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Posts posted by voidwalker

  1. that must be one of the dumbest arguments i've ever read

    Yeah... OR someone who eventually gets the word has that movie in his/her shelf at home and rips it for me....

    yes that could happen, but if it didn't happen in 5 years, i doubt you will ever see it in this way

    If you haven't noticed it yet... People on DC help eachother out, but I guess you're too busy popping in and out of hubs searching for your own stuff to notice...

    that is only true for private hubs, or any private communities in general (hubs, trackers, forums etc), and those require registration, verification etc before you join

    and with a leech client you wouldn't be able to join those hubs anyway, only public ones

    and i doubt many hub owners care about a few "stealth" clients snooping and searching on their hubs, from what i've seen they only care about having as many users as possible

    And torrents suck ass when it comes to older movies.... Too many leechers...

    what do you mean they suck ass and too many leechers ? you want it or not ?

    you cannot be that picky when you want something BAD

    i assume you couldn't care less if you got that movie or not, else you would have got it long ago

    ANYWAY, i don't want to turn this thread into an argument about how moral it is to use a stealth client, as i don't intend to cheat or anything, what i'm interested in is that the client must spoof the connected hub count and be gentle on the resources when joining a lot of hubs (it must have features like ignore search, chat supression etc)

  2. +1 for deleting thread linking to cheating client :/

    unfortunately DC doesn't have global search mechanism, and just busting into hubs You don't stay in normally and makeing some searches doesn't make You (to say it lightly) a popular by hubowners person also.

    i know that this kind of user is not one a hub owner would want, but people do that anyway, without using a leech client, just on a smaller scale

    You want to talk rare items to download? I'll give you a rare one, Sahara.... From 1995 with James Belushi. I've been searching for this movie for 5+ years, and I have yet to get a stealth client.. Just spread the word, ask people for help and you'll get it if it is available....

    why spread the word, waste time of other people when you can do it yourself, and not wait 5 years to find a sucky movie, lol

    offtopic: i found the movie you're looking for on edonkey but i think it has russian dubbing

    there's also a torrent but it's only 93% complete, you might want to jump on it and hope you get lucky in 2-3 weeks ;)

  3. I don't see why this subject needs to be discussed here, as for dcstealthy... those that have the private beta version probably won't trade it...

    why not ? it's the lounge, and it's dc related; i don't know if they will trade/share a private client, but i NEED it very much, and i feel entitled to having it

    Hate theese clients, what would DC be if only stelthy clients were used. Stelthy is bad for DC comunity so stop using it!!

    P.S plz delete this theat :(

    yes, if only stealth clients were used then there would be nothing to download. i cannot just stop using it just because you say so, imho it is very helpful for people that look for rare files, i myself often search for rare books that i can't find anywhere else, since dc hubs are by far the greatest resource of files to be found on the internet

    and i'm not a leecher, i have uploaded over 12tb on dc until now, and i barely use it to download anything, since i have lots of accounts on private torrent trackers, but for some non-mainstream stuff,there's no other place to find it except on some random person on some random dc hub

  4. What's the best DC stealth client you have ever used ? i'm not interested in fake sharing, just the ability to connect to many (hundreds) of hubs, very useful when i'm searching for something very rare

    the best i found so far is dcstealthy <<removed>>

    the downside of it is that the public client needs the forum user/pass to activate itself, and i have to constantly reigster on their forum since the account gets deleted if you don't post.

    does anyone have any private clients to share with me ? (preferably dcstealthy); i could trade or something..

  5. Code: c0000008 ()
    Version: 1.0.0B2 (2007-04-10)
    Major: 5
    Minor: 1
    Build: 2600
    SP: 2
    Type: 1
    Time: 2007-04-11 20:36:30

    ntdll!0x7C964ED1: RtlRaiseStatus
    ntdll!0x7C94243C: RtlInitializeSListHead
    ntdll!0x7C90104B: RtlEnterCriticalSection
    ApexDC!0x0048E182: ?
    ApexDC!0x00450B9D: ?
    ApexDC!0x00421364: ?
    USER32!0x77D48744: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D48826: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D4B4D0: DefWindowProcW
    USER32!0x77D4B51C: DefWindowProcW
    ntdll!0x7C90EAE3: KiUserCallbackDispatcher
    USER32!0x77D4B913: SendMessageW
    COMCTL32!0x773EAFF1: Ordinal414
    COMCTL32!0x773EB07F: Ordinal341
    COMCTL32!0x7743CBA7: Ordinal384
    COMCTL32!0x77417F04: Ordinal384
    COMCTL32!0x7741DD04: Ordinal384
    COMCTL32!0x7741ECAA: Ordinal384
    COMCTL32!0x774215BE: Ordinal384
    USER32!0x77D48744: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D48826: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D4C64F: IsWindowUnicode
    USER32!0x77D4C675: CallWindowProcW
    ApexDC!0x00480FDC: ?
    USER32!0x77D48744: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D48826: GetDC
    USER32!0x77D4B4D0: DefWindowProcW
    USER32!0x77D4B51C: DefWindowProcW
    ntdll!0x7C90EAE3: KiUserCallbackDispatcher
    USER32!0x77D48A20: DispatchMessageW
    ApexDC!0x0044C62E: ?

    i don't know what i did exactly, i was in download queue..

    win xp sp2

  6. so why is this a "leech" feature ? the leecher is the person who constantly disconnects his uploads (it's happening at the moment i write these words, arrghhh)

    And it would be very irritating for leechers to see their uploads starting immediately after they disconnect them, heh..

  7. It sometimes happens that I'm trying to get something from a lame user, and he/she keeps disconnecting me for no reason, especially on the local LAN hub, and i have to manually right click on file and choose force attempt;

    could you implement a 0 delay for reconnect after it says "disconnected" ?

    aslo, can the client detect when the disconnect was because the remote peer clicked "close connection" ?

  8. yeah, a genre column could work well too if the devs are too lazy to code anything else, this should be very simple

    i don't see a scenario where video info fetching would be that useful, and besides there are so many codecs and container formats, it would have to use an external library or else it's not an easy task to do

  9. 1. I have lik 50 hubs in my fav so it's a pain in the ass to look for a specific one, it would be nice to have hub categories with expand/collapse buttons (e.g. music hubs, big public hubs, ebook hubs, LAN hubs etc). i imagine somthing like right click on category, and choose "connect to hubs in this category"

    2. I mainly (re)started to use dc because of music, (for the rest torrent meets all my needs) and so when i download an album i want to be able to quickly compare bitrates of songs from different users, or to see if all songs in an album have the same bitrate (i like to keep my music in good quality); it was present in some clients i used before (don't know which) and i never had much use for it until now, i miss it very much :/

    Please implement them in the next version, would make my dc experience soooo much better :|