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Posts posted by adrian_007

  1. no, interfaces are good and clear imo. mainly i was talking about stlport because it's the biggest problem.

    and i've made a nice and clean solution for it a long time ago. since we can't use clear data types, like char, we need a 'stringholder' so we're creating a wrapper around it, to make char 'scoped' (like scoped_ptr for ex.).

    as you know, my api use lib with exported functions, i've exported whole class to it. now it takes around 9kB... comparing to heavy stlport it's way better solution.

    you might say that no. of allocations will increase, but bear in mind that string send to plugins sometimes are reallocated... also string class is muuuch more bigger class than my (rString).

    + one thing - we can use release plugin in debug core and debug plugin in release core versions.

    overall, in this solution we're only using 2 operators and 2 functions

    new, delete

    strlen, strcpy

    worked fine so far :huh:

  2. no one seems to bother with plugins

    probably one of the reason of it might be complicated create process (and additionally depending on stlport - exact svn revision used to build apex released exe)

  3. atm rsx++ is in deadlock state and it's going to be for 30 min. - 1200 filelists in queue, but tomorrow i can even show you a snapshot with a configuration. i use one settings for all dc clients.

    bind addr.

    ip: pub ip updated on startup (can say it's static because it havne't changed for almost 6 months)

    tcp: 2555

    udp: 2555

    tls: 2554

    opened ports for dc 2550-2555

    strongdc++ works fine

    rsx++ works fine

    dc++ works fine

    apexdc++ fails

    i dont even have installed hjt so no there is no log atm, but no need for it, my os is running for 3y w/o format, no viruses etc.

  4. well, yes, tr1 in microsoft edition really sux. comparing to latest svn revision:

    exe size: +/- 400KB bigger

    mem use: +/- 2MB at startup.

    checked with strongdc 2.13 :mellow:

    but still, now stlport is an option, recommended but option =)

  5. yes, basically, and i don't see equivalent for it in spec so far (checked some time ago so i might be wrong).

    and imo it can be done in access.lua update.

  6. i think it may happen on certain configuration in special cases. (just like combination with nod32 make some problems)

    with apex i was able to reproduce it once, with sdc (checking many revision) 3 to 5 times. but i didn't know where it exacly occur and when.