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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Remember searches

    actually theinvoker was the one that originally suggested this and by looking into this i meant looking into the first request of theinvoker :)
  2. send file facility

    this is not needed, you can just grant a slot for the user and then paste magnet link to the file you want him her to have
  3. compatibility

    well one client that has been reported having problems with SDC is rmDC++ (by users, none of these problems have been confirmed by BM though, and you can guess why) but none should use rmDC as it's: old and has bugs and is discontiuned, and it's also breaking GPL licesence. and also it probably has problems with 0.3xx versions of DC++, but i haven't actually tested this (but none should use those anymore either) and making old DC++ versions combatible won't be happening as we are talking old technology here...
  4. tried peerweb

    ok i'll take a look into this :)
  5. tried peerweb

    when you connect to the hubs, what does it say in the main frame status bar... it should say something like: H: 0/X/X the last two numbers can be anything, but when connecting to priv hubs the first number should always be 0, that is if the hubs dissallow public hubs (and in your case they seem to)
  6. tried peerweb

    you can change the winamp string.... so you use private hubs? if so don't connect to public hubs at all (when you connect to private hubs) as some times hubcounts take some time before they update (untill next $MyINFO is sent out to the other hubs)
  7. some things I would hope to see

    File preview (alredy is there) automatically search users with free slots (alredy is there) tabs at side (as in sababa) (i'll look in to making this an option) refine search results (search filter serves same purpose) web window (as in sababa) (this will never happen) automatically grant slot to whoever you download from (perhaps, would be an option obiviously) get mp3 info, or even better when searching for a file, and get multiple hits, the ability to see the encoding. (it was there in pwdc, but BM removed it from SDC (in version that is currently under development) because lack of use, if you can convince me this feature would be used, i might re-add it later) added my opinions in bold
  8. tried peerweb

    you should've used emulation... steps to do this (reguires hub to be in favourites) : Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties" Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"
  9. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    rave you're alredy a donator so it's not important that you lost this competition for prize at least...
  10. downloads & uploads

    you will only get "sorry i am away right now i might answer your call when i return" or something like that because that person has set his client to be in "away mode" most likely because he's not available atm. though some users always keep their client in away mode... but most likely people don't answer your reguest for slot because they don't like users asking for slots (sometimes referred as slotbegging) but if your client is correctly configured, the dl should continue after the person you gueued the file from has free slots again... and thus you don't need to ask for a slot
  11. Thumbnails

    won't be happening, besides even if this was done it'd only work with other apexdc users anyways
  12. Share Partially Downloaded files

    no i mean IceDC++ (not the private mod with hmm... questionable features that's also known by this name) but a mod based on PWDC++ made by phrozen... also is iDC combatible with SDC's or revconnects partialing, as these 2 have huge differences? BM based his work on revconnects code, but as partialing over revconnect is done via kad BM couldn't have just taken the code to SDC as SDC doesn't support kad, and i sure hope it never will
  13. autostart uploads

    I quite don't get what you mean...
  14. Share Partially Downloaded files

    also there are currently 4 client's that can do partialing, which are: - StrongDC++ - LDC++ - PeerWeb DC++ - IceDC++ note didn't list revconnect as it's partialing don't work with SDC's also partial transfers works between the clients listed above only :)
  15. Share Partially Downloaded files

    partial file sharing is in SDC alredy ps: tth doesn't quite work the way you presented it (half finished file doesn't have half of the complete files hash) but that's not important
  16. printesa

    Only english messages please or if you post in another language please provide english translation
  17. Restart ApexDC++ automatically after crash

    not quite, that option fully minimizes new hub windows unless window size is stored in xml's, so the behaviour you have been talking about is actually a bug...
  18. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    i know that and everyone else should too now
  19. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    exactly, as i said above it wouldn't be as good as serverside implentation....
  20. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    many has done so alredy...
  21. Don't group results for some extensions

    that's not going to happen way too much work what comes to not grouping search result for specific file type, almost same effect can be done via alredy existing options in client....
  22. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    no it shouldn't require anything from client side... as i said it could be done as client side thing, but it wouldn't be as good as serverside implentation, plus as i said above this is really more of a hubsoft feature than client feature anyway...
  23. 1,000 Members

    yes not bad ;)
  24. Leave A Message for Offline Users

    so that this could be done nicely it'd need hub side support (besides this is a thing that would belong serverside anyways in my opinion)
  25. Remember searches

    no need to taje a look i'll take look into doing this...