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Posts posted by Sonick

  1. Getting the same errors here (except the fact that they're in english). Though I don't think they're related to version.h since mine was generated properly. Maybe some bad includes :-?

  2. STL compiled fine, but I'm getting this error:

    5>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'MakeDefs', configuration 'Release|Win32'

    5>Generating revision number...

    5>SubWCRev : 'D:\My Documents Xp\DC\working\trunk' is not a working copy

    5>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating revision number..."

    For some reason it doesn't make the file version.h, resulting in many include errors afterwards. What am I doing wrong ?

  3. Hi everyone ! When I try to compile apex I get the following errors:

    Could Not Find D:\My Documents Xp\DC\working\trunk\compiled\ApexDC.pdb


    WinUtil.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "unsigned char __stdcall SetSuspendState(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)" (?SetSuspendState@@YGEEEE@Z)

    D:\My Documents Xp\DC\working\trunk\compiled/ApexDC.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

    Build log was saved at "file://D:\My Documents Xp\DC\working\trunk\vc7\Release\StrongDC\BuildLog.htm"

    StrongDC - 2 error(s), 15 warning(s)

    I have installed WMPSDK10 , Microsoft DirectX SDK (April 2007) & Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP SP2 , all files included in MSVS2005.

    Does anyone know how can I fix these errors ?

  4. Same error here while unpacking apex's 0.2.2 source. Archive is broken

    After I downloaded the new version I closed the 0.2.1 version and installed the 0.2.2 version over the older version. I still haven't been able to completely open it yet. When I try to open it, ApexDC++ 0.2.2, my CPU usage goes to 90-100%, then hangs up. This has happened several times. I had to close it, rename the directory and reinstall the 0.2.1 version. What's wrong? Has anyone else experienced any problems with the 0.2.2 version?



    Try not to install the new version of apex over the folder with the older version. I installed it in a new folder and made the settings again and worked for me. No more CPU usage jumping to 50%

  5. New version looks good but worx kind of weird on my pc. Sometimes it uses almost 0% of CPU but after a while it hangs and eats 40-50 % of CPU, then comes back to 0%. Could it be a bug or this issue is related to my settings or something ?

  6. I was watching a movie while Apex was started. I heard the sound of a private message and immediately after that it crashed. Here's the technical info:

    Code: c0000005

    Version: 0.2.0

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-08-14 11:35:50


    0x0012EF62: ?

    ApexDC!0x006363D4: adc_disconnectstr

    ApexDC!0x00496200: [thunk]:PopupManager::`vector deleting destructor'

    0xFFFF97E8: ?

  7. As I finished the topic I realised I forgot to add something. There is a feature in most of the dc clients which I found to be very useful and Apex doesn't have this function. When I search for users who have forbidden files in share I usually kick them from the search window. I select them , right click & kick. I noticed that when I try to do this in Apex the kick command doesn't appear any more and thus I have to take every user separately and kick him. This is a waste of time & and perhabs you should reconsider implementing this function again

  8. 1.Dunno about you but I just love SDC++ RC10's appearence. Mainly I like the old userlist icons and I hope you'll make some "magic" button to bring that back. Concering this I noticed something else : when I'm in Active Ip mode, in the userlist icons the red wall indicating the passive users does not appear any more.It only appears if I'm in Passive mode. I know that I can see in the Mode column wich users are active or passive but it's easier if the red wall always appear.

    2.There should be an option for ops to activate/deactivate check users filelist. Because I am an op in several hubs I want to check users which connect to my hubs but I don't want Apex to download all their filelists.

    I think Apex will be a nice client & I hope u can implement my requests in the following versions. Best regards to the development team