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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Tray Improvement

    Close button is for closing last I checked ;)
  2. Lua Plugin 1.3 Beta

    the "--" make the line a comment, so in order to load a script you should type the line without those...
  3. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.0 Beta

    Both issues with CPU and the startup... I can track down, hopefully one is sorted now but the other seems a bit more tricky. About passwords that is something entirely new... and despite the fact that I change builds weekly if not daily sometimes I have not seen this. Regarding IPGuard in general, I am having some difficulty deciding what to do about it exactly... personally I'd like to remove it, but if I do I might be pushing the users that use it to using far worse clients (AirDC isn't that bad though and it has similar facility, but I think users will choose the worse options first).
  4. Compiling ApexDC++

    Thanks for the tip :)
  5. Initial state of "Always on top" is broken

    After checking and double checking I seem to be unable to reproduce this. Despite using clean installation or an existing one... looks to be working ok on both here.
  6. Lua Plugin 1.3 Beta

    It is parsed... I have just commented out all the includes at the bottom of startup.lua by default...
  7. Lua Plugin 1.3 Beta

    basically, if you don't know what LUA is then this won't be of much use to you...
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.0 Beta

    What kind of setup do you have... since I can't see any abnormal CPU usage with my installation...
  9. ApexDC++ Translations

    The first one when turned on means that when settings are opened the last page you were on (when previously using settings) is visible straight away rather than the general page. The second, well set it to anything higher than 1... then try entering a multiline chat message in some hub/pm window (use ctrl+enter for new line) and see what happens.
  10. Initial state of "Always on top" is broken

    hmm... Interesting, I'll check this out.
  11. Compiling ApexDC++

    Express editions won't cut it unfortunately, since ApexDC needs ATL....
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.0 Beta

    I believe that's just mistake in the "heading" but will double check and correct as necessary.... Edit: Fixed, sorry about this...
  13. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.0 Beta

    I really can't see anything missing...
  14. Improvement for Winamp spam

    Maybe, as soon as I can shift my attention to something new... there are still things to do regarding another feature.
  15. Lua Plugin 1.3 Beta

    If you do it correctly then the LUA plugin should tell you to restart ApexDC++ since the LUA plugin specifically is built so that it has to be present from the very start of the session (or rather startup.lua has been made in that manner).
  16. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas!

    But support members are moderators ;)
  17. SFV Support

    That is incorrect assumption, the amount of public hubs I am in is a minority (since I only connect to public hubs where I have a key, with the exception of dcdev public). True enough, however, sfv checking is not a general cure for incomplete or broken releases nor is it a technology developed for that purpose. So in that sense it is incorrect to say that "Every single SFV check program checks for complete releases" it can only check for existence and validity of files which checksums are presented in certain sfv file, no more no less. (This is what I was trying to imply with my lookalike release example, which proves that if you rely on sfv too much false positives are possible). If it is all about sharing then you should understand the view which I'll present next. If you download a file and it is part of a release then later you realize that in fact the source you used was missing the file X, of course you'll go looking for that file and meanwhile your incomplete release is being shared and thus available through TTH auto searches for those who are also downloading them, but might be doing so from another source where the file X is present (ie. the source which you will most likely find when hunting for the missing file). Since downloading one file segmented from multiple sources is a reality now having the rar files you have for the release shared despite the fact that they are missing one file will actually help the files spread faster. I will say only this, to this day a program has yet to beat my ability to think rationally and judge whether something on the net is complete/incomplete or worth my while in general. Programs are made by humans so they are never perfect since humans are prone to errors in their logic. Even so humans and computer driven programs are not on equal footing. While programs, and computers generally, excel in speed there are other things where human mind can greatly outperform a program because of the way we can think opposed to computers since the level of abstraction which human brain is capable of is far greater than that of any computer or AI.
  18. KEYP - KeyPrint (Draft Proposal)

    Since the length difference (ie. added traffic) is reasonable I at least have nothing against using SHA256 Edit: Discussion in public from here on out (as per above post, moved to Client Discussion since I think it fits there slightly better than lounge).
  19. KEYP - KeyPrint (Draft Proposal)

    Sorry for being impatient, kinda on edge right now... lot of things going on.
  20. KEYP - KeyPrint (Draft Proposal)

    I sent a PM asking about that to him yesterday, I have yet to receive any kind of reply... I personally think this was ready for public discussion the moment I read through it the first time since it is obviously well though and written. Besides he did ask for comments, no? Public discussion obviously has much more to offer in regards to that than discussion in here. What can be said here has been said really. You gave your comments (and received reply) and I found no faults either and, not sure if I posted it here before or just said it while discussing about this with either Toast or Spyke, but I also think of this as a splendid idea and a well written proposal.
  21. KEYP - KeyPrint (Draft Proposal)

    Thank you for your explanation, I have yet to dive in the finer details of ADCS on hub side and how things are exactly done there, so that's why I asked. Though since I am forced to learn java anyways I might take a look at dshub at some point in near or little farther future. As for SUP entry since it modifies INF fields it is certainly needed in my opinion.
  22. KEYP - KeyPrint (Draft Proposal)

    It would be very useful if example connection sequence (displaying protocol commands etc.) for client to hub (as well as client to client) connection could be provided to accompany this draft.
  23. Improvement for Winamp spam

    It's not there anymore... as for winamp spam, that would be accessible through /w or /winamp in mainchat...
  24. free/total hard drive capasity

    Is it really good/useful info, to spam in chat... and if you want to know it for yourself won't checking my computer be enough. PS: We do have /ratio
  25. Some site and forum suggestions.

    Get us a full time webmaster from somewhere and these things might happen bit quicker then.... my time spent on computer is rather occupied at the moment at least.