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About billy420

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  1. Using my own Smiley (emoticon) pack

    thanks, that method worked. Now I don't suppose there would be a fix to get my animated gif's to actually move would there?
  2. Using my own Smiley (emoticon) pack

    I don't even know if its possible, but my hub wants to use a custom smiley set. I took the xml layout from one of the built in smiley sets, wrote in my own information as such: .... <Emoticon HintText="happy" PasteText=":)" Expression=":)" Bitmap="Images\emoticons\smile.gif"/> .... I put the smileys in the pointed to location from the field bitmap, but upon restarting ApexDC, I don't have the option to use my new smiley theme. Is there a way for me to implement my own smiley set? Is it possible this doesn't work because I'm trying to use GIFs? Perhaps it would need to be hard coded into the client? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. edit: wanted to add that I have my XML file called somethingAwful.xml inside of C:\ApexDC++\EmoPacks (also tried in C:\ApexDC++\) , and my smiley GIFs all in C:\ApexDC++\EmoPacks\Images\emoticons