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Posts posted by lys

  1. Just heads up... after reading some of the first applications for a tester position I must say some of you didn't quite grasp what kind of persons are we looking for.

    For starters an application containing only two lines of flattery is certain to get a rejection and some even wrote only the "Can I have the beta?" even if I deliberately gave it as a bad example.

    Some were wondering why we gave you such vague instructions on what kind of application to send. Here is my answer to this, I wanted to see what people think a tester is and what they think are important qualities, skills or experience for one. This because usually those that have potential can bring up the right things about themselves without further instructions.

    ** interested in testing/bugfixing any linux clients, prefer gtk over qt but nm, i have to install qt4 stuff on this pc, atm i can only test on gentoo linux gcc profiles : pentium3 & athlon-xp (64 bit's psu dead atm) ps i allready took the source from nc's website a few days ago and synced against the cvs, btw the cvsview seems to be off (cant see commits/etc)? or is there a new link / svn/cvs/bzr ?

  2. Bingo, it runs in Linux. I think we've got our core.

    Thanks to Alexander, creator of multidc++ for the tip on how to get it to link.

    Now to put the features in...

    I'll have to make a list of the ones that we want to have in for our first release, and then you guys can help port them in.

    Attached a makefile that works. If you download the source, you'll most likely have to fix a capitalization error here and there, and another small problem that I've forgot, but it should be easy enough.

    i notice this makefile hasnt been added to the source code on your server neither work for me

    make: *** No rule to make target `Server/queuemanagerinterface.cpp', needed by `queuemanagerinterface.o'.  Stop.

    (^- from the src from ya server with the makefile added) is there a new location for the linux src please ??

    ps think the dc++ core was compilable years ago, i swear i had it compile for me once, theres also other clients u cud look at for code help ie nanodc microdc microdc2 gtkdc think a few of them use the original core from ++.