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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Numbered hubs in Public Hubs List

    tell him what hublist the hub is on, and what keyword to filter with...
  2. External IP for direct connect clients

    tsk, i don't support lazy users, they can find out what they need to on their own, we provide tool(s), and there are plenty of guides in the web, to make it bit easier, but I'll never even attempt to make it (almost) unattended... They have to go through it like so many before them has (me included), besides it's a learning experience for the new user as well...
  3. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    You can do that already ... and no I'm not planning to recode the toolbar customization code ...
  4. LDC doesn't have such problem because it's core is an older version of DC++. Please refer to DC++ forums for info (or search in these forum), this has been already discussed few times...
  5. haven't yet had a chance to go through it properly... as said.
  6. External IP for direct connect clients

    firstly, it does the "in use" check at start up, which imo. is enough + we have the connection checker link as well, which can check connectivity Combine those too, and you're good to go...
  7. I haven't looked into this properly yet but as said by BM there is no point in having the [AWAY] flag in description, especially since it will/may cause many completely useless myinfo's to be sent... which is not good.
  8. External IP for direct connect clients

    Not bad . though we have something nice regarding WAN IP, in works...
  9. [Support] Disable Segmented Downloading

    Technically it can, yes...
  10. [Support][v.0.2.2] Strange emails?

    It means that someone is using mail/smtp port as their DC port, thus triggering this notification when you connect to these users... But ApexDC++ does not send any emails, that's certain...
  11. Follow last redirect

    Do you know how much people hate such popups But maybe this can be discussed when/if i end up doing that start up wizard thing...
  12. Follow last redirect

    True, but I'm going with balder on this one, it's much more newbie friendly the way it is now....
  13. [Support] Disable Segmented Downloading

    No there isn't as even if that page was brought back, if emulation would be enabled, there would still be a chance of loosing slot in that case...
  14. [Support] Disable Segmented Downloading

    I believe, if i remember it right, that there is a possibility to loose slots between segments if emulation is enabled.
  15. Password in favorites

    Not going to happen, you see, i'm also a lazy person so i possibly could not bother to keep such list... And besides the current "encryption" that other DC clients use to encrypt favorite hubs passwords is so easy to identify and decrypt that there is no point in adding it, so i'd need to add another better encryption for it, and i just don't feel like doing such a job for a feature that could make my life harder sometimes...
  16. Password in favorites

    Because i tend to forget my favorite hub passwords every now and then, and this is why i want the to be in human readable format :whistling:
  17. Multiple line winamp spam

    I don't see why user would get banned because f.ex. 3-4 line winamp spam... (ofc. you'll get banned if you put huge ascii pic in it or something like that, but who would be that stupid)
  18. adding an entry section to PG plug in

    Maybe later, but i personally don't want to highlight this feature too much, as it's a bit of gray area, in DC :whistling:
  19. View own posts

    You can always do a search on your own user name tho. :)
  20. PGP Peer Guardian Plugin - Update

    p2b files aren't accepted... but update function may be in, we'll see...
  21. Ask about Balloon Popups

    Yeah, correct but how can he provide source code if there is no source code :D
  22. Forum Upgrades

    IPS has announced a low risk security issue, so I have patched it :D