in apex if so for what? And what should it be able to do...
  10. Plugin API

    The object members of various structs the plugins use have no meaning to the plugin itself, they are just something the node that implements a certain callback function uses. In other words they can be thought of as handles of sorts that the underlying implementation uses. The only exception being the object member of CommandData which is (as noted in PluginDefs.h) is either UserData or ClientData. So to answer your question, to fill f.ex. UserData on your own is impossible. So right now what you want to do is, while not impossible, extremely hard... because there is no API for querying users (mainly because a user cam go offline at any time yet and the plugin would not know about it). I am very much aware that there is much room for improvement with the API still but there are number of factors that make making certain additions to the API difficult.
  11. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.6

    I can only say here, that the preview function is easily fixable by prioritizing begin and end of the file at the begin of a download, that should allow most players capable of playing back incomplete files to work... in some case probably more so than when just getting segments from begin -> end, depends on the file format.
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.6

    I won't say anything about speed, but what it does do is allow users to share files more effectively. We ran a test on this and with a full source uploading a file for ten minutes and then leaving we (four people) were able to continue downloading for about 90 minutes afterwords without the presence of any full sources for the file. This is something that was not possible before since everyone got very much same chunks from the full source. The point is, before you would never finish a file without a full source but now that is possible. Sure enough ideally each downloader would ask for different segments from the full source to allow more effective partial sharing, however, this requires that the info of the currently downloading/requested chunks is passed among (partial) peers. This way they would know what segments will soon have alternate sources, besides the full source, and ask for the "rarest" segments from the full source. This might slow the speed one user downloads the file with but on average it will result in more users having the complete file sooner because they are less dependent on full sources upstream and slots. Thus resulting in more full sources for the file faster. I am by no means someone that should be making these comments since I am anything but familiar with this part of the code but I am simply applying common sense here combined with the fact that most users probably do not have the connections to provide them with 10mb/s downloads on a WAN environment, nor will the sources have the upstream to provide that. When everyone is connected to the net with fiber optic connections, then it is a different story. Edit: well as far as I am aware we'll soon have detailed info on the outcome of this change from a real live environment with several users downloading large files from each other and I am sure the capabilities between users connections will have more than enough variety. If the change ends up having more negative side effects than positive ones then it is easy enough to revert it.
  13. Plugin API

    No there isn't... but if there was it would be very unlikely that what you'd work with was UserData. What would you want it for exactly anyways? And if it is for blocking uploads, that is a) not really something we want to encourage and already possible for a plugin to do, although it's a rather roundabout way.
  14. Peerweb dc++ 0.41 crash

    I know this will sound like a cheap comment but bugs are fixed in newer versions, yet you ask for a solution other than upgrading to a newer version for this bug. It is, however, highly unlikely there is such solution because while some bugs may be solved by workarounds on the users side that is true only in extremely few cases. Of course PWDC++ doesn't even really have a newer version although ApexDC++ is pretty much continuation of PWDC. But as Lee stated above the DC client known as PWDC++ is good five years old and a lot can happen in five years. If a client that old does work for a user then that is fine but if it does not work then only real option is to look for a more up to date client such as ApexDC++ which is probably closest thing to PWDC you are going to find. Just a question out of pure curiousity... what is it that PWDC++ has that ApexDC++ doesn't? Edit: Mek, Peerweb DC++ has a lot to do with ApexDC:
  15. Downloads slowly deteriorating

    I would say it is quite likely that your ISP is throttling P2P traffic... which could cause behavior like this.
  16. DHT transfers

    How would you make this work in practice...
  17. DHT transfers

    Well there probably isn't one... I mean the only options I can think of are interval and word based filters on the receiving side (the later would obviously have to be manually configurable).
  18. Double Click Tab to Close

    Middle click close a tab, if I recall correctly...
  19. DHT banned in hubs

    This may come off as blunt, but do you intend to protect them from actually learning something new as well, if they can't disable an option in settings I truly feel sorry for them. Also about distributing pre-configured versions, if you do it by shipping it with XML files you better be careful about doing it right... if you actually intend to recompile then that won't be a problem.
  20. Invalid TestSUR Detected

    You can't find it because there isn't such thing...
  21. DHT banned in hubs

    Nope he means to have it as an entry in the favorite list.
  22. What is Direct Connect?

    Yeah well we get it from StrongDC++ so Apex comes with a DHT (a DHT from StrongDC++, but it still comes with DHT).
  23. What is Direct Connect?

    Not exactly, because even if you aren't connected to a any ADC hub DHT will work (for now anyways, as long as bootstrapping from web is used). Also ADC and (NM)DC are very similar from user perspective ie. to users ADC is still DC (not NMDC, but DC... you need to perceive things like a regular user sometimes Toast).
  24. Bug Tracker question

    The icons over here reflect that: The parent project icon porobably should too, but that could be an issue with IP.Tracker
  25. DHT banned in hubs

    Tell your hub owner to do his homework, DHT can still be disabled... and the instructions are linked to in more than one place here. Also hub owners have the possibility to filter clients strictly base on whether DHT is enabled or not (through SUP/Supports) rather than version number. That is all I have to say on this subject .