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Everything posted by Crise

  1. IP auto update

    Yeah Satan I know that... about the only time my ip changes is when I change my pc's mac address... however as for this request, there exists tools to solve tis issue already and I see no real reason to include such tools in apex because of that.
  2. My features request

    Now regarding apex being or not being an op client, I can assure opinions differ in regards to that so please skip that subject from now on... About second notepad, it has been discussed and I have already decided that it isn't going to happen, or if it is not any time soon. Toolbar buttons will most likely also remain as they are, but haven't decided on that yet...
  3. Hubs to download movies and game...

    We at ApexDC do not encourage users to download nor share any copyrighted material... thus such question can not be given answer to. There is however a topic in the guides section that lists various hubs recommended by the users of this community.
  4. Mark existing files when searching

    not necessarily hash, but scan in one way or the other anyways...
  5. Mark existing files when searching

    One simple reason is too the fact that scanning all the files on your local hdd is not good idea... we have data for shared files "out of the box" and that's why this behavior is possible for them.
  6. Why don't pack the executable?

    packing the exe would make all the crash related stuff (exceptioninfo etc.) worthless, plus packing an exe can cause odd bugs sometimes.
  7. There only exists a handful :huh:
  8. 0.4.0 still needs the plugin and thus the file must also be in different place But anyways, this entire topic will be very obsolete soon :huh:
  9. Ignores don't stick?

    In regards to that I'd like more details, preferrably a specific scenario under which it does fail (one that can be reproduced)
  10. Ignores don't stick?

    If you ignoring op's that is not allowed by the ignore system :crying: (note: most hub bots are op's)
  11. 1 million downloads achieved

    There will be a slight delay on that, as I suddenly found the need to rewrite something entirely -> delay in alpha -> delay in opening the dev area
  12. Topics merged.... please search forums before posting, or at least bother to post in the correct section., *sigh*
  13. webserver problems

    No Zlob the core and gui code are actually in a way very separate even now, however not in a server & client fashion..
  14. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Use any of the 1.0.0 betas (I recommend b4 however) and you won't need that plugin anymore, as the functionality is built in :stuart:
  15. webserver problems

    I have to fix a little mistake of yours there... StrongDC++ and LDC++ are not ApexDC++ (nor PWDC++) based. LDC++ is StrongDC++ based, and so are we As for webserver it would be something I'd like to improve some day, but do not ask when....
  16. Why is ApexDC++ banned from hubs?

    There is always such thing as DC++ emulation... (Favorite Hub Properties) Though I must say that if this second hub you took as an example allows StrgDC (which I assume is short of StrongDC) I'd certainly like to know why ApexDC is not allowed. For these issues in general though, the rules are set by the hub owners and we can't do anything about that, so either you emulate or look for another hub, or switch clients.
  17. Send private message to all users in a hub?

    If you are authorized to do it... then I am sure you have access to mass pm commands from hub side, so use them :mellow:
  18. Q: Knowing where I am in the slot queue

    Most of the time in DC there is no real queue, it's first to come, first to serve...
  19. Can't you guys read the topic titles, above should've gone here XTC.
  20. My Testing Position

    I can tell you that I have been working on a new version, it's just that I am not at all happy with it yet....
  21. have 2 slots not 3?

    I see it as useful feature... anyways slot ratio should not create this issue.
  22. Notepads

    As I have said to you before Zlob, what are you doing with that poor client... if you are nice and gentle to it I am sure it has no reason to freeze on you On a serious note, I really don't understand where all these "Zlob probs" come from...
  23. larger segments

    That will never happen... it has been discussed many times by now and that is why I am not going into any details here.
  24. World Langs: RU

    a quick comment about screenshot, we lost many forum attachments when the hard drive failed, because even if the database was by some miracle intact... the actual attached files were lost for more recent attachments (two months and newer). So I was forced to remove these "ghost attachments"
  25. Adding favorite users

    Yes you can edit that file manually if you know what the users CID is which is very unlikely :P