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Posts posted by Pedja

  1. Man, stop commenting my posts if you AT LEAST do not read and understand them. Your comments are of no value, and it seems to me that you are just playing smart.

    Just read the fist sentence of my post and then read your comment.

  2. I see, you suggest users have to get expert knowledge on DC to use it?

    Man, we are talking about first tiem user, who just installed program and is not familiar with it. The basic rule of USABILITY says that options should work as users expect them.

    Users do expect, when they see connection in list, to be able to click on it and stop it. Apex offers option to stop, but it does not actualy stop it but just delays it for some time. That is even more confusing.

  3. Why do you care about my resources? If it does I would simplky turn it off.

    I think it would not use more resurces than it uses now when I open the window.

    Cascading windows?!?!

    Well, that is exactly why I ask for the feature not to be forced to adjust windows to be able to see graph all the time. Graph tells you more than looking at the figures at the bootom of the window, which shows just current speed. Graph shows the history of speed change.

  4. I found the option. Thanks. Well, of course I did set Apex first, but there are lots of options and no documentation. I could not guess what is what.

    I see this option is set not to limit indexing speed. It would be better fir default islimited to some ammount, since thi is option that everyone would set to easy things when idexing.

    At least limit should take a part on first indexing (when there is no index). That is the most painfull part of the fresh install process. After we set share for the first time, computers became unusable until indexing is finished.

  5. I neeed this kind of flagging just to make user able to know who is from which ISP.

    We run community hub in our local wireless community network. But we opened hub for connections from Internet too. There are also three ISP in the town and users from those ISPS's also come to our hub. Flagging would allow them to know who is from which ISP, so they can try to download from each other using local networks, instead using up their internet links.

    If I need to limit traffic, I surely would not ask for client features but handle it on hub or router.

    There is also one more nice idea: Apex supports GEOIP flagging using GeoIPCountryWhois.csv. It would be nice if we can have something like GeoIPcustomWhois.csv where we can add our custom IP information.

    Our network uses local IP addresses, but spreads to several areas of the town. We could use it to flag local IP-s to make it recognizable which network member is from which part of town (or which Access Point he is connected to).

    That would also be helpful for economic usage of network resources, since users would know who is on the same Access Point and try to download from them first, to get best speed and do not spend network resources.

    I know I can simply edit GeoIPCountryWhois.csv and add information about local IP's, but as this can upgraded by downloading new version of GeoIPCountryWhois.csv from the Internet, those settings would be lost on each upgrade. That's why I am suggesting separate file for cutom definitions as it would stay intact on upgrade.

  6. How about adding option for user to set application to be used to preview file by simply clicking on it instead of forcing user to go to Options menu?

    also, it would be good if there is preview option in viewing remote user file lists. User should be able to simplu right click on file and check preview to see it. This would be very useful for short text files, or images. Instead of starting download and then going to downloaded files to see it, user would be able to that at once, by single click. This could be very useful for any short file.

  7. use DUmeter instead of this

    What is the purpose of such answer?

    First, the feature alredy exists in Apex, I just liek to have it diplayed in better position. Second, Apex graph shows only Apex traffic, duMeter shows all traffic.

    Strange, you did not offer me soultion to use NetLimiter so I can monitor each conection speed alone? Man, I know all that, but I still need to be able to check Apex's Network statistics. Otherwise, why it is implemented at all?

  8. I would liek to see an option to disable scroll in chat windows (public and private). It is often needed to check in something in chat history, but if there is some ongoing conversation, window is always scrolled down to the newest replies. There should be some handy button on window to disable/enable scrolling as needed.

  9. One of the best features of ApexDC is it's ability to locate the same file at several sources and download from them.

    I am not familiar with the way how this smarty thing is implemented but it seems to me that on feature is lacking: ability to switch to other source if it is better.

    By better, i mean faster. I se often situation that there are other sources that are faster, but client is stuck with sources he found first. If would be great if client can check all available sources (regardles allowed slots) and if he finds some faster than any of the used sources, to switch to speedier one.

  10. I would like to have an option to flag users depending on their IP. for instance I want to be able to see what exact ISP user is coming from. I have list of IP ranges belonging to specific ISP's I am interested in.

    Also it would be good if Apex is able to downlad such IP list from use definable location, so we can set eveyone in our community to be able to use the same list maintained at one place.

  11. I noticed, when one adds share, Apex uses 100% of cpu til indexing it. If it takes time (as usualy it does) computer is almost unusable for any other task (even if indexing is done in background). Windows becames very slow regardles how strong CPU is.

    It would be good if aplication takces care of resources and leaves room for normal operation of other tasks, even if it means indexing would last longer.

  12. Most of the options available in Dwonload queue right click popup menu should be also available in popup menu of current connections window, especialu option to set priroiyu. Option to pause should be easier to access.

    Some options for upload connections cold be useful: pausing, removing from queue, od denying user to downlad speciic file (or files) for good or soem period of time...

  13. I share BigMuscle's concern. I run community wireless network, and know wery well what large number of small packets can do to the wireless network.

    I also dislike this WE DECIDED TO DO THAT AND WE DO NOT CARE IF IT HURTS YOU approach. We follow your work since early stages of PeerWeb and PeerWeb/ApexDC are chosen as official clients in our network with intention to abaondon Peerweb in favour of ApexDC.

    Now we have to think about it, since this feature is dangerous for our network functionality.

    From our point of view, this should be option, it is requred that it may be adjusted in a way to avoid network problems and also be forceable to be turnedoff for all hub members, if it shows up that cannot be adjusted. Otherwise, there is no other option but to ban it. We cannot compromise network for this.