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Everything posted by Lain_13

  1. Online alert feature

    Hm... You right. Wildcards not needed. Forbidden characters in windows client replaces by "_" and all work normal. In my previous post I try to write as many options as possible. Not all needed. For example "period" parameter can be dropped. Or we can drop "send(chat|pm)" command (but I like it). Or we can drop all period|static section. But I think with all this options (w/o wildcards) this commands will be more useful for all. Who have another ideas? What think admins and programmers?
  2. Smart Hashing

    ...hmm... Hard and maniac way: 1. Make extension for explorer what add ability to change hashindex file of DC when DC closed. 2. Make same plugins for total commander, far manager and other filebrowsers. 3. Make same extension for linux-based programs. ...and now we can sell this useless programs... 2Crise: You absolutely right!
  3. Online alert feature

    Some ideas about watch cammand: /watch (add|remove|list) (add|remove|list) - actions with watch. Watch add: /watch add "user" [(online|away|chat)] [send(chat|pm) "text"] [(period number[(m|h|d)]|static)] user - user's nick or IP or mask. For example text "*Haxx?r*" we can understand as "-+=Haxxor=+-" or "////Haxx0r". String must be closed bu quotes. I don't know what characters forbidden for use in nickname... If this characters exists and can be easy typed from keyboard - we can use it for make mask. [(online|away|chat)] - only one allowed. "|" - read as "or". [send(chat|pm) "text"] - automatic send message to user in chat (sendchat) or as private message (sendpm). For marking begin and end of string used quotes. String can be multiline. [(period number[(m|h|d)]|static)] - number is length of watching period. M is minutes, h - hours and d - days (default value if not present). Only one allowed. Static means - don't forget about this watch until user (online|away|chat). For example: /watch add "jack_the_sparrow" online sendpm "If you leech one more time I ban you..." static This watch send PM to user when they appear online after any period of time. /watch add "black_widow" chat sendcaht "black_widow: Happy birthday! [it's automatic message, but I'm far away and can't say it myself]" period 1d This watch send message to chat after user type something in chat Also [repeat N] key can be added, to automatic repeat watch command (max value limit?)... ... yes... script language needed... Watch list: /watch list (["user"] [(online|away|chat)] [send(chat|pm)] [(period|static|temp)]|all) [text] ["user"] [(online|away|chat)] [send(chat|pm)] [(period|static|temp)] - filter for watch list. all - show all watches (default value, we can drop it). [text] - show full text of pm|chat message if present For example: /watch list or /watch list all or /watch list "*" /////// Watchlist: | 1. jack_the_sparrow online sendpm static | 2. black_widow chat sendcaht period 1d /watch list static /////// Watchlist: | 1. jack_the_sparrow online sendpm static /watch list period text /////// Watchlist: | 1. black_widow chat sendcaht "black_widow: Happy birthday! [it's automatic message, but I'm far away and can't say it myself]" period 1d /watch list "*_the_*" /////// Watchlist: | 1. jack_the_sparrow online sendpm static Watch remove: /watch remove (["user"] [(online|away|chat)] [send(chat|pm)] [(period|static|temp)]|all) ["user"] [(online|away|chat)] [send(chat|pm)] [(period|static|temp)] - filter for watch list. all - remove all watches.
  4. Ctrl + F

    Also "search" word doesn't start with "f" letter. But if Hotkey Manager (I talk about this feature in other topic) will be implemented this hotkey can go... far away. With HkM every can bind that combination, what they want. But if not - this hotkey will be implemented.
  5. Close button

    You understand right. I'm and ifmn talking about this option.
  6. Hot keys manager

    For various text - it's method. For search... i think not. For various functions - completely not. For example: what if I want change any standard hotkey to some function? Or add new or alternative? Or I want see ALL hotkeys binded in apex? Or I want control some apex functions outside apex (for example - switching bandwidth limit when burning disk or playing game... don't say about icon in tray... hotkey - faster and easier...)? Also hotkey manager can resolve problem with hotkeys for other programs. For example. Some time ago I'm use winamp (that time I don't know about foobar2000) and one cool program for killing processes. This program use hotkeys Alt+1, Alt+2 and Alt+3. This hotkeys can't be changed. Also in winamp combination Alt+3 for editing ID3tag can't be changed too. When I'm press Alt+3 popping up menu with processes. In any program... but program this combination don't see and for editing ID3tags I'm use popup menu... It's really annoy me... With foobar2000 (and they hotkey manager) I don't have this problem. For editing tags I can use ABSOLUTELY ANY COMBINATION OF KEYS! For example I can bind Alt+T and Ctrl+Shift+Z at one time... Or bind keys to control foobar2000 from any location.
  7. Close button

    THIS is STRANGE behavior... isn't it? Also you need understand how to change places of this buttons (it' no so easy) and create option for those, who like see buttons on right positions... Many applications already have this option... why not? For example I'm really often minimize and maximize Apex... but close it... maybe one or two times per week... but when I'm press close button they CLOSING... I'm hate "Close? Yes/No" window... Really hate... Because when I'm manually closing Apex... I want INSTANT close... I don't want st**id questions... :D
  8. Ctrl + F

    Ctrl+F - cool feature... Also now it's standard in windows world (F3 used only in Win... useless ability... TC and Far forever...) But I don't know what combination used in Linux world... We can resolve this problem in really ease way... When user press Ctrl+F in chat command /f will appear at text line... If text line already have text - DC must execute /f operation with this text as parameter... ...I think adding additional window for search operation not-so-good idea... :)
  9. When I'm start searching something DC found 1 or more files... for example 6134. If I press "Pause" button search process stop... but... ...under list of files I see something like: 6134/6134 3432/6134 123/6134 (left side counting down) 0/6134 -345/6134 -3567/6134 -7890/6134 ...and far away belove zero. What is this?
  10. Close button

    I'm vote for this option! I'm really like it. Please add it's as option (disabled by default?). p.s. Many programs have this option (download and instant managers, with-icon-in-tray programs) (qip, Download Master, ICQ, e.t.c)... In some programs this option integrated in code (Proxomitron, NOD32, Kaspersky Internet Security and other). It's not st**id or strange behavior. It's already standard for many programs, what can be minimized to tray... p.p.s. Microsoft Outlook doesn't have this ability... yeah! It's Microsoft... But one 3rd party plugin add this ability to this useless program... Situation with Mozilla Thunderbird - identical... 3rd party plugins resolve this problem...
  11. Released: ApexDC++ 0.2.2

    10x for new version! :ermm:
  12. [Support] MyInfo spam

    I, already, see this message two times on ApexDC 0.2.1... ...maybe it's happens because I download files into shared folder with option "instant share downloaded" (or something like that, I forget correct name)?
  13. RoBots in Apex?

    Hmm... my home network (more than 10k computers) exist some hubs with limit on simultaneously opened hubs and other stupid limitations... ...and all this hubs I use absolutely without problems... ...hmm, I'm really don't know why... ...bug? DON'T FIX IT, PLEASE! :)
  14. Search Spy

    ...detecting duplicated searches by IP... it's ...also list with top can be improved: 1. Add progress bar for every search in list. Top search have 100%. Other based on this search. 2. Add subelevel (like, when downloading multisource file) with IP's. 3. Add menu for items in list like "Match names" for IP's in sublevel of item. (It's ping this IP's and start downloading filelist's, after downloading extracting name and place it in column "Nick"). 4. Any other ideas?
  15. Also it's required for music albums or manga, or anything else with numbers... On this moment I see something strange. If I start downloading 1 folder - first file skipped and download started from second, after downloading last DC download first. If multisource - download start from random positions and, if file divided on parts, not all parts can be downloaded. For example 3 of 4 downloaded and DC start loading ANOTHER file. If I start downloading many folders... it's work by absolutely random algorithm. I vote for sorted download! ...but it's can be no really easy to do, because need to find identical parts of filenames in folder... ...also in folder can be more than one type of naming... ...also numbered files can have really small regular part, like in music: 01 - Abrakadabra 02 - Brakadabra A 03 - Rakadabra Ab 04 - and so on... ...or I'm something misunderstand in Apex options and it's can be realized with existing options?
  16. RoBots in Apex?

    Guide how-to-search-without-robots-on-many-hubs: 1. Open all needed hubs. 2. Press "Search" button. 3. Type what you want to search. 4. Press [ENTER]. ...wait... 5. Manually search for needed file in result list and from context popup menu select command "Download". !!! AND DON'T DISCONNECT !!! Or you too greedy? Set passive state, limit output speed but don't disconnect... is not in spirit of p2p. :)
  17. Different Share for different HUBs

    How I see it. What about creating rules for folders and files like access rights on NTFS system, but much simple. UI: Hubs is Users in this context. Add box with access rights for all registered in DC favorite hubs under window with folders for sharing. Only one rule - shared or not. One checkbox for every hub. Also add "DEFAULT" value for other (not in favorite) hubs. If folder not shared for some hub - all subfolders isn't shared too. If access rights changed - TTH information for hubs must be recalculated. Access rules must be stored in special file. Sending Filelist Procedure: Add dynamical filter to this procedure! If user from Hub1 trying download filelist from you this procedure may apply access rules to filelist and remove forbidden folders (TTH must be already precached... read ahead for it). Hashing Procedure: Add ability to send different user's filelist TTH for different hubs and automatic creating filelist TTH's for hubs after adding/removing files from the list or changing rules. THH information must be cached in additional file... it's can be file with access rules. ...but it's really strong and global changes to code... ...really easy method is using for every specific hub new copy of DC... ...but it's can eat big part of ram and slowing down system (if on all hubs some users start downloading something). ...also it's can eat not-so-small part of HDD space... ...I'm really don't know what eat more processor speed... algorithm or many instances of DC. box with access right's can be created list with profiles (default, profile1, etc.) and profiles can be applyed for one or more hubs in favorite list (dropdown menu in hub properties and additional column in list). This metod can save processor time and it's much flexible. If profile1 apllyed to Hub1 and default profile apllyed to other hub we need recalculate TTH for filelist only for this profiles.
  18. Problem with download different files

    ...for this message I make new post after my previous... ...I hear (and, also, see) WHAT Big Muscle do in StrongDC 2.02... ...they make 2Mb barrier... ...if file smaller than 2 Mb - downloading... ...if bigger - it's source of another file...'s INCORRECT way! Way 2 Mb? Way download 2 times same file if smaller? ...or I something misunderstood?
  19. Connection between two passive users?

    ...anybody think there about little hack... ...I don't know how work active\passive mode, but... ...when passive user try download from passive user DC must automatically say to this user "I'm active!" and start downloading... it possible?
  20. Search Spy

    1. Showing "who what search" - DON'T DO IT! It's RIGHT! 2. Clear option... close and open... but... I'm also vote for it. 3. Overall results... VOTE! But one moment... save only Top100. Saving all - nonsense. 4. Detecting "who what search" for "who search ..." may be, but don't show who... p.s. I can tell you top5 searches...'s: 1. porn 2. porno 3. xxx 4. teen 5. video ...any time, any day, any country... :D
  21. 1. When I'm start downloading big folder with many subfolders and files (like music) ApexDC start download first file, then second and etc... but... if I add folders with same content (not same structure, it's not important) from other users they start to download many files simultaneously but load only part of file and start to load other. Why? 2. If connect to low and folder to big to download it in one session I close Apex and go sleep... ...but after I start Apex again all names of users in files sources replaced with something like TTH... ...why it happens? ...also download not starting NEWER again... ...only if I manually start searching alternative sources... ...when I'm do this I'm found my old sources and download starting... "old" PeerWeb DC it's NEWER happens...
  22. [Crash] Caused by /winamp

    bha... huh... strong PC... huh... ...USE OLD STYLED SKIN! or change redrawing settings... try autodetect... ...also, don't use this trash... ...try to use foobar... for beginning download dr.Death's compilation (on russian, sorry) or other... ...and you see, winamp suxx ... ...for compatibility with ApexDC++ use plugin for foobar foo_winamp_spam...'s give ability to other programs see and control foobar like winamp... p.s. but... it's really can be low-end hardware problem... ...if all useless (like super-mega-giga-st**id-skins) winamp functions enabled...
  23. Sometimes, when I'm start searching something and DC found many matches (>100... for example 5000 or more) DC goes in "too busy" state and not response on any action... yes... I can't press on "Pause Searching" ... It's really annoying... ...what if start search process in additional thread with priority below normal? ...and add ability to disable this function... I don't know for what reason, but "let it be"...
  24. TCP Port error

    I'm using default settings for "Firewall with manual port forwarding" and don't have any problem... ...UPnP don't work ...I can't understend why... ...TCP 2118, UDP 7622, TLS 4972... ...FireWall: Agnitum Outpost Pro...
  25. [crash][0.2.1]ApexDC++ crashed

    Today ApexDC++ 0.2.1 crash...'s first crash from day I download ApexDC (0.1.0, 0.2.0, bad 0.2.1, good 0.2.1) and until this day...'s happens when I'm trying add directory with many files into already big download queue (what already hava directory with same name) and simultaneously downloading more then 20 filelists... ...crash log here: exceptioninfo.txt