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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Share fix needed

    It does that already, on each start up, but let me see what i can do about this...
  2. [Bug][0.2.2] Starting error

    I read it and took a note of it, also said so in here: (something referring to your post in the another topic)
  3. [Bug][0.2.2] Starting error

    Well i don't know for sure (can't remember) but when we tested running pwdc on win98se the tester that did the tests had that installed, i think... (ofcourse you can manually get the stuff you need for it to run as well...)
  4. [Support] GeoIPCountryWhois.csv + Country flags

    Yeah, you've mpst likely found the correct bitmap (why do people use reshacker when source is there?) about easy wya to modify them... well you can add new flags to the images with any gfx app, but i don't think that'll be enough... so you'd actually need to know something about C++ to do that.
  5. CheckSettings TEXT

    they can skip that adittional page too... so it's all the same which one it is really.
  6. description tag

    well i still think that can't happen, as when limiter is off that flag is definetly not shown, i checked it...
  7. [Bug][0.2.2] Starting error

    And appearently something needs to be changed in apexdc.exe as well... but that unfortunetly will have to wait for next version, sorry guys...
  8. CheckSettings TEXT

    Zlobomir, we have a startup page/wizard in plans later on... you should know that from the old old todolist in the Area 51.
  9. Lol, I got kicked today...

    ... and also in theory causes files to spread faster (assuming that the former downloader will become uploder, instaed of deciding to remove the files from share after completed) And just so you all know, ApexDC++ is just a new version of pwdc, and the segmented downloading in them etc. is not too different either, as a matter of fact ApexDC spams less than pwdc... and equal ammount of slots is taken when compared to pwdc and sdc... so that hub owner is not being logical at all...
  10. Works fine here. Note: appearently now saves under /settings/ instead of app root dir... (so your old notes may all still be intact)
  11. [Support] GeoIPCountryWhois.csv + Country flags

    they are stored in a bitmap, that has been compiled inside the exe :(
  12. [Bug] Number of windows.

    In that case i'd appreciate, if some who has worked with zion sources more than i have could give me some pointers on where/how it's fixed in there so that i don't have to go through it file by file...
  13. CheckSettings TEXT

    I choose hyperlink to save space, as with the new tls port from DC++ and everything the connection settings page is very full...
  14. Lol, I got kicked today...

    Well it'd be interesting to know why it is this way tho... as technically apexdc is pwdc + some new stuff (stuff that would've also probably ended in pwdc, if we had continued under that name)
  15. Nah, no we don't since it's already checked while downloading...
  16. [Bug][0.2.2] Starting error

    running apexdc under win98 might be bit tricky, but you can get it to run if you have correct updates and other needed files...
  17. description tag

    I will take a look, but i honestly don't think that can happen...
  18. Check Share according to userlevel

    The op features currently function only if user actually is an op...
  19. after uploading? Do you perhaps mean downloading... there is no such option because it's not needed, as tth is checked while downloading the data...
  20. description tag

    You don't get kicked because of the tag, unless if you are: a) not emulating (may result to kick, since some hubs are to oldschool to see the benefits of multisourcing) using limiter (in which case it's visible in tag regardless of emulation)
  21. Check Share according to userlevel

    Seems that on some hubs op's are checked (ptokax) and on some they are not (ynhub/others) Don't ask me why this is happening tho.
  22. description tag

    Since i still wasn't completly sure what was meant (i believe you mean number 1.) but here is an image with my responses incl.
  23. description tag

    yes, but what he means in description tag, does he mean: 1. tag 2. description 3. tag in description (these being f.ex. the [up/down] or slots display)