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Everything posted by Crise

  1. alternate nickname

    Unfortunately such feature won't work in practice, not on NMDC hubs anyways (in ADC there might be a way but I haven't really spared much thought to this). Before someone goes and says that there is "ValidateDenide" (might have spelled it incorrectly, but can't be bothered checking), that is correct but many NMDC hubs use other means to give user this error so we can't reliably detect when nick is taken (or detect almost any other specific error for that matter).
  2. %[userCS]

    Ah, ok I'll have a look...
  3. This crash has been fixed in next version...
  4. 1.3.1 User Commands in sub-menus.

    The character used to create submenus was changed from baslash (\) to regular slash (/) so user created usercommands will need some changes...
  5. Help On Downloads & Uploads

    Sharing is caring is what I say here...
  6. %[userCS]

    It shouldn't give wrong values... of course if your profiles are wrong (which is likely since "test user response" has been removed, since it hasn't been an effective technique in ages) then it might give strange values. But the rule of thumb with the CDM is that an incorrect result is in 9 out of 10 cases caused by incorrect profiles (I would like to say in all cases but I am not so optimistic). Also since profiles haven't been updated in years, unless you can and have done it yourself, it effectively means that the CDM is mostly useless these days anyways for those who can't make their own profiles.
  7. how to remove the icon apexDC + + from the tray?

    Tray or taskbar... in any case you can't remove it from the tray (why do you want to do that? Good enough reasoning and it might make it as an option, though there are way too many options already)
  8. Spam Filter in PM's

    The thing is no porting should be necessary... although the most recent changes to the lua part from bcdc are not done by the plugin yet.
  9. Hub column in Finished uploads

    my first guess would be DHT or an upload that finished to a user that had already gone offline from the hub he/she initiated the download from.
  10. DHT/UDP

    DHT does TTH searches only... as far as I know anyways.
  11. [1.3.1] Crash when using /ratio command

    And as you can read above, we know of this... and it has been fixed in next version :)
  12. Now Playing?

    You should be able to use kickfilter.lua with Apex as well... if you use the LUA plugin.
  13. It's not about whether it is needed or not... my guess is that it's more about the fact that according to what we know of NMDC (I won't say according to specification, because there isn't an official one for NMDC) this is what clients can expect from hub: Protocol messages: prefixed with an $ sign... ending with a pipe (|). Chat messages: prefixed with "<Nick>" without quotes... ending with pipe again. As you can see messages prefixed with the * sign are not there, technically messages like that are not valid and hubs should not expect client to handle them in one way or another. Regarding these messages it's usually all about /me anyways and as I explained earlier (in another topic) clients send "<Nick> /me message|". to an NMDC hub do (as they should) expect it to come back exactly like that. When some hubsoft choose to alter that clients no longer know what to expect. Same with nickless messages (also messages begin with an * are nickless as well), in theory they shouldn't exists... and if they did it is very logical for a client to treat them as status/system messages from the hub. I feel for those (hubs) that rely on clients to implement some special cases of message processing in certain way... that is an extremely bad assumption to make and shows poor judgement on the hub owners (or perhaps the hub developers) part.
  14. Now Playing?

    Well such messages can sometimes be filtered from main chat by the NMDC kick message filter if it's enabled in settings, however, if the person sending that message is not an OP it does not get filtered if I recall correctly (since if the person sending that message is not an OP it's obviously not a kick message), It is incorrect to assume that messages with certain words get filtered from chat by the client anyways, ie. you should not rely on this old poor kick message detection to get certain behavior (like causing message to get filtered and appear in status bar, which seems to be the goal in this case).
  15. File List Upload History

    It's an option in setting somewhere... probably under logs.
  16. Can't share multiple drives over network?

    It's not like I am not aware of that... however, I haven't even spared a thought to the code that creates that control, but basically it's a whole lot of COM fun probably, and I dislike COM greatly... besides this is also in all likelihood, an issue in SDC so I can just sit back and wait... if BM happened to sort it. Also one way around all of this is to use the old sharing UI I think (that option still exists right?).
  17. How to stop update check

    That crash is fixed in next version...
  18. Well the most likely way to get it fixed is to get someone to fix the mpcinfo app/dll which most of the code for MPC media spam comes from (the app in question being over five years old). You could always try to get the MPC-HC guys to fix it... at least they have the code for it (mpcinfo) in their svn. The issue itself is caused on vista and newer versions of Windows because Microsoft (in their great wisdom) moved the proxy/stub pairs for some of the interfaces in quartz.dll to proppage.dll (now the problem there is that proppage.dll does not come with windows nor is it redistributable, it is part of the SDK for windows, ie. no normal user is going to have it registered in their system). Edit: Well the best way to get this feature back is to ask MPC-HC devs to make a proper API for accessing info about currently running MPC-HC instance. MPC-HC has one kind of an API but afaik it can not be used on the currently running instance.
  19. [MPP 2.0] Settings corruption

    Will be fixed in next version
  20. Can't share multiple drives over network?

    Also, what you see is not necessarily what you can share... ie. even if you don't see the network location in the settings directory tree... it is likely that it is still shareable by adding the path to the xml file manually. (although if you after doing that access settings again you might overwrite manually added entries).
  21. After some more research about MPC failing, it seems the reason why it fails is because microsoft moved some stuff (I'll leave it at that to avoid going into too many details) around in Vista. It is possible to fix it, I think... but I am not enough of a COM programmer to pull that off.
  22. Well WMP12 works here just fine... although only after restart (ie. not straight after adding the plugin) but that's not an issue enough to make me worry... as for MPC and MPC-HC, the code used for it is rather old... much older than ApexDC itself, though I had a quick look and at glance I do not know why it fails the way it does then again I have never been an expert when it comes to COM.
  23. IPB 3.1

    Yep... it is pretty much as insane in terms of features as vBulletin... maybe not quite so bad but close enough. You know, IPS should really invest some time into investigating if they can add coffee maker to it . Or perhaps integrate it with USBWine.
  24. Compiling ApexDC++

    There are no obscure hacks needed as far as I know (well yeah you need to do some changes but I wouldn't really call them that obscure)... about how we distribute source code. Well let's just say that if you really need to compile Apex yourself for some reason then setting up the environment shouldn't be that big of a task. Just for the record there are plenty of other projects with much more difficult/complex (then again what is difficult and what isn't is very relative) build process. Just to give an example I have written simple batch scripts for windows to make building things such as stlport, openssl etc. (although since BM provides openssl libs compiled with SDC I rarely build openssl myself).
  25. Downloading..but what?

    That's not an impossible figure when on enough hubs, or if the hubs you are on are active and/or large... remember that the protocol involves lot of communication besides file transfers. DC is not your typical P2P network after all, there is hub chat and hub user list updates that just take some traffic... DHT that was added in recent StrongDC also adds onto that "transparent" traffic if in use. One option that you might want to turn off, if it is on, is "Automatically match queue for search hits" (this is somjething that might have been mentioned already, but I didn't re-read the entire topic...). Edit: just realised you stated you are on only one hub, if that's the case and the hub is not big then check whether the option mentioned is enabled and also disable DHT if enabled.