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About Veron

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  1. TCP Port error

    Failed to connect on TCP 6443 Connected on UDP 6443 Porst opened, port 1025 and 1026 opened too. So what now? ISP problem?
  2. TCP problem

    anyone? still dont work :ermm:
  3. TCP problem

    i use emule maybe once in week for 3-4h (to get some album or program) and never use dc++ and aemule at same time, so i opened same ports for emule and dc++ and tcp allways shows for dc++ not connectionable, when emule on same port (not at same time) can connect normaly on that ports
  4. TCP problem

    i have router and i opened ports TCP 1026 and UDP 1027, but when i try do test it allways shows that TCP cant connect, when i try emule on same port, i get high id... so whats the problem?