Big Muscle

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Everything posted by Big Muscle

  1. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    because there can be no data to verify. It allignes start position to TTH data block and then verify using TTH leaves whether you're trying to resume same file :P
  2. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    Advanced resume using TTH is feature designed for non-multisource files only. It's something similar to rollback but via TTH leaves.
  3. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    it's not the exactly same as disk cache, but it's part of RAM which is used as extension to the disk cache. You should just read WinAPI, because when you write file to disk, it will stay in cache until system flushes all data to disk.
  4. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    just open taskmanager and you will see how many memory is used for cache
  5. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    but problem is your harddisk cache. StrongDC++ just write data to disk, but your disk will store them in cache, so on failure datas from cache are lost.
  6. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    I only try to tell you that we won't add any CPU-eating feature which will "solve" problems which has nothing to do with DC++.
  7. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    open Notepad, type something in there and then simulate power failure. The written text will be lost. It's same situation.
  8. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    by "hardware failures" I meant what you said (=power failure, BSOD etc.) and data lost in this case has nothing to do with dc++.
  9. [Crash]Apex 0.2.2

    crash made by StrongDC++ :blushing: but already fixed in CVS :P
  10. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    No it won!t be restored. You should understand that StrongDC++ check its own activity - correctness of downloaded data and correctness of saved data. It doesn't and won't check file integrity for situation which has nothing to do with StrongDC++ (hardware failure etc.)
  11. [Crash][0.2.1] V-OneSmartPass

    this is that:
  12. [bug]downloaded file inconsistence

    We are not responsible for your hardware failure.
  13. Graphics formats update

    I think that windows controls support only bitmaps and icons.
  14. [Crash] Userlist crash

    I tried in StrongDC++ and everything is OK
  15. Protocol Obfuscation

    if you want to add something special in $MyInfo, you can add it only to description part, but this part can be easily modified in Settings. EDIT: or there's one another possibility. User connects to you, so commands like $ConnectToMe will be normally visibled. Then sends you some command (for example "Encrypt On|") and you must respond him with some other command (for example "Encrypted|") and this will change socket mode to some encrypting way and following data will be encrypted. We can use for example ZLIB to encrypt protocol data.
  16. Protocol Obfuscation

    I checked the code and it shouldn't be hard to implement SSL in NMDC client-2-client connections. The only problem is how to say that the connection will be SSL, I thought about 2 possibilites: a) send SSL support in $Supports command and when it's detected, just disconnect the connection and initiate it again by via SSLSocket send SSL support in $MyInfo (in description) but it can easily be avoided, because anyone without SSL support can write it to description and muzz the clients with SSL support. any other possibility?
  17. [Crash][0.2.1] V-OneSmartPass

    uninstall or update that application V-OneSmartPass
  18. Smart Hashing

    a when it's in different place how you find out that it's the same file? you must hash it :-P
  19. multidownload.... why just 10 segment?

    DC++ has only 1 segment and noone complains about it.
  20. multidownload.... why just 10 segment?

    I did simple test... download with 59 segments (it didn't go over it) and with 10 segments. Speeds were the same, but with 59 segments I wasn't be able to use my internet and the ping increased a lot. And as I already said: DC isn't about downloading but about sharing - other people want to get free slots too.
  21. Segmented Downloading

    because it's not possible to change segmented file to non-segmented way
  22. Tray RC Options + Protection Password

    and somebody can delete the password from DCPlusPlus.xml and then he will be able to open ApexDC, am I right? ))
  23. User icon's explained

    you changed the behaviour ? red user icon means speed 0.01 - 0.1
  24. [crash][0.2.1]ApexDC++ crashed

    i had a look into it too, but I didn't find anything what could be wrong
  25. [crash][0.2.1]ApexDC++ crashed

    it looks like a bug in partial file sharing enhancement